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Thread: Annoying things about WOHD that are not bugs

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    Default Annoying things about WOHD that are not bugs

    This thread is for aspects in the game that really annoy you and dehance play rather than enhance it but are not bugs, but rather how the game is.

    my list is a s follows

    Compulsory Ghosts on leaderboads

    1.Downloadable ghosts on all tracks as a rule.Apart from a few generous players who do upload ghosts over the net this is a really annoying thing in wipeout.You try to get a top 10 record and miss it by miles cos you have no way of knowing what the player did to get that record.
    In theory this can cause a situation where a greater player can lose to a lesser player who knows a BR trick or shortcut no one else knows which takes much skill from game and turns it into a knowledge game. Luckily many top players are generous in information sharing. But any game where the edge goes to someone who know a trick rather than their skill in the game has got to be annoying for many players.
    In ridge racer you could download all ghosts of the records and see how they did it, not that it makes it easy as some moves are way to skillfull for most.

    naff AI

    I know elite is supposed to be hard but surely it can be made a little more realistic and not make the AI cheating as blatent.
    Make thwm fly real racing lines make there ships handle properly
    No more instant weapons, they must fly over pads like i do.

    Wall collision

    Need some serious sorting.
    I really think they need to look at these silly plastic signs and plants and all the tiny little things that can make a ship flying at 800km/h suddenly stop dead and fly backwards..not only is it annoying, its totally naff.

    I think wall scrapes are totally unrealistic and sometimes overly slow the ship down.

    Not saying i want an easy track just mke it more realistic and not geared towards being annoying.I would like it so a crash could spin out your ship back to front, something thats more realistic.

    Ship Damage

    Wow..this suks so bad online sometimes.You get two ships that clash and and lock together and you lose upto 100% energy and blow up straight away.
    Yet you can fly headon into a wall with a turbo and lose 10%..thats dumb.
    Totally inaccurate dammage system imo.

    these are elements in the game i think are rubbish.

    just to end on a positive everything else is good and i stil love the game, i just think it could be improved upon and not so bichy to the player.

  2. #2
    yeldar2097's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasmin-jade View Post
    ...I would like it so a crash could spin out your ship back to front...
    For the love of god NO! I go through patches online where lag does this for me (and TCK seems to be able to do it deliberately ). I don't want to have to worry even more about spinning 180 degrees than I already do.
    Happened to me 6x in 4 races the other day, it's VERY annoying.

    My additions:
    Spectator mode - remove or fix, either way.
    Lots more that I can't remember

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    lol..Ok drop the spin outs.if you cant handle them no one in the world can.

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    I agree, the ship-ship damage is a joke, it should be reduced by a huge amount,
    like 90%. Sometimes I'm between 2 ships and I lose ALL my energy in about
    5 seconds, and also when I'm taking risks by Barrel Rolling at 15% energy and
    then carefully avoiding all the walls, it's SUPER annoying to have another online
    ship collide with you and then BAM.

    Wall collision = it's fine, because at least you're in control, just play better and
    the problem's gone.

    Spectator = why don't they implement a smooth system? If the answer is:
    because there is lag online and not enough information to know the exact
    orientation of all the ships ... then I say: let's add a DELAY, even a 5 seconds
    delay, to the spectator, so the PS3 can gather enough samples for each ship
    and then accurately interpolate the intermediary positions and rotations etc,
    then it will look super smooth, albeit with a 5 seconds delay that nobody will
    care about (how can you even know that there is a delay!)
    Last edited by Connavar; 17th September 2009 at 02:09 PM.

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    Don't really agree with you on the crashing thing but the spec mode fix would be nice along with the online ghosts thing

    imo weapons should do more damage theres just not enough eliminations online

    also when the 15 secs countdown is going down I think you should still be able to change ship

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    Wall collision

    i tend to feel a little scrape can slow you down alot and ruin a lap maybe its just the way i pilot not sure if there is a set amout you lose for scraping the walls

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    the question is:

    someone from SL do actually read our suggestions?

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    they do come here from time to time, to get an idea of what they should attempt to fix in future patches... yeah, I think Collin Berry was visiting this site just a few days ago, If my memory serves me correctly. I always see that he is checking out the WipeoutHD thread!

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    Well, that's the kind of thread I wasn't sure I wanted to make, because I'm unsure how it would resonate with the developers. I know some appreciate concerns and criticism to help them make the next game better, but some might not, so I'll start by saying the following.
    WipEout HD is a great game, available for purchase at an incredible price. That is why I am a bit saddened that such a deal will never be available worldwide on blu-Ray, or so it seems.
    But I said it before, there are many things I don't like about the game in it's current state, so it may get a little critical, just a warning
    I'll start by the obvious flaws that possibly deter the use of the feature affected for most people, and then go on to stuff that annoys me probably more than other people (Not saying these things will not annoy other people, just saying I don't know if they do annoy other people.)

    Voice chat

    Since the 25 of september 2008, I have been unable to use voice chat in this game. Unfortunately, it appears to be an issue with the code and not my internet connection, as I was able to use voice chat perfectly well in Resistance Fall of Man online, which was a launch title for the PS3, and on a network connection about four times slower at that.
    This is something that prevents the community from exchanging while in-game, and is definitely one of the most important features that has been bugged since the beginning. It prevents people from exchanging while racing, and therefore removes any opportunity of saying "nice shot", "****" or "good race."
    Sure, we have text chat on the PS3 XMB, but WipEout HD was released and sold with Voice Chat advertised as supported but not functional. And then not everyone in the race is necessarily in the text chat room.

    Online netcode

    First, I realize this game doesn't have dedicated servers, so the situation will never be ideal. However it can definitely be improved, and massively, and if ever it is, it will remove many things and problems that show up only in the online mode.
    There are many examples of games using peer to peer and online matchmaking, and still many that have much less apparent lag than WipEout HD. I can think of Gears of War, Unreal Tournament 3, Resistance Fall of Man, etc. And even Epic Games' games (Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3) do not have perfect netcode, however it is much better and precise in that the position of other players has to update more frequently because it is a shooting game. If WipEout HD was to have as much precision, it would be much better online, and would probably solve two things:
    1- Spectator mode. In it's current form the feature is useless, as the position of the ship usually has a "drift" of four meters or more from the actual position of the player, and it is also quite jerky it the movement.
    2- Ship collisions online. This is ridiculous, you can lose about 40% of your shield energy because of lag and your ship getting stuck next to another ship from another player. If positions updated more frequently, and there was not as much drift, I believe there would be no such problem, or it would be much less serious.
    Lastly, we know that Sony Liverpool and Evolution Studios are somehow working together. I have played Motorstorm online a little, specifically Pacific Rift very recently, and even that game has more precise netcode, or so I felt. Whenever another vehicle collided with me (which was quite rare), I heard the guy say he wanted to take me out over the voice chat (another feature that's working!)

    Weapon power

    The weapons slow you down too much, it's simple. Especially the Rocket, when you get hit by three of them. This was changed, there is no point in denying that. The gameplay becomes too reliant on weapons in single race, among the best players it is not rare that the one who won the race did so because he picked up a single missile at the beginning, and got rid of his opposition. Call me old fashioned, but weapons that stop you for about half a second are enough. That would be more like WipEout 2097/XL, and I believe it would make driving a much more important aspect than luck.

    Level design

    This is where it's important guys. If you can't fix the current stuff, at least make the rest future proof. You've no doubt seen by now that I found spaces in the game where there were certain respawn zones missing, allowing you to jump through walls and shortcut to another part of the track in Speed Lap. Since Speed Lap is a mode that is relatively glitch free (minus the Boost Reset that you attempted to fix, but is still not fixed!), you should concentrate on keeping it that way.
    That means you need to refine your quality testing of the levels, and use a "preventive mind" approach to level design and placing the respawn zones.
    What I mean by that is:
    1- Make sure that no object, collision or wall has issues. Walls of the track should be continuously smooth for example, you should be able to grind around the track continuously without hitting a point where the ship rebounds. This is something you cannot currently do on Talon's Junction or Tech de Ra. Also, make sure there are no holes in collisions, for example in Modesto Heights Reverse, if you turbo after the mag strip to fly into the two 90 angled turns, and you hit one of the pedestrian overpass glass cylinders overseeing the track, you can enter it and stay stuck there, instead of simply rebounding off as you should usually do.
    2- Place respawn zones in a smart way. This means all around the track, do not forget a single spot. Place them everywhere but make sure that they do not prevent people from doing something that is realistically possible, for example flying and landing back on the track. In some places on the original HD tracks, there are places where flying is prohibited by a respawn zone where there is no object in place, and in other places, you simply lift off the track a little to early, but still can land on the track, and there is a respawn zone preventing it (Not even a shortcut, it's that right turn before the magstrip on Metropia Reverse, too often you just touch the pillar on the right side and you respawn instantly when you shouldn't have to.)
    In conclusion and hopefully summary: use collisions to prevent people from going through objects, and respawn zones to prevent people from flying off, falling off or going everywhere and shortcutting a track through a collision hole.
    So make sure there are no oversights in level design, it is primordial for a glitch free game. The Zone Anulpha Pass glitch was obviously caused by the use of a respawn zone instead of a solid collision.


    You said at release that this would be like single player, except at 30 FPS instead of 60 FPS, but with no features removed.
    First, it's obviously not running at 30FPS, it's more like 25FPS, or 20 something, barely sufficient for a fluid illusion of movement. Level geometry should be culled (removed) to attain sufficient framerate.
    Second, a primordial feature seems to never be working: the boost start. I've never been able to do one, probably because of the abysmal framerate (though barrel rolls seemed to work fine, which is weird.) So yeah, next game: make sure it works. I love playing with my friends in split screen but it really falls short of the single player experience at 60FPS, with boost start and fluid motion.

    All right, that's gonna be it for now because my laptop's battery is dieing. Plus I have a class.

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    yeldar2097's Avatar
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    I was wondering when you'd arrive DD

    100% agree on all of that. I knew i'd missed something

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    If i can dare, i would like some kind of "skill pairing" rooms, where the games puts together people with similar skills/rank and such.

    lastly i'd like to have the times available on a webpage to be checked7printed and such.

    beside that and the other suggestions (expecially ghosts of the champions!) i think all is more or less well.

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    Fully agree with you DD!

    A netcode improvement along with voice chat would be fantastic ...

    but even without I think it's already possible to improve (not really fix) the
    ship collisions (how about completely removing ship-ship damage?)
    and spectator mode.

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    Quote Originally Posted by finngers View Post
    when the countdown is going down I think you should still be able to change ship
    I agree. When a hobby is full (8 players), the countdown begins automatically after 2 or 3 seconds, which makes it impossible for the players to change ship. This is VERY ANNOYING ! The only workaround is to go to the track selection screen to stop the countdown.

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    Seconding the complaint about slowing down too much when scraping against walls. It makes the game too stop/start and really saps the enjoyment out of screaming round the track, even if you are a bit hopeless and scrape a few edges along the way. The racer with the better line will still win, and the more rubbish amongst us will still have fun. Obviously if you hit an edge at too sharp an angle you should suffer a fair amount of speed loss though.

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    Wow @DD77... brilliant post he said what i was trying to say but said it in proper game terms plus added additional things that i agree with too. like voice chat is total naff.its double echos and i cant understand a word it pust me off my game.

    The game is good but their are annoying aspects that need to be sorted.

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    Echos? It sounds like the adults in a Charlie Brown show (sorry if that too old for some of you folks). I've never heard one thing in chat. Agreed it should be fixed. I say fixed because there are games that it works well in.

    Spectator mode should just go IMHO. I think a lot of issues arise from its implementation.

    Weapon damage is a bit over the top too. I'm pretty sure something must've been changed somewhere in an update. I don't remember being hit and coming to a screeching halt when it first came out.
    Last edited by Lance; 17th September 2009 at 07:53 PM. Reason: Redundant quotation removed.

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    I wouldn't like voice chat to be working when your actually racing, as i was in a room once with two lads who obviously knew each other. All the time they were racing they were talking about what happened in school that day! Not only were they affecting my racing but they had had double maths that day which they hated. They did say over the airwaves "nice one kgb" which my son loved for some reason. I'm glad I have never entered a room like that again.

    Everything else though I think Darkdrium777 has spot on

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    At the moment, the most annoying thing about Wipeout HD (and it concerns too, Fury and all the wipeout games), is the fact that i have no time to play. F***ing work to do 'till October.

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    The lack of weapons warnings annoys me. It even happens offline when in Detonator I can not be warned of bombs ahead and in Zone Battle not be warned of brand new barriers. Online it's ridiculously inconsistent.

    The shield situation. If I get knocked down to almost zero shields, I can slow right now and gradually drift to the wall. Then even the slightest knock will cause me to explode in a giant ball of flame. Seriously? Does the ship need some crazy shield to handle a tiny little bump? Apparently in the future, the flower pots are made of stronger materials than the anti gravity battle/race craft. I don't even have a shield for everyday life, but I don't spontaneously combust every time I fall down, and it happens often! At least in real life if I did blow up then it would only happen once. Certain ships seem kind of pointless because of the shield situation. I was getting destroyed by all the ramming while I was in Icaras the other day, so I tried Auricom. It made no difference at all.

    Mines - still too many of these. I'm convinced that the big that caused them to stay too long on the screen still happens some times. The tracks are often too tight for them in my opinion because there are places where they just can't be avoided.

    Rockets - overpowered.

    Reach beam (decided that's what it's called now - not leech beam) - It used to reach forward and pull the opponents back just a little while also draining energy. Now it just sucks! Only gives about 8% too. I think it was fine before they made it an uber weapon that brought you to a complete stand still and then sent it right back in the opposite direction.

    Spectator mode - pointless.

    The time delay on weapons. Often I go over a pad, pick up a weapon and absorb it to survive. Or at least that's what should happen. Instead the weapon didn't materialise and I get blown up.

    AG-Systems - Virtually everyone uses it. Those who don't use it in team games are basically an easy target, as I realised recently.

  20. #20
    yeldar2097's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leungbok View Post
    At the moment, the most annoying thing about Wipeout HD (and it concerns too, Fury and all the wipeout games), is the fact that i have no time to play. F***ing work to do 'till October.
    But you never know, they might fix it while you're away so it'll be even better when you return!

    One more: The bgm for the fury menu needs to be longer (or include playlist playback )

    Lapped bombs can **** right off as well

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