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Thread: Petition against Elimination Respawning

  1. #21
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    Hah thanks for the nod Colin. Sometimes these people are way too defensive, but it *is* because of how much we love it.

    On a side note, what about those PSN Gamer Icons, Colin??

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Berry View Post
    Its out in 5 days, I suspect itmight pay to hold back the real GAAAAH for when folk realise that the Beat Zico trophy is really quite hard..
    I realised that one!

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Berry View Post
    As for the idea of delaying a game 5 days before release over a subjective opinion ....
    I dont doubt the sincerity, but what colour is the sky in that world ?
    Ok, you think that because I learned about the respawn today a few hours ago that I want you to delay the game again five days before launch.
    What I meant to say is that you should have kept working on the game to make respawns at least an option; if eradicating it completely was out of question, before announcing the release and getting around finishing the whole build. That way the game wouldn't be coming out in five days, I don't know when, but it would then not be such a controversial matter. And we would have the option (Just like BRs, it's the same thing, options always make for better stuff in the end, even though it takes longer to implement them)
    But thank you for presuming I was crazy or daydreaming, when in fact I am originally French and even though I write appropriate English there is still the difficulty of translating what I mean.

  4. #24
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    The thing is, the game was already delayed, we can not just keep going on and on adding things prior to initial launch (thanks to the beauty of PSN and updates we can add things later on though)
    There are deadlines and costs. If we were given as much time as we desired, we would stop due to being sick of it, not due to it being done, there is always something else you can add or alter.

    We are not given as much time as we desire (very few dev teams for any companies around the world are, I can probably think of 4 or 5 afforded that) With the much documented delays in the summer we had the opportunity to do some things, but not others, not all staff were allowed to stay on the project as other work needed doing, changes and additions are prioritised according to time and staff.

    I am sorry for presuming you crazy (albeit in a jovial fashion) but given the tone of your initial post you can hardly take offense I mean you call a feature of something you havent played, ****, and say it doesnt belong in wipeout but in FPS games.
    You cant try and shoot someone in the head, then complain if they throw a stone at you

    But I didnt mean to upset you or anyone else, I just try to give a few explanations into things when I can, hopefully with a hint of humour

  5. #25


    ...or maybe folk have trouble understanding British sense of humour. I know some people can get confused when I'm in the pub with friends, they could be forgiven for thinking that we can't stand each other given the amount of piss taking and sheer abuse

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Berry View Post
    But I didnt mean to upset you or anyone else, I just try to give a few explanations into things when I can, hopefully with a hint of humour
    Yes well is there anything else? The respawn feature has me pretty disappointed, can you say something else about other new features like that? Maybe there are some good ones we can know, or is it find out in five days?
    I see what you mean though with the offense stuff, maybe the use of the icon was inappropriate, something like 'this kind of things' would have suited better, but I really don't like respawn and I'm sure you know that when there is something you dislike you tend to get more expressive. I'm sure it was well implemented (There is a big time penalty, and you don't respawn with full shields after all), but it's just the surprise of finding out about this and the fact that it's totally new (Just like you said with BRs when Pure released a couple years back I'm sure it was the same thing) and just five days before release... I didn't want to insult anyone as well, it's just that it's displeasing, as I said before.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Berry View Post
    There are many things we want to add to the game and alter and tweak..
    Just to let you know Colin, I for the most part am satisfied with your games as they are. Pulse was damn near perfect (for me); I pretty much have next to no complaints. Each iteration had its own personality -- desirable for the most part, but there's nothing throughout the series I would rate as a complete turnoff (except for the single race bug that obliterated my 500+ hour Pulse profile complete with at least a few world records I may never touch again).

    One suggestion however for HD. If you haven't already, balance the single player and online experience for heavier, slower accelerating ships by making them slightly less prone to recoil caused by mines, bombs and missiles (perhaps walls too). I'm Ag-sys loyal, but I want to see my Piranha and Triakis compatriots happy in the long run.

    While you're there, can you fill us in on the sound sets for each ship in HD? Do they each sound different from one another this time as I suspect from the various videos I've seen?

    - F
    Last edited by Flashback Jack; 20th September 2008 at 03:05 AM.

  8. #28
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    Or a noticable difference in top speeds between, say, FEISAR and Icaras so that it actually means something?

    but we're off topic...

    I can tolerate it while its around, certainly having lag-free online is a huge step up from Pulse in terms of the advance of online play. I can't wait until I can actually get a PS3. :/
    Last edited by RJ O'Connell; 20th September 2008 at 02:56 AM.

  9. #29
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    tbh i think it makes sense to have respawns on 8 player multiplayer.

    you have to think of the fun everyone is going to get out of a game, making ppl sit there for 5 - 10 mins while the other 7 people complete the race is not fun for anyone. Having to quit out and spend however long it takes going to lobby, finding new game is not fun if it can be avoided.

    For splitscreen multiplayer and as an option for serious matches its great, but for the vast majority of ppl who are going to play online respawning is a good feature.

    Isnt it about time we all said woohoo!! 5 days, and had happy thoughts not mad ones?

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdrium777 View Post
    when in fact I am originally French
    And here I was thinking that you were Québécois.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anyone who has said 4 seconds
    4 seconds
    Why not make it 3 days, so everyone can feel like jesus?

  12. #32
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    Change of team names perhaps: Icarus to Lazarus?

    I think there was always going to be an initial storm over this, and I agree with many of the anti-points and the fear of losing the panic and tension that RR described so well. At first it does sound a bit like Halo-racing, but I think we`ve explained enough why a patch would be appreciated. On the other hand I also see the point that for the (hopefully many) new players it will have an appeal, and that I should try before I cry about it. If you`re mano a mano with another guy for the race on the last lap, and you blow up, it will still be a chilling experience and you`ll have lost the win, but you`ll still get some tournament points. Tournament dynamics might change a bit - no more last race assassination/survival battles between the two players who could win. It could make the focus more on the racing than killing in tournaments, but we`ll have to see how it plays. I was kind of looking forward to taking on the role of official photographer after being eliminated, as that role suits my skills quite well! But I think I`ll get over it and won`t let respawning spoil my fun next Thursday onwards.

  13. #33
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    +1 Stephen

    Quote Originally Posted by mdhay View Post
    Why not make it 3 days, so everyone can feel like jesus?

  14. #34
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    There should be a Beat Zico trophy in Superstardust HD - I cant get anywhere near him in that!

  15. #35
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    Well the fact that you guys are thinking about adding the option shows that the decision was made responsibly. Lets be serious guys, this game has to do well and if we want to see DLC, we need the masses to keep on playing the game. New options added over time will be great, but first and foremost is to attract the new gamers.

    We will always be playing no matter what, hence the decision to leave the option for a later update. It really comes down to order or importance. We need this game to do well so we can all benefit. I wanna be playing this game in a years time still seeing loads of people online.

    Give the Dev's time to sort things out, coding aint easy . Oh and hurry up Colin with the update if you guys decided to do this

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lance View Post
    And here I was thinking that you were Québécois.
    Well I am but I speak French. Ugh, see: another example of who confused the translation is

  17. #37
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    Just a thought, but most everyone's knee jerk reaction to this has been to say that it will destroy the tension of when the alarms and klaxons start going off and you're about to wipeout.

    What hasn't been mentioned yet by anyone is that by diminishing that, you add a new layer of tension to the fact that you just took someone out, and they are now behind you with a bone to pick.

    Plus, the first time someone gets picked off, respawns and comes back to get first, I think you might change your mind about how horrible your victory was

  18. #38
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    Asayyeah -OFW-


    Stephen : " Icarus to Lazarus? "

    That is simply Brilliant ! i dunno if it's me who is connected to your english humour or you who have some french humouristic roots !

    Colin : Due to his cheap price HD will target mass-ps3-owners and of course many new pilots will be introduced to the franchise. I am not against default respawn online : that sounds logical to get attracted to online as many racers as possible and balancing the frustration to be eliminated by a WZ wipeout-fan so they can stay online and improve their skill gradually.
    Of course a patch would be absolutely perfect to let us set up a non- respawn online match after a while.

    I don't know about Sony's policies related to DL contents : i really hope they release the packs not so close in between them, 4-6 weeks would be reasonable to have time to learn them and also to keep the fanbase happy with new tracks/modes coming constantly.

    Looking forward to get my hands on your baby, Colin ( ermm you know what i mean )

    I am organizing a French Wipeout HD convention this coming weekend in Le Havre, we will be 7 with 2 ps3 and 2 lcd tvs (split screen héhé ), if you want to say a quick 'bonjour' through ps3 chat that would be awesome

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  20. #40
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    Petition signed. I'm really hoping that a switch-off option is added for this.

    new things can often seem scarey and unwanted, with Wipeout its a scarey territory

    - omg barrel rolls
    - omg no pit-lanes
    - omg every weapon gives energy back when absorbed
    - pilot assist oh no !
    - respawns in multiplayer
    Firstly, "omg barrel rolls" - they're scary and unwanted because they change the very nature of the wipeout series from following racing line to following bounce lines, and suddenly making ship bounce a good thing instead of adding to the race time - not because they're new!

    Secondly, "No pit lanes" is not new. Wipeout 1 did not have pitlanes, so this is a return to purity. Yay.

    Thirdly, everyone here knows that if you don't have pitlanes and you're going to have shield energy loss (eliminations) in the game, there has to be a way of getting energy. Does anyone even care about absorb?

    Fourth, for a very long time "pilot assist" was called autopilot and only lasted for a couple of seconds, so obviously when someone is given the option to race all the time with a partial autopilot feature in a racing game, there's gonna be backlash. I'm not saying it's good or bad, I'm just saying.

    Fifth, respawns in multiplayer? ROFL! How nice is that? A superstressful race and you've finally eliminated someone, and gotten into the lead, when the respawned ship sends a quake which eliminates you. And you lose because of someone who came back after being "eliminated". It's going to happen.
    I'm glad to read that part of the reason for having respawns in was to prevent crashes and bugs, because that's a reason people can live with.

    Thanks for the explanations, Colin. Please remember when you read, that there are good reasons behind the rabid posts made here. It's just hard to see the reasons sometimes, and besides we all have big heads and mouths to match. XD

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