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Thread: Petition against Elimination Respawning

  1. #1
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    Default Petition against Elimination Respawning

    Apparently, when you get eliminated in wipEout HD multiplayer, you respawn. Yes, it is ****. And no, we don't want it, do we?
    Anyone who thinks this should be removed per game update, you know what to do (sign this petition...).

  2. #2
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    You have my support, fellow Martin of the world.

  3. #3
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    I' m tossing my hat in the other side of the ring. In a MP match online, if you are going to stay connected until the race finishes, than you should be able to respawn.

    If they take out respawning, it should automatically drop me back into last place and disconnect me from the match, but that would be a nightmarish netcode to write. No respawns would kill the online community to have people sitting doing nothing because they got bounced out. Especially if it happened right away at the start of a race. Give a penalty for letting someone get blown up, and let them continue playing I say.

    Plus, it gives you opportunity's for revenge
    Last edited by Rubix42; 19th September 2008 at 07:49 PM.

  4. #4
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    I didn't want to jump the gun here so long as you can turn it off. Some clarification would be nice.

    Generally speaking though this is a bullshit 'feature' now the online community has been split up before it even exists because theres no way I'm joining some random game where the moron hoster has re-spawn enabled. And if by some unlikely sheer act of mass stupidity it can't be turned off....

    This looks to detract from the game experience and point of the game why bother replenishing your shields when you know you'll just re-spawn? Theres a difference between making Wipeout accessible and taking it too far this is the latter.

    Support from me.

  5. #5
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    Same here from me!


  6. #6
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    You don`t even lose much time when you respawn, it seems I support my fellow Stephens, and the Martins. When you`re dead, you`re dead. Death should be more than just a minor inconvenience.

    Otherwise where is the fear of low shields? And if that`s gone so has half the excitement.

    Maybe it can be turned off though? In which case we can just not use it.

  7. #7
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    The time it consumes being blown up (presumably) would equal you losing a race against pilots who are doing perfect laps and such. Trust me, I think you guys are probably blowing this out of proportion. You die and respawn = lots and lots of time lost. I really doubt the game is gonna throw you back in first or second place.

  8. #8
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    I actually have always wanted that, BUT it should be a excruciating 5 second + penalty before you respawn. Mainly I would like this with multiplayer, but the penalty should be severe. EL, how long exactly is that respawn?

  9. #9
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    Whats that mr Wip3ou7 you think people might be jumping the gun and over reacting on something before trying it and getting all worked up. Well I never !!

    Actually on this issue, I will tell you EXACTLY what happened

    The original design was 'dead is dead' no respawn, however, the online team (who have a far greater experience in online gaming experience than I do) argued respawns were a far better option for more players and indeed implemented respawns by default.

    Ergo I argued, the best option was... well.. .to make it an option. Thing is about multiplayer, the test time is enormous. Bug recreating and fixing is a lengthy process, if you think you know how long it might be, think again, double what you thought and add some.

    When push came to shove we defaulted to respawns on, the code was more solid and it was quicker to test. Respawns off takes longer to test, because you have to cater for extar little things, like the host being eliminated and quitting the game, which is different to them quitting when the game is active and they arent dead, due to the games state machine, etc. In short, respawns off takes longer and it throws up horrible bugs.

    Thats not to say we shouldnt ever do it, but we decided on the safer option for launch. We knew it wouldnt be popular with everyone, but we had to make a call and in the first few weeks when lots of new players are hopefully playing, we felt this would be a less frustrating feature than dying and not getting respawned.
    So due to the ease of implementation and the appeal to newer players we went with respawns on. Having it as an option for launch, wasnt an option.

    Does that mean respawns off wont appear, no. We (the remaining team of which I am not part but I say 'we') are working on implementing several little features to add to the game via updates. Respawns On/Off as a host option I *think* is one of them, though I couldnt swear to it right now.

    But really, you have to realise that decisions are not made blindly, and have a little faith. Calling such things '****' and 'a bullshit feature' and 'stupidity' without understanding the reasoning or indeed fully experiencing the feature... well, I'd consider that far more ill-thought out behaviour.. (not to mention some of the other comments elsewhere, really calling someone a ****ing idiot hardly a way to pursuade them to make a change.. hrm ?)

    There are many things we want to add to the game and alter and tweak, we dont sit there and say, you know what lets do this cos its daft has no reason and will really ****ing annoy people.... things are actually thought through and decisions made for all manner of reasons.
    If everything goes according to the current plan of the team, the game will receive updates (separately to DLC, which is content / data based, I mean tweaks and minor additions) and there will be things added that expand the multiplayer experience. Some small, some hopefully large Indeed I get to spend my weekend helping to design one thing for a game I am no longer involved with whilst others get to work late implementing extra things for a game already released because they care. Not bad for some guys who put in '****' things, 'bullshit features' and make decisions of 'mass stupidity'.

    So have a little faith, it beats tearing hair out in despair
    Last edited by Colin Berry; 19th September 2008 at 09:18 PM.

  10. #10
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    Wow, I feel pretty smart, that almost what I said, only way more official and educated.

    Neat. Looks like the game I'm programming in my free time is teaching me something.
    Last edited by Rubix42; 19th September 2008 at 09:08 PM.

  11. #11
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    "I you set respawn on, they will come"
    -The Holy Book of Online Gaming-

    I don't have a lot of experience with online games, only MGSO, and I hate modes with no respawning when you have to wait 5 minutes each time you die to play again. Never thought wipeout could have a respawning option, but I don't see it as a threat that could ruin de online experience. Anyway, to be able to switch it off will be welcome too.
    Last edited by Nadia Elenova; 19th September 2008 at 09:11 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the explanation, Colin. I do hope they can patch it, and that at least the time lost through being eliminated is enough that it doesn`t change the gameplay too much. The absorb/use weapon decisions you had to make were a great thing in Pure and that`s what I would fear losing, mostly. But thanks for taking the time to explain the process.

  13. #13
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    Unfortunate but not a big deal, it appears that eliminations are alot more often than in Pure or Pulse anyway.

  14. #14
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    Well it was done for Pulse, it seemed to be able handle the situations you describe when someone quits and dies then quits. I'm confused, is the PS3 that much harder to code for that death is death was so hard to do?

    I'm not retracting anything till I've played it and been convinced otherwise, how does it not remove a load of strategy and thrill? Your not going to get that heart thumping sensation when the HUD starts screaming at you telling you your about to die and you have someone behind you that could potentially finish you off at any second because you know, oh well I'll be brought back to life, who cares...

    If that video is accurate it looks like 4 seconds from death to respawn, hardly enough punishment.

    Hope these possible updates become a reality for the not too distant future.

  15. #15
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    I dunno, 4 seconds is an eternity on Phantom if you ask me. Against skilled pilots you could easily go from first to last place. Are you telling me that you wouldn't be sweaty palming it if you had to fight your way back to number 1?.

    But then again, I'm a bit of a scrub, I would probably be in last place against anyone on this board. It took me forever to get golds against the Hard AI in pulse.

  16. #16
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    Just to clarify, is respawning off by default in split-screen?

    I am signing, but at this rate I might end up getting a PS3 + WOHD after the update arrives.
    Last edited by RJ O'Connell; 19th September 2008 at 10:31 PM.

  17. #17
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    Martin, I agree. My first reaction to that video was the same as yours. Delay the game more so you can write the code, but don't do some thing like that which doesn't belong in WipEout but in FPS games.

    And in case you doubt my sincerity Colin, I really mean it.

    Anything else like this we can know before we buy the game? You had my money when this was WipEout. Now I have doubts again because it has some FPS features in it. Great job. :-

    -Signed: Darkdrium777

  18. #18
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    Colin, thank you very much for giving us an insight to this issue. I understand that this decision wasn't made out of thin air, and I sincerely apologize for calling whoever it may concern a ****ing idiot. It was a hot-headed reaction, and lacking the insight you just gave. I take it back and appreciate the work you are putting into making the respawning optional in the near future. No hard feelings, ey?

  19. #19
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    I don't see this as a big deal so long as the respawn time is significant, which it more or less seems to be. I count 4-5 seconds. Hopefully that is a constant amount of time across speed classes because 4-5 seconds is much more significant game-play wise at Phantom speeds than at Flash speeds.

    People are such shits in online games-- personally I think that anything that keeps players from dropping out is a good thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Berry View Post
    Respawns off takes longer to test, because you have to cater for extar little things, like the host being eliminated and quitting the game, which is different to them quitting when the game is active and they arent dead, due to the games state machine, etc. In short, respawns off takes longer and it throws up horrible bugs.
    Interesting, hadn't thought about that issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdrium777 View Post
    Anything else like this we can know before we buy the game? You had my money when this was WipEout. Now I have doubts again because it has some FPS features in it. Great job. :-

    For ****'s sake, they are only trying to make the game better and more friendly to newcomers.

  20. #20
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    I worked with Foxxy for 5yrs+ believe me I have a thick hide, it takes a lot to offend and cause hard feelings

    I think what happens when people care about something, in this case a game (but in can be a film, star wars trilogy for example), and they have a high anticipation for it, perhaps through previews, a long wait, etc, then often what can happen is people build up high expectations based on previous games and what they like and want, as such, new things can often seem scarey and unwanted, with Wipeout its a scarey territory

    - omg barrel rolls
    - omg no pit-lanes
    - omg every weapon gives energy back when absorbed
    - pilot assist oh no !
    - respawns in multiplayer

    Sometimes the reality proves to turn out ok, I'm not sure many people miss pit-lanes (I know some do, uhm... tough ) something which was a staple for a few iterations and an omission that raised some concern pre Pure.
    Sometimes people embrace things they didnt think they would like, and sometimes they dont like them no matter.

    I just think people have to give things a chance, and then decide. I can tell you this issue was discussed quite heatedly amongst the team. I was completely against the idea of respawns, but you cant have a closed mind like that when working on something. As it turns out after playing it / trying it, I was pursuaded to change my mind (as were one or two others) and I think it works well and I can see the benefits.
    The option would be nice, hell yeah, and I *think* it will come, but I cant confirm that (I'm not going to say 100% incase tomorrow someone decides no never and I get lynched !)

    And I do think raising issues and passing comment on features, on forums such as this is useful. No dev team is ever going to listen 100% to its hardcore fanbase it would be development suicide (not to mention impractical as things often divide people). Thats not to say we dont listen and dont take some things on board and consider them, but its always easier to take things on board when people make a reasoned comment over an emotive one

    I mean, if you make your girlfriend a cup of tea and she says 'euck its horrible, I'm not even taking one sip, its just horrible it is disgusting thats just the worst tea ever the person who made it must be an idiot, its the shittest cup of tea ever'

    Are you going to go make her another cup of tea... ?

    As for the idea of delaying a game 5 days before release over a subjective opinion ....
    I dont doubt the sincerity, but what colour is the sky in that world ?


    Its out in 5 days, I suspect itmight pay to hold back the real GAAAAH for when folk realise that the Beat Zico trophy is really quite hard..

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