@Amaroq - I too hope that we will have single race modifiers that will allow you to tweak weapon usage and maybe some other, more standard options, but that will all be decided the closer we get to completion. As to Handicap Race, I'm not a huge fan of this mode as it destroys the element of ship choice if everything is changed, and wouldn't make too much sense for a competitive league. Flagrun is interesting though, I don't know if it has been proposed yet or not, but it ties in with the time bomb idea, just kind of the opposite, so good thought there. We have also discussed a Marked Man type event which is similar to a standardized Juggernaut mode, so there is a chance for inclusion there.

@Mike - You don't need good shielding if you never hit walls and outrun the pack, which is why iFreet is the best ship for a careful and precise pilot, and why it holds both Gamma TT world records on the October 2013 demo.

And as a sidenote for anyone on the outside brainstorming modes: You can feel free to propose modes condoning violence and eliminator-like qualities. We have done the same here at AirTime, but so far we have tried to keep a tactical twist on all of those type of modes, instead of just straight eliminator. We try to have more class than WipEout by including different motives and objectives with violent modes instead of just straight destruction-for-points, so do keep that in mind if you want to create a mode that includes violence.