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Thread: WipEout Omega collection VR patch Announced

  1. #61
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    January-march. They haven't said a exact date though. 200$ for that bundle is insanely good. Used or new?

  2. #62
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    New! I felt like I had no choice. I should probably pick one up for my son as well

  3. #63
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    I bought one yesterday and a Logitech G39 steering wheel / pedal set, what made me decide to get this setup wasn't just the fact that the Omega Pack is getting a VR update and the VR headset has dropped in price [I suspect only momentarily] , but also that GT sports had a huge update a few days ago [took 8 hours to download ] that has brought back a lot of the old single player race types of previous GT's.

    Plus the fact that with the PStore's Jan sale, you can get a pretty good VR game collection together relatively cheaply......Try Radial G PSVR

    Ironically, when I went to play GT sport today for the first time, there is some sort of server problem, and you can't connect online...typical....I suppose it's getting smashed due to Xmas holidays.

  4. #64
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    @blackwiggle: server problems solved, it's working again

  5. #65
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    Ever since the PSVR was first unveiled (then known as Project Morpheus) the one Sony property at the top of my “I need this” list has been WipeOut VR. As a cornerstone of the PlayStation’s catalog over the years, WipeOut is one of the fastest, most intense, and most beautiful racing franchises around.

    I’ve been playing WipeOut games ever since the days of the original PlayStation. This new VR iteration isn’t a brand new WipeOut game, but instead takes all of the WipeOut Omega Collection and adds full VR support. The Omega Collection, which was released on PS4 earlier this year, combines WipeOut HD, Fury, and 2048 into one package and now that package is sleeker than ever. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want a brand new made-for-VR WipeOut game, but this is a good compromise. At least it’s still getting some new content like ships.

    The closesy comparison outside of VR that I can think of would be Nintendo’s seemingly forgotten futuristic racing series, F-Zero. RedOut is a racing game with VR support on PC, but nothing on PSVR has come close to replicating the WipeOut experience just yet — not even Radial-G.

    The sense of speed is absolutely incredible. I played two races against AI opponents at PSX (one from 2048 and one from HD) and it’s nothing short of exhilirating. When my ship launched off the track into the air I could feel my stomach falling as if I was on a real rollercoaster. As my ship slammed into walls along the track my body bounced involuntarily as if it were really happening. The blur of the track and streaks of neon colors were like a symphony of excitement. Only two races wasn’t enough for me to get my fill.

    What makes WipeOut VR so special has always been its sense of speed. The bright, colorful visuals do a great job of really making you feel like you’re racing futuristic spacecrafts. Tracks twist and turn in ways you won’t see in other racing games and the inclusion of combat items and boost pads only up the ante even further.

    And no, I never got motion sick. The cockpit view that was being used by default had walls surrounding my peripheral vision, but they tell me that can be disabled as well.

    In VR, all of that is replicated with exquisite detail. Racing in the first-person cockpit feels great and being able to look from side to side at the other ships passing by really amps things up a lot. It honestly felt like I was sitting in a cockpit. I’m not 100% sure, but I think I may have held my breath for all of the last lap during each of my races.

    Looking down at the information in the cockpit to check things like my speed, placement on the track, and lap number aided the immersion as well. WipeOut VR’s blistering sense of speed is unmatched in the VR scene right now, at least in regards to PSVR racers.

    And from the two races I did I can honestly say that WipeOut VR is one of the best looking PSVR games to date. It doesn’t have any of the blurriness of other racing games like DriveClub VR and it even features a fantastic photo mode that lets you pause the game and pan all the way around your ship to get unique angles and amazing screenshots.

    According to Sony WipeOut VR is coming in early 2018 and is a totally free update to the Omega Collection on PS4. If you own it already then it won’t cost anything extra and all new players can just buy the full game like normal.

  6. #66
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    Glad to hear no motion sickness playing the Omega pack in VR mode.

    What has annoyed me so far about the VR headset is the lack of a decent manual, it doesn't even tell you what each button on the headset does, I mean 'Really'!

    It took several internet searches before I found sufficient information to set this thing up as well as it can be......the well hidden unless told about control to measure and adjust 'Eye To Eye Distance' was the last piece of the puzzle that finally got it sorted.

    If you find you are not getting very good results using the VR eye detection software, I found during my searches a post on how to measure that spec manually, and then enter the results to get the correct spacing for your Eye to Eye distance, it's worth doing the measurement test anyway prior to letting the software do it automatically, as at least then you will know if the results it has given you are wrong, so you can reset it and try it again.

    I've still got a slight headache from playing some VR games last night, and at one stage got so queasy that I had to quit the game after only two brief races, mind you I think it was the dumb steering controls for the VR Luge game in Playstation VR Worlds that was the cause.
    Honestly! Who was the genius that thought getting the player to steer by moving their head side to side was a good idea ? I'd hate to think of just how much vomit has been regurgitated by people attempting to play this game, you could fill several swimming pools I imagine.
    Should get the games control designer to swim through it as punishment.

    Recommend people to download the short VR Demo of The Last Guardian, it's visually amazing as the sense of scale really hits home....the controls are limited, where you have little statues appear and you have to point at and click to move to, but I think it's a work in progress.

  7. #67
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    inb4 he played it on venom

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackwiggle View Post
    ...the well hidden unless told about control to measure and adjust 'Eye To Eye Distance' was the last piece of the puzzle that finally got it sorted.

    If you find you are not getting very good results using the VR eye detection software, I found during my searches a post on how to measure that spec manually, and then enter the results to get the correct spacing for your Eye to Eye distance, it's worth doing the measurement test anyway prior to letting the software do it automatically, as at least then you will know if the results it has given you are wrong, so you can reset it and try it again...
    That's a very important aspect of the whole VR thingy to work properly. With my bundle came a big blue booklet where the whole process of setting the thingy up and all was described very detailed. I wonder if you have that booklet as well?

    Have you played 'Danger Ball'? It's part of 'VR Worlds', this game needs a multiplayer mode! It's 'Pong' in VR basically, but so intense when it becomes fast. Unrivaled fun
    Last edited by JFthebestJan; 28th December 2017 at 03:21 AM.

  9. #69
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    I got the newest v2 VR headsest, I don't know if they changed the manual from the previous one, as this headset no longer has the controls attached to the cabling, but I did get the Big Blue Booklet..... all it has in it is how to wire everything up, and a small bit on how to release the headband and front of visor where the lenses are.....that's it....then a Go see such and such a website for further help....which gives you the same info that's in the booklet...DOH!

    I have a single MOVE controller, that like most peoples has sat redundant in it's box since purchase several years ago, seems single MOVE controllers are not sold any more, you now have to buy a double pack......which is also the reason I refuse to do so, and the reason I have not bought any VR games that require multiple MOVE controllers to operate.
    So NO, I have yet to play Danger Ball.....although I agree it does look fun.

    I can't wait to scare the crap out of my first VR victim when they get suckered into playing the Diving game from VR worlds, when the Shark attacks the cage....that will be fun.....hell I read the warning beforehand, and it still got me freaking out even though I knew it was coming.

    Apart from GT Sports, I have also downloaded Drive Club VR [yet to play] and also saw at the PStore that Dirt Rally had a VR update.....I had a look at it and saw the PStore had it for sale at over AUS$110 for the bundle of the game / VR update and 3 DLC packs....pity this game is so old.
    I found a used copy at EB games for AUS $28 and got the VR upgrade for AUS$12.50, the 3 packs were AUS $3 each....saved myself nearly $60.

    Have also got EVEREST [yet to play]...APOLLO [Partially played, but seems not that good IMHO] and a couple of other free VR games Sony has put out as freebee's with PS+ subscription that I have in my Library, but have yet to download.

    There is another free VR game coming out with the PS+ Jan 2018 games....StarBlood Arena

    I real loathe heights, as I nearly fell of a cliff when about 10/11, but I think I can deal with 'Virtual Ones'
    I've heard that a VR game version of 'Man on a Wire' is either out, or about to be released.....Tightrope walking across the two world trade Sphincter is clinching just contemplating trying that in VR......I have the 3D version of the movie, and watching that was already really disconcerting.

    My biggest PITA has been running out of HD space.
    I have/had/put away a 1TB PS4 that was packed to capacity..... even after deleting 11 games I didn't have enough space to download Drive I bit the bullet and bought some extra storage.

    After searching on likely candidates, I figured since I now have a PS4 Pro, and the average download size of HDR games is 90GB, it wouldn't take me long to fill a 2 / 3 or even 4GB HD, so I looked for the Big Daddy, a 8tb WD cut a long story short, I think I manage to find and buy the last one in Sydney.....not sure if they are superseded models, or just that PS4 owners have bought them all up [wouldn't be surprised]

    Anyway, my PS4 Pro game storage issues are a thing of the past I would hope, well until the PS5 is released.....pity you can't store anything else on it at the same time, as it's Sony's software that dictates that it only to be used for Game Storage....No Music / Movies etc
    Last edited by blackwiggle; 28th December 2017 at 01:37 PM.

  10. #70
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    For what it's worth, I have friends that know I have a vr that have asked me when the patch is releasing. Some are in fact waiting to try it out before buying the whole rig (PS4 & head set). That is a huge investment for one experience. My hope is that it will encourage future projects to follow.

    Despite what appears to have been a huge US failure for the vanilla Omega collection, I know a lot of people that can't wait for this to release. A lot of them are brand new to the series. Vr state side has been huge.

  11. #71
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    I really think if money might be a issue, to try and get a decent length demo of a racing game in VR first, as TBH, I'm not sure I'd buy it again.
    When I tried one of these VR headsets when they were first released, it was only for 5 or 10 minutes at a time, and I didn't have a problem with it......but now I've got my own....well some games are great playing VR Pool is fun....and others...

    I've tried the VR portion of GT Sports, and to be honest I managerd two laps of the Mt Panorama circuit and I had to quit, I felt nauseous and began to sweat profusely, then got a sick headache at the base of my skull [where the headband holds it on] which lasted 24 hours.
    My balance was out for over 24 hours as well, it felt like I'd just landed ashore after a long boat trip.....I tried it again a few days later to a not dissimilar result, though not as bad.....seems the trick needed to alleviate this nausea problem is to move your head to view to your sides, like into the rear view mirrors, that tends to take your focus away from the disparity of the car suspension up and down, side to side motion, from your actual none moving seated position.

    That's why I'm sort of apprehensive about this movement disparity with the Floatiness of WO craft having the same effect.
    I'll find out soon enough.

    The other problem is the lack of resolution of the Sony VR headset.
    This I suspect could be fixed with a design change, but I suspect that change could/would drive up the price.

    The problem seems to be with the OLED pixels having a default optimum alignment position, and when you change the 'Eye to Eye' distance in the software for your particular eye to eye spacing, this 'optimum' position is no longer maintained.....the results is very similar to bad chromatic aberration, where the edges of things have a rainbow hue, where Red, Green and Blue are all separated, this is especially noticeable on text [If you were to try to read the text being viewed via the VR headset on a TV at the same time, I think a LOT of people would have a hard time making out what is written]........maybe this varies from game to game {i haven't tried all the VR games I've downloaded yet due the nausea problem], but it's definitely a problem on GT Sports

    As the headset is fed from a separate box from the PS4, that also has a HDMI out to the TV, you can easily see just how big a drop in resolution it is compared to none VR game-play, and I'm using a PS4 pro, whose extra power is of no help in this regard, as it's the VR headset itself that is the weak link.

  12. #72
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    Do only I think that support of flight stick (T-Flight Hotas 4 specifically, as it’s the only official flight stick for PS4) should be made into this release? I mean, it would make even more mind-blowing experience! If any dev reads this, fingers crossed they will consider it.

  13. #73
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    run it though a cronusmax, should be no lag

  14. #74
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    Cronusmax is a bit pricey tough, it would be nice to be able to play directly, without putting about the double amount of money on the stick set.
    Last edited by Revo; 11th January 2018 at 08:11 PM.

  15. #75
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    the good thing about it is you can set dead zones and steering sensitivity, something you cannot do properly in game, and I almost guarantee you will need this feature regarding dead zone.

  16. #76
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    Can you really call Omega a "failure" in the US when it got zero promotion here? I mean, IGN didn't even cover the release of the game, and the entire ramp up to launch on Twitter (which WAS impressive), was all done by Sony Europe. Had the Sony USA even acted like the game exists, and it still did as it did, THEN I'd call it a failure. People who find it tend to like it.

    If Sony is smart, they'll promote the hell out of the VR update.

  17. #77
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  18. #78
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    I'm hoping that this VR update will allow 3D playback on 3D capable TV's, I'm sure it IS possible, it will just depend on the meta data options/flagging the update will send to devices on game start up.

    Currently the situation is this, if you insert a 3D Bluray into a PS4 and you have a 3D capable TV, it will ask if you want to playback in 3D or 2D....that's fine.

    If you have a VR headset connected to your PS4 [it's not the sort of thing you want to be constantly connecting/disconnecting], it uses a pass-through box to send signals to the TV.
    On insertion of a 3D Bluray the PS4 will detect the VR Helmet [even if not turned on] and ask you if you want to watch it in 3D via the VR headset [with NO option to say NO]....not a problem really, as if you don't have the VR headset switched on, it will pass-through to the TV anyway....I detect a slight loss of resolution, but them the breaks.

    So this being the case, VR isn't that much different than 3D playback, the only real difference is that the 3D image is from a static field of view, where the VR image will change when head movement is detected by the PS EYE.

    It will depend how the VR update is flagged upon start up of the game, hopefully it will be the same as HD/FURY is on the PS3, and give you the option to play in 3D if it detects a 3D capable TV, so you can play it like that even if you don't own a VR Headset.
    And with the PS4's power, should be a lot smoother than the PS3 version.....I've always like playing it in 3D, even though the performance hit has been pretty big on the PS3 [depends on your TV, my new TV is a LOT better than the old one when playing in 3D]

    VR is OK, but if given he choice, I'd rather play the Omega Pack in 3D wearing a pair of 3D specs sitting pretty much anywhere I wanted to, rather than having to sit in a precise spot so the PS Eye can correctly detect any head movement when wearing the VR helmet, plus the difference in comfort is a order of magnitude better wearing 3D spec's, same for the resolution.
    Besides, I don't think anybody is really going to be doing that much 'Looking Around' whilst racing in VR mode anyway, so your not going to lose that much by playing in 3D V's VR, and after looking at the video of somebody playing a early version, it seems the VR is going to be a blinkered view anyway.

  19. #79


    The trouble with 3D is so many people cannot see the 3D image at all, the effect non-existent for us. In my group of friends, not a single one of us has ever managed to play WipEout in 3D because none of us has good enough vision. That's a not an issue at all in VR. You can be blind in one eye and it will still work.

    I can understand why you want it, but it would be such a step backwards for many of us. Nor would you be able to move close or further away from things, or get the internal cockpit view.

    I can hardly describe how relieved I was that 3D TV died a death. But I'm so excited to see what VR can add to the game and to be able to experience it in a new way for the first time.

  20. #80
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    Like anything tech wise, the devil is in the detail and how you set it up.
    Most 3D capable TV's had at least some form of adjustment of the 3D effect, other TV's had quite a few options on tweaking the 3D also depends on how close you sit to a 3D TV on just how good the effect is, and if you are viewing via a Passive or Active 3D.

    You have the same sort of setup issues [measuring and setting eye to eye distance for each user] with the VR headset if you want to get the best out of it

    It wouldn't effect anybody playing the VR version if the update also included the meta data/flagging for 3D TV's, it's just a added option that could easily made available for those who would like to use it, and don't have a VR headset.

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