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3rd December 2016, 05:21 PM
Some brilliant news from the Playstation Experience this evening. Wipeout Omega Collection has been announced as an upcoming PS4 title!

The collection will consist of Wipeout HD Fury and Wipeout 2048. So anyone who never got the chance to play the latter due to its Vita exclusivity will now have the chance.

All details currently known

Release is currently set for June 6th in North America, and June 7th everywhere else
All tracks and modes from both Wipeout HD Fury and 2048 will be available to play
Content is upscaled to dynamic 4K and will be enhanced on the PS4 Pro
PS4 Pro will downsample for players with 1080p screens
Full racebox will be in place for both single and multiplayer in 2048
Crossplay with the Vita version of 2048 will not be happening
Van Uber will be making a return - currently a digital pre-order bonus
Steelbook editions will be available, but currently will be in PAL regions only
Soundtrack for the game will be completely new - no custom soundtrack feature, but music can be played in the background via the music app
Trophy list will be a mix from HD, Fury and 2048. Which ones are in and out is unknown at the moment
Online leaderboards will be availble for all tracks and modes
HD/Fury and 2048 content is completely separate, so no using HD craft on 2048 tracks and vice versa
Tigron are back - will be available from the start in all versions of the game

3rd December 2016, 05:28 PM
Oh my godness

Alright, I am buying PS4 right know. Or when I will have money, so that means around 2018.

3rd December 2016, 05:30 PM
Welcome back guys! :P

Will be great to play 2048 on the big screen now.

3rd December 2016, 05:30 PM
This is the best damn news <3

3rd December 2016, 05:43 PM
Let's hope that with this announce we gonna get a new Wipeout game soon!

People who already have both games digitally will new to buy them again? Hope not.

Rapier Racer
3rd December 2016, 05:45 PM
Excellent news just what PS4 needs! Now once they release this they just need to get the finger out and make a new one :D

I see the trailer is all HD I hope they make some changes to 2048

3rd December 2016, 05:47 PM

*Crawls out of woodwork to post pics.

Nice tease with that shirt before the trailer was shown.

3rd December 2016, 05:49 PM
FYI, it's being dev'd by Clever Beans:

And also Epos Game Studios, but they don't seem to have a site going (not a proper one that i can find anyway)

3rd December 2016, 05:52 PM
Good to hear, I believe they have some of the old Studio Liverpool team there

3rd December 2016, 05:55 PM
I see the trailer is all HD I hope they make some changes to 2048
A racebox will be enough ^^ but great news anyway :)

3rd December 2016, 06:22 PM
A racebox will be enough ^^ but great news anyway :)

Racebox and proper online lobbies so we can get some WoZ races going

3rd December 2016, 06:38 PM
I think I'm going to buy PS4

3rd December 2016, 06:58 PM
Same, time to buy a ps4. xD

3rd December 2016, 07:13 PM
Hello there, this is really good news.

3rd December 2016, 07:15 PM
I saw the first guy on stage wearing a Wipeout T Shirt, I jumped on my couch and was hoping so much.
My hopes got quickly ruined... I'll take the game of course, but it's still disappointing.

Like some wipers said, we can hope for a racebox and decent online lobby for all the games.

3rd December 2016, 08:30 PM
Will be interested to see what this means for the leaderboards if they're still in the collection. I'm guessing all records will be reset and the released version will likely be what the speed was during the vita cross play patch, and no "exploits" will be available to roll back to. Gonna be a good fight for those early top spots!

3rd December 2016, 08:34 PM
This is a pretty easy move. It will most probably turn out okay because WipEout isn't a massive game to rework in this manner but this is definitely an easy remaster version compared to other efforts we have seen in the past.
When I saw the rumor on Neogaf a very faint hope of mine was that it was going to include the PSP content because I think it really deserves it too. Unfortunately not the case.
I am not sure where Sony stands on granting discounts to owners of base game like some other devs are, but I hope they aren't planning on this being a full retail price release anyways considering the usual popularity of the franchise right now and the unfortunate consequences it entailed years ago.

A unified experience is something still on the wishlist for this compilation, but considering the adapted content and the missed opportunity mentioned above, I doubt that it will be the case too. I think it might be a separate HDFury and 2048 online component after all due to the differences in overall gameplay.

It is good that the online services will get to continue for years to come of course, at least I hope this release means a guarantee of this.

I hope that the cheat like shortcuts found in HD Fury were all fixed too. It's been years but yeah I hope the message went through to the end.

My overall impression of this announcement is still somewhat optimistic, but my hopes aren't soaring. I wish it well in the end so that a true future title may emerge, but I am really not sure if a remaster might be enough to bolster the popularity (and this is especially dependent on the price + possible goodwill).

Hybrid Divide
3rd December 2016, 08:53 PM
I want that shirt.

I too was hoping for a new entry in the series. But this is something. Especially if they can fix some of 2048's problems. If priced right, it should garner the series some seriously needed goodwill. (Did you hear the audience cheers?!) Right now, I'm just happy to see WipEout return to prominence in any form. I'll wish for a new game later. :)

Besides, it'll look gorgeous in 4k!

3rd December 2016, 09:04 PM
awesome but not new but again, 2048 with full screen, even better hopefully with online and hoping for pure and pulse put together, that would be amazing! fingers crossed.


3rd December 2016, 09:29 PM
My dear god, finally i can play wipeout on my ps4!!! ;-;

3rd December 2016, 09:35 PM
2048 on the big screen?! YES!

Looking forward to Phantom class and staring at the lovely ships in 4K, oh the hype is real ^^

3rd December 2016, 10:19 PM
Hm. I don’t quite know what to say about that announcement right now. Well, it’s WipEout after all, so it must be good news I guess. But it seems more like cash cow phenomenon. I haven’t played the WOHD add-on for WO2048 on PSVITA, but wasn’t it just a seperate game there as well?

I somehow can’t stand the idea of racing the same tracks another decade with no new gameplay. I’d rather keep my eye open for a cheap PSTV that may support the 2048 hack before spending 200€+ to play games that are almost ten years old (in the case of WOHD).

Maybe I’ll change my mind about it, but right now, meh. If at all, it makes the annoucement of a new installment seem even more far away now. Sadly.

3rd December 2016, 10:24 PM
Guess it's time to get my projector fixed.

I'm just wondering how much better this would be in 4K over the standard PS4, and if it's playable in 3D or VR, as I'm sure that Sony would have tweaked it especially for the new PS4 and possibly the VR headset, as Sony has always used Wipeout to showcase it's newest tech.....things haven't changed, even though it's not a new addition to the series.

As for them fixing 2048's problems of no Racebox and fixing the HD server issues [music when you race anybody], I'd love to have the confidence to think that they had, but if true to previous form, I suspect that Sony would have only requested a direct port, much like it did for a Pulse on the PS2.

3rd December 2016, 10:39 PM
This is truly incredible news. Can't wait to watch and share live streams of remastered flipping 2048 on my PS4 Pro!


4th December 2016, 12:27 AM
I guess this will also mean the end to the PS3's HD/FURY - VITA's 2048 online/crossplay servers

4th December 2016, 03:35 AM
Don't get me wrong I am excited for this, but I wish they had chosen the original trilogy rather than the latest two games. Imagine those on the PS4 :D, but I find it a bit odd that Sony refers to HD Fury and 2048 as "classics" on their twitter page. Nevertheless, I have a reason to buy a PS4 now (and also the Crash Bandicoot trilogy remaster)

If anyone fancies a wallpaper: 10503

4th December 2016, 03:42 AM
As much as this is the best news since 2048's release, there's one reality that bugs me:

"A 2016 remaster of a 2008/9 game (HD), based on gamed form 2005 and 2007"

Let's hope this is the start of something...

4th December 2016, 04:55 AM
Wipeout Omega ???? like omega ... the last one ??? :twisted or suppose an " Alpha collection " game with tracks from WO 1&2 ( i know , i'm dreaming )

So a quick look on vid , ships look a bit smaller on track it seem to me ?

4th December 2016, 06:20 AM
This is good news never had a vita

4th December 2016, 06:52 AM
Any news about WipEout is good! At least the series will live on for the new generation. For us old dogs, nothing really new unfortunately!

The chance this will be a direct port is very big. So no major changes in the game structure.

What I really hope for is that the recordtables will start from scratch with leaving the recordtables from PS3 and VITA intact. So specific recordtables for the PS4 edition, no crossplay between platforms. This will make sure the game will run smoother.

The biggest improvement could be for 2048 playable on the big screen and hoping for an online racebox mode and not the grid voting system: race or combat.

If 2048 will have the online racebox mode like HD FURY! I will organise yet another European Wipeout Convention in Amsterdam.

Greetz Mad-Ice

4th December 2016, 07:47 AM
You have the fact that to navigate the 2048 menu properly, it needs the VITA's back control, and a camera for online photo crap, this incompatibility, although small in the scheme of things, is why it was never made 'Officially' available to play on the PSTV.
You can navigate 2048's menus with a PS4 controller when linked to a PSTV that has had the white paper hack done to it so it can play 2048, but I would hardly say it works well.

Those factors make me think that Sony would have to either make one of three possible changes.
The first could be to 2048 it self so it could work properly on a PS4, they are remastering it anyway, so I suppose this might happen....long shot really, as Sony are too cheap to pay for this.

Second could be that Sony intend to bring out a new PS4 controller that has the same controls as the VITA has/had [Oh, More $$ for Sony - possible, if not now, in the future ]...... that way they could flog off all VITA titles to PS4 players and still have full compatibility with all those games....much like PSP titles on the PS3.

Third could be system software update that allowed current PS4 controllers to work in VITA compatibility mode, allowing all VITA functions to be mapped to the various buttons...[ Possible, but not likely as there is not enough money in it for Sony]

The fourth option....what could that be?
Well the PS4 pro was sold as 4K ready, but strangely didn't have a 4K Bluray drive in it, so the only way to get that on the console is via download.......I don't think the Omega Pack is going to be a 4K downloadable game from the PStore.

Nope, given that Sony has pretty much always used Wipeout to push new tech, I don't see them changing things now, especially as it's going to cost them so little to do.

I reckon Sony is going to totally stuff everybody at this forums expectations up, by making this OMEGA PACK it's first 4K STREAMING GAME over the subscription PlayStation NOW service....... I've been calling this one for ages, as it's been on the cards for ages now, and I bet you this is will be what happens.

Fancy paying U.S.$45 for a 3 month subscription to play a game you already have been since at least 2009....I don't think so.

I hope I'm wrong, but there is a sense of inevitability about this.

4th December 2016, 08:00 AM
then , will be an emulated game from both game to work on PS4 or a new old game remake on PS4 with new development to integrate the 3 games ? that 's the question ....:coffee

4th December 2016, 08:39 AM
Also - I think that graphics will be totally diffrent. Remember Wipeout HD first trailer? There were included sounds from WO Pure and also track design looked much diffrent.

4th December 2016, 09:21 AM
I really hope that this whole remaster thing is to check the state of the franchise: is it alive and kicking or not.
If an outcome is positive then a proper new WipEout game awaits us. At least these are my hopes.

Anyway got really hyped after this news, even if it's a remaster.
My PS3 is still plugged in to play HD Fury (guess the time to unplug it is near).
2048 looks awesome and play wonderfully on a big TV via PSTV. With the remaster it will be even better.
WipEouts 1, 2097, 3SE, Pure and Pulse are perfect for Vita.
And still... I want more!

What bothers me though is this (taken from this article on the official PS blog, here (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/12/03/wipeout-omega-collection-revealed-for-ps4/)):

There are nine modes available in total:
Zone, Tournament, Speed Lap, Time Trial, and Single Race from HD
Zone Battle, Eliminator, and Detonator from Fury
Career Mode from 2048

No career modes for HD and Fury? How come?

PS. And yeah, the guy with the t-shirt killed me.

4th December 2016, 09:36 AM
Wipeout Central page is up. Check it out, add to it if you want :)


4th December 2016, 10:09 AM
HD & FURY had Campaign mode, but 2048's had online career mode that was different if I remember correctly, as you needed groups of four people to be online in the same game.

The omission of Campaign mode on HD & FURY listed in the official blog, could be a oversight, but when you get thinking about game play for a STREAMED GAME, campaign wouldn't really fit into what for all intended purposes would be predominantly a ONLINE ONLY VERSION of those games.

I remember around 6 months ago at least, that somebody at the UK Playstation forum mentioned something about Wipeout Fusion being remastered.
Try as I might, I have never been able to find that post since, as it was mixed in with other gaming topics, and on a list of other PS2 titles that were shortlisted for remastering.
If any of the pre PSP Wipeout titles had a chance of being remastered for the PS4, I guess it would be Fusion.

4th December 2016, 10:27 AM
Can’t help but feel underwhelmed and disappointed, but yeah, like everyone said, some news is good news.

Hybrid Divide
4th December 2016, 10:50 AM
It's good news. I don't think it'll be a streaming game. They could get 4k from a physical release. The Blu Ray drive just won't read 4k movies. Games are different. :)

I hope 2048's issues get fixed. But in any case, I'm buying day one.

4th December 2016, 11:01 AM
I think its a step in the right direction to begin with, this all could be a test to see the viability of resurrecting the franchise, if the community is there to support this game from day one then maybe Sony will consider bringing WO back to its former glory. That's just speculation though but I am happy to now finally have a reason to start playing on the PS4 once the collection arrives.

I hope 2048's issues get fixed.
Totally agree with you, 2048 is awesome IMO so seeing this game be fixed of its bugs would be very nice. While I doubt that they will put Racebox into the game it would be much appreciated.

At least this announcement is bringing the community back together!

4th December 2016, 11:03 AM
That’s funny. I would have bought the game on day one (as well as a PS4... and a 4K TV...) had it been a new game.

But since it’s not a new game, I will probably wait 2 years for the PS4 and TV screens to become cheaper.

Not because I’m bitter, just because it’s three games I’ve already finished.

And to be honest, I got over the 1080p graphics really quickly in WHD. What’s important to me is design, gameplay and novelty.

Edit: and yes Snakenator1, I want to support the franchise, but I’ve got my limits I guess. A great company wouldn’t dwell on their previous products, they would innovate to surprise their customers.

4th December 2016, 12:45 PM
Im just glad to be able to play HD/ Fury again as I sold my ps3. I do have a vita and 2048, but soon stopped playing it due to the controls and small screen, but a full HD release on a bigger screen will get me back in. I will gladly buy day one and support this game. FLY HIGH!

4th December 2016, 01:11 PM
I'm sort of wondering about Sony's motives regarding the release date, as surely they would of had got the ball rolling with this remastering a fair while before the PS4 Pro was released.....why are they waiting for release date in 6 months time?
That's why I think it's going to be on a Streaming service.

If it's not on a Streaming service, and does end up being sold as is for download as usual from the PStore, they you got to start thinking about what the motives are.

Look at it this way, you are Sony, and you have a great IP in the Wipeout franchise, but you have left it languishing by not building any new games, so people start looking elsewhere for a similar game.
Sony find out about a similar AG racer that is being made, how far they are in production, and when the first release date of this new game is due.
Sony think, Oh Oh, if we let these guys new AG racing game get traction, it could undermine the worth of the Wipeout franchise, and steal a lot of it's fan base.
It wouldn't be hard to guess that some head honcho at Sony would of come up with a cheaper way other than building a new Wipeout to steal the new games thunder, and that is to bundle the last 3 games together as a remastered version for Sony's latest console, and release it at the same time as the competition......there is no monetary risk for them if they do this.

4th December 2016, 01:52 PM
Somehow, I doubt that Sony actually care about Formula Fusion any more than ensuring they're not pinching their IP. Fact is, Sony are going to make more money with the Omega Collection than R8 will with FF, no matter when it comes out, assuming that FF is going to come out on consoles at all.

If anything, they've made the release date where it is because summer is a prime release window for franchises that aren't quite as popular, like the spunkgargleweewees or annual sports titles. I can only assume it isn't earlier because they want to ensure they can keep the game at 60 FPS at 4K, a feat which is difficult at best even on the Pro. Then you have making room for potential VR support, which would put the hardware under even more stress.

As for why it exists, here's likely why:
I think its a step in the right direction to begin with, this all could be a test to see the viability of resurrecting the franchise, if the community is there to support this game from day one then maybe Sony will consider bringing WO back to its former glory.

Sony made a kickstarter for something a while ago (can't remember what, I think it was Shenmue 3?), just to see if people were interested in it. That wasn't a good move, and they're not doing it again. If they fix the issues the games have, as well as removing the godawful multiplayer XP system from 2048, then this is a perfectly valid litmus test to show a boardroom.

4th December 2016, 02:38 PM
What a surprise. I retired ages ago and had just a few hours of WOHD playtime the last two (or three?) years. With this I might consider joining again. Never played 2048 and well, my PS3 BR drive is broken and .. whatever ... why not. Sony pushed some button. Even that the PS4 doesn't have a proper BR-UHD drive I now consider getting one (in summer). We race, we die!

Xander Ze iTec
4th December 2016, 05:24 PM
Formula fusion can bugger off now. We've got this.
And maybe JUST MAYBE we could get some extra content/DLC for tracks we missed out on pulse and pure.

And more songs.
Jesus Christ we need more songs.

4th December 2016, 05:36 PM
Better than nothing given we weren't having any news regarding Wipeout. And as it's been said, it can be seen as a preliminary step to a next true Wipeout; but if that's not the intention behind these aren't really good news. I take for granted Wipeout 2048 will have a racebox and an online mode just as the one in HD/Fury. It'd be extremely disappointing if it keeps on with its original crap online system.

This said, I'm really really looking forward to it

4th December 2016, 05:36 PM
To summarize : 2048 offline and online experience were s.h.i.t, let's hope they keep the tracks (that were good) and include them in an HD/Furish format.
That's a very little adaptation, and it will please a lot of us.

Also, if they can add A+ speed on HD/Fury tracks, it will be awesome :p

4th December 2016, 06:27 PM
I actually quite liked 2048, I mean, online is currently barren. Not that it was booming just after release. And it also retconned a handful of lore. But I thought it was fun!

What is the prevailing opinion on it? and why?

I'm excited for Omega Collection though. Happy to get back into HD + Fury. And what I imagine is they will just port 2048 plus the DLC, which included HD + Fury tracks and ships.

4th December 2016, 06:44 PM
I'm hyped af to be able to play this again - and in 4k! Never got the chance to sit down with 2048, so Im glad to try it for real now.

See you guys online summer 2017!!! We gonna fly off with a beat!

4th December 2016, 08:27 PM
I can't wait, really. I thought I would never played WipEout games anymore. But now!!
Also I'm thinking how Zone Mode will look good!

There's one thing I don't understand : will this be a game mixed? Or, you can choose to play WipEout HD/Fury or WipEout 2048? I hope the second choice. Never played 2048 so this will be my time :D

Also I think they will fix bugs, at least I hope. Just thinking of a WipEout HD without scoreboards broken, it's just amazing

Ragsus Maxima
4th December 2016, 10:44 PM
Great news, finally! And 2048 will definitely look great on PS4, so if someone missed it, this is a good chance to try it out.

As for myself, I don't know if I will ever get a PS4 but in the case I do, that title will come home for sure!

5th December 2016, 03:31 AM
Gameplay footage


5th December 2016, 07:36 AM
A new article on Eurogamer mentions several new things:

- There will be both a physical and digital release
- All content fully upscaled to 4K@60fps, including 2048
- There is a brand new soundtrack, probably down to licenses expiring
- No VR, which is unsurprising really
- 2048 will be given split screen multiplayer and up to 8 player online. Whether it's a true lobby or the matchmaking system from last time remains to be seen


5th December 2016, 08:38 AM
Finally! I'm glad this is becoming a thing. Although, one has to wonder if it's simply coincidence it launches on the same year as Formula Fusion...

5th December 2016, 08:40 AM
I like this snippet from the article above

There's the hope, too, that Omega will lead on to other things, and that maybe it'll pave the way for an all-new WipEout. "I would hope so," says O'Connor. "It's within the PlayStation DNA. I would hope this would bring new people in who've not played the franchise before, and whet the appetite of those who have played before. It's been a long time since we've had it on PlayStation."

And since they said that Sony have given them access to Studio Liverpools archive, we might actually get to find out what Studio Liverpool had planned for Wipeout back then.....now THAT has me excited.

Xander Ze iTec
5th December 2016, 08:41 AM
So, could this mean the franchise is back in the game? Will we get more?

5th December 2016, 08:51 AM
I suppose it depends if Sony wants to pay these two outsourced studios to do it, and if they think them capable of doing it.

Remastering a game wouldn't be as hard as actually building tracks and craft from scratch, but in saying that, I suppose since they have access to the archive, they would just have access to the craft physics of the last 3 Wipeouts at least, if not all of the Wipeouts.

Maybe they might get asked to remaster 2097, WO3SE and the other tracks from PURE & PULSE, and use the craft physics from the OMEGA pack......who knows.....at least there are huge possibilities now.......and some HOPE.:p

Since this OMEGA pack is boasting 4k gaming, and the only way to get that is with a PS4 Pro......just do some reading first....I wouldn't be rushing out to buy a PS4 PRO at the moment, you should read the official PlayStation forums about these console shutting down after only 3 or 4 hours of use straight out of the box, and not turning back on again......Hell, I remember that happening to my FAT BC60G PS3, and a couple of hundred thousand other people around the world as well.....crappy lead free solder was the cause with that indecent...... seems a multitude of problems with the PS4 Pro
USA Playstation forums.

UK/EU Playstation forums.

Xander Ze iTec
5th December 2016, 10:24 AM
Maybe Sony/XDA will try to cobble up some of studio liverpools members to join them like Ami and whoever made HD and 2048 good.

5th December 2016, 11:01 AM
It's been a long time since SL was made no more.

I don't have the mind of a coder, or a game designer, or of a graphic artist for hire.....I don't know what it feels like being hired on 'A Job' bases, so I can't feel what ex Studio Liverpool people are feeling when they read that these new 'Blow - in's' - [no disrespect meant] of gaming studios, get to mess with 20 years of their 'Pride & Joy' with access to the SL archive.

For all I know, it could be like water off a ducks back for a lot of them, and they see it as just part of the business.

I somehow doubt it though.....there is a LOT of LOVE just been handed to these guys.....sort of like watching the Love of your Life suddenly screwing somebody else......your not going to like it.

5th December 2016, 11:29 AM
Maybe some old SL guys will get consulted/re-hired? One can only hope :)

Edit: the article above actually says they have a few SL people onboard, so there you go!

5th December 2016, 02:03 PM
Martin Turton is at Clever Beans and he was a hugely talented guy that worked on 'Pure.

He left for a dream job in the 'states before it was completed (a decision he agonised over), but he was of such importance to the project I believe he still got paid his completion bonus despite leaving.

With guys like that involved it'll be a job done well. :)

Hybrid Divide
5th December 2016, 08:15 PM
Glad to see the vote of confidence, Foxy!

Still a bit bummed about the lack of PSVR support. Could have been glorious. Alas, I can dream, right? :D

5th December 2016, 10:09 PM
I'm very much looking forward to this, will look fab in 4K HDR. Shame not a new WO per se, but it's a start and if it receives the appropriate support more will hopefully follow.

I do wish for a 2097/3(SE) update / add-on pack for future download and would love VR integration one day but fear it may need to be toned down quite a bit to not induce a Scanners scenario.

6th December 2016, 12:15 AM
Please excuse me cutting and pasting my comments from another forum...

Mixed feelings about this. Of course I'm happy to be getting a version of 2048 that does the game justice, and I'm glad to hear they're tweaking the visuals further.

I've commented on my love for 2097 and 3 (more satisfying handling model, graphic style, soundtracks) already and I accept that these games will forever be live on via emulation.

However, just looking at the content available from the 'modern' Wipeout games (Pure, Pulse and their DLC that HD was based on), and the fact they’re calling this a 'remaster', there is so much more that can be done here.

- Some more updated tracks, please! Pure and Pulse have a vast library to choose from, all designed for the modern engine and ready to go. Make them DLC if you absolutely have to. Sebenco Peak, Blue Ridge, Statten Park, Sinucit and Citta Nuova from Pure. Arc Prime, De Konstruct, Basilico, Platinum Rush, Vertica, Outpost 7, Edgewinter, Vostok Reef, Gemini Dam, and Orcus from Pulse. I'll bet hardly anyone has even seen those last four before (they were kinda expensive DLC) and they're great. The tracks designs need no work, it's be as simple as updating the textures and poly count, which they're already doing elsewhere. Some of the 'organic’ tracks (trees, etc) could look amazing in the new graphic style.

- Zone mode graphics. These were cut back last minute on PS3 due to epilepsy concerns. Seriously. Get them in there, put a health warning on it if necessary. I really want to see this mode as it was intended to be, or how far it can be taken. Other games have come since that take the visuals further do it shouldn't be a problem any more.

- Surely some kind of VR or 3D support (its already in the PS3 game) without the FPS drop could make it in there?

I really feel like the Omega Collection could become the framework for the ultimate Wipeout mega mix. The content is there, HD started the concept albeit in a very 'lite' way and provides a very solid foundation to build upon. If it has to be DLC then I can live with that but there's too much of Studio Liverpool's excellent content to go to waste.

Add it stands, while I'm glad 2048 is in there, it's hard to get excited about the yet another rehash of HD's limited track set.

So, to support this in the hopes it may lead to a true 'next-gen’ Wipeout? I guess I'll have to, reluctantly. Sony, I know it was never the biggest earner (despite being remembered fondly by so many) but there will ALWAYS be a market for new Wipeout.


While ANY new Wipeout is always an amazing thing, and I'm happy that 2048 will (hopefully) get the version it deserves (it was hard work on the Vita's small screen and the framerate wasn'tt adequate), I'm a little disappointed that we're getting yet another version of the Pure/Pulse/HD set of tracks.

When I saw 'collection' in the title I was hoping to see a mention of 3 or 2097. Like a lot of people, I'd love to see a return to those artistic styles, handling models and a focus on racing. Everyone has their favourite and 3 will always be mine (minimalist graphic style, refined handling, track selection, Sasha soundtrack).

Still disappointed about the demise of SL/Psygnosis.

Perhaps we could at least get a few more tracks updated for this version? Even just looking at Pure, Pulse and their DLCs (surely an easy conversion as these are what HD was based on), there are plenty more decent tracks that could be included. Pure was probably the most coherent of the 'new gen' Wipeouts imo.

And how about reinstating the true Zone mode graphics, which were cut from HD at the last minute after being deemed a health risk and too epilepsy inducing? I want to finally see the visuals as they were intended!

As nice as HD still looks today you could go to town with today's modern lighting and shader effects.

Full disclosure: Wipeout was the reason I bought a PSX, PSP, PS3 and Vita.

Light Buster
6th December 2016, 12:29 AM
About damn time. My PS4 was collecting dust. Now it has purpose once more. Now the only question remains: Will the custom soundtrack return?

6th December 2016, 03:55 AM
Very surprised by this.

Couple of things though:

* Really would prefer the original handling scheme for HD/F, pre-"fix" for the speed exploit. I'm not sure exactly what the problem was, but the fix seemed to neuter high level play. If something could be done to return regular play to the pre-fix state while still keeping the exploit from making a return, that would be wonderful.

* I really, really didn't like the handling model in 2048. It's so finicky it turns playing for records into an antifun grind; and for beginners, it makes the game even worse because they'll always be smashing into things no matter what. Trying to level the playing field by forcing good players to make mistakes as well is the wrong way to go about it. Thus, I'd like it if 2048's tracks were able to be played with HD/F ships & handling; with the bonus of being able to play them with super phantom selectable from the racebox. In fact, if Omega just had 2048's tracks, that would make the overall package superior, IMO. Maybe just have the ships as unlockables as the Fury ships are to HD's ships, only give them the same stats as the Fury variant so they can be playable across the whole game.

If those aspects are guaranteed, I would definitely end up getting a PS4+this game. HD/F is the only console-only game from the last decade I've really enjoyed, and felt wouldn't be entirely eclipsed by a PC variant. Having access to the 2048 tracks and being able to play them with a decent handling model and with a proper controller, and being able to motion-pitch with the DS4, would be too tempting.

6th December 2016, 10:49 AM
- Zone mode graphics. These were cut back last minute on PS3 due to epilepsy concerns. Seriously. Get them in there, put a health warning on it if necessary. I really want to see this mode as it was intended to be, or how far it can be taken. Other games have come since that take the visuals further do it shouldn't be a problem any more.

Wow that is interesting to know, I looked for it online and I did found some footage.

6th December 2016, 01:11 PM

wicked. we can play on some new maps now!

i wonder what effect this will have on the playerbase of both HD fury and 2048...

6th December 2016, 02:26 PM
Wow that is interesting to know, I looked for it online and I did found some footage.

i dont see differences...

6th December 2016, 02:47 PM
Will the custom soundtrack return?

to be honest, there's no real need for custom soundtrack, cause PS4 has Spotify ;)
and USB-Music Player. get an USB-stick with all your favorite music on it, there'ya go. it works with all games, except PS2 emulation (don't forget to mute the ingame music!)

Light Buster
7th December 2016, 03:10 AM
to be honest, there's no real need for custom soundtrack, cause PS4 has Spotify ;)
and USB-Music Player. get an USB-stick with all your favorite music on it, there'ya go. it works with all games, except PS2 emulation (don't forget to mute the ingame music!)

True, but the equalizers on the tracks in HD/Fury still animated even with the music muted. It's also irritating to go out of the game to change/start to your music and go back in the game, this didn't feel right at least for me. I personally liked the music to be on sync with the game. And if you ever watched my Zone videos, the track equalizers also play in sync with the custom music as well.

7th December 2016, 11:59 AM
That's not forgetting the shenanigans with server connections leaving the game causes.

Assuming that happened with HD, and not just 2048. It's just easier for a lot of people to use their own music, instead of paying for yet another thing where you don't even own the music. (seriously, I buy my CDs, the record companies can bugger off if they think they can come over and take them :D)

7th December 2016, 01:03 PM
I hate my attention to detail, but there is an alpha blending issue with the ship exhaust trail and the new shield effect. The trail goes dim when the shield is on, you will notice on the Triakis segment. The missile also produces the rocket sound effect when exploding off target. Where do I go to annoy the people responsible for this travesty?


Well done to IGN for actually having a competent player though.

7th December 2016, 02:21 PM
I'm so happy that those who missed out on the sublime 2048 will get it on SUCH a powerful home console. The handling was a huge step forward as was the overall aesthetic.

Not an easy job to do 2048's style justice I'd say which is why we haven't even seen an screenshot yet.

7th December 2016, 03:08 PM
I hate my attention to detail, but there is an alpha blending issue with the ship exhaust trail and the new shield effect. The trail goes dim when the shield is on, you will notice on the Triakis segment. The missile also produces the rocket sound effect when exploding off target. Where do I go to annoy the people responsible for this travesty?

Oh goddamnit, now I'm never going to unsee that.

7th December 2016, 03:20 PM
...but there is an alpha blending issue with the ship exhaust trail and the new shield effect. The trail goes dim when the shield is on, you will notice on the Triakis segment. The missile also produces the rocket sound effect when exploding off target...

it's pre-alpha footage, so no worries ;) I hope the game will be optimized for regular PS4 as well. no less than 1080p/60fps i expect. if they just going for 4k PS4 pro and don't care for the normal PS4 version, I'll skip the game !

7th December 2016, 04:09 PM
Well, between this and Crash Bandicoot I'll be buying a PS4. It would be cool to race with all the people I met playing WipEout HD/Fury once more.

7th December 2016, 04:20 PM
would be a cool thing to integrate PS4 / PS3 / vita crossplay as well ...

7th December 2016, 06:42 PM
The trail goes dim when the shield is on, you will notice on the Triakis segment. The missile also produces the rocket sound effect when exploding off target.

That's a bug, or completely unrelated to the shield, as it doesn't happen near the end of that same race ;)

And yes, agreed with JF, making crossplay with vita & PS3 would be absolutely amazing, one can hope :)

7th December 2016, 07:30 PM
ps3 and ps4 are two different hardware and soft systems... there 's no crossplay ( obviously online ) between ps3 and 4 in other game , i think . So ......
A new game with old features ( or an old game with new features ???? ) , that's what we will get imao.

Sorry guys , you'll have to buy a PS4 .... :beer

7th December 2016, 09:02 PM
There is online crossplay between PS3 and PS4 on some titles - Guilty Gear Xrd for example. I don't see why it shouldn't be possible here. The two platforms don't need to have the same or similar architecture, the game just needs to have the same server structure on both consoles and the framerate would need to be the same. Seeing as WipEout HD was already 1080p/60fps on PS3, I don't see a problem here. Still; I wouldn't count on them implementing it, probably not worth it for them :(

Hybrid Divide
7th December 2016, 11:20 PM
I know the latest Guilty Gear fighting games have cross play between PS3 and PS4. But with WO Omega Collection being enhanced for PS4, it might not be possible.

8th December 2016, 02:23 AM
would be a cool thing to integrate PS4 / PS3 / vita crossplay as well ...

Vita players would get smashed if crossplay were implemented IMO. Worse physical controls; further limited control schemes (any motion controls are tied to the screen, resulting in more physical effort required, less comfort - and some 2048 ships require motion controls, if they were to continue using 2048's handling model for whatever ungodly reason); 30fps; and a lower resolution would make position perfect manoeuvers more difficult.

8th December 2016, 03:21 PM
HD handling on 2048 would make it the easiest wipeout game of all time, it would be terrible. 2048 has slide physics that I'm sure will be much better on a big screen, especially at 60 fps. I hope they keep the games separate

8th December 2016, 03:57 PM
i played 2048 alot on vita and on pstv as well, set some WRs...so im pretty confident when saying, both games handling is VERY similar.

8th December 2016, 04:41 PM
Okay, so finally a reason to buy a PS4 in the 3+ years it's been out. This is actually great news tbh. Don't be disappointed just yet that it's only a remaster. My theory is that they're testing the waters to see if there really is a big enough following for the game. If this proves to be a success with the fans of the game and the general gaming public, they may actually make a new WipEout game in the future. Hopefully this does well enough to show them that, yes, we really want a new WipEout game.

9th December 2016, 08:40 AM
HD handling on 2048 would make it the easiest wipeout game of all time, it would be terrible. 2048 has slide physics that I'm sure will be much better on a big screen, especially at 60 fps. I hope they keep the games separate

This is what I was thinking too, although 2048 was a bit of a mess on Vita (IMO), getting that 60fps bump and a much larger resolution should make it a better playing experience overall.

9th December 2016, 07:35 PM
It's been a long time since SL was made no more.

I don't have the mind of a coder, or a game designer, or of a graphic artist for hire.....I don't know what it feels like being hired on 'A Job' bases, so I can't feel what ex Studio Liverpool people are feeling when they read that these new 'Blow - in's' - [no disrespect meant] of gaming studios, get to mess with 20 years of their 'Pride & Joy' with access to the SL archive.

For all I know, it could be like water off a ducks back for a lot of them, and they see it as just part of the business.

I somehow doubt it though.....there is a LOT of LOVE just been handed to these guys.....sort of like watching the Love of your Life suddenly screwing somebody else......your not going to like it.

I dont know man, I think they are professional enough to understand what ip rights are. Hell, this could even give their new studio publicity. Anyway, I know I'm stoked to race you and the other vets of this place.

Light Buster
10th December 2016, 06:54 AM
My theory is that they're testing the waters to see if there really is a big enough following for the game. If this proves to be a success with the fans of the game and the general gaming public, they may actually make a new WipEout game in the future. Hopefully this does well enough to show them that, yes, we really want a new WipEout game.

I agree, this could be our only opportunity that Sony is going to give us. I say we take that time when the collection is released to show the Sony community and Sony themselves that we would love to have a new Wipeout game to push the series forward and stay for the next generation of gaming.

12th December 2016, 02:50 AM

now everyone say it with me


12th December 2016, 12:32 PM
Yeah, I wish we could preorder the physical version already.


12th December 2016, 01:11 PM
I’m hoping that between now and the release, they will create new, unannounced content. We can only dream.

12th December 2016, 04:33 PM
Scar approves

13th December 2016, 06:15 PM
Another look from the Playstation Access team


13th December 2016, 06:30 PM
Guys, I think Omega is not limited to the content from HD, Fury or 2048. It would include additional tracks and ships that aren't from these games:

The PS Blog mentions that Omega Collection features "more than 26 tracks" (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/12/03/wipeout-omega-collection-revealed-for-ps4/), but 2048 has 10 tracks and HD+Fury has 8 tracks. This means that Omega Collection has "more than 8" tracks not included in HD/Fury/2048. Are they bringing back Pure or Pulse tracks, maybe?

If I don't mistake, 2048 has 20 ships and HD/Fury had 12 ships. But according to the PS blog Omega Colleciton has 46 ships (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/12/03/wipeout-omega-collection-revealed-for-ps4/) instead of 32. Where these other 14 ships come from? Are the ones from Pure unlockables and DLC that weren't included in HD/Fury, maybe?

13th December 2016, 07:03 PM
HD Fury has 16 tracks. 8 from HD and 4 from Fury plus 4 zone tracks. 2048 has 10 which gives a total of 26 tracks.

HD has 12 ships. Fury has 12 ships plus 1 detonator plus 1 zone ship. That is a total of 26 ships for HD Fury. 2048 has 20 ships. Totally 46 ships. That is what I think they mean.

13th December 2016, 10:44 PM
2048 on the big screen?! YES!

Looking forward to Phantom class and staring at the lovely ships in 4K, oh the hype is real ^^

Well said Snake. You can expect mannjon to be there (and practiced up) for the ride.

Hey hey Scar!I hope the records don't get screwed up this go round. A legit records list would be ace. Going to have to break all those records again.

14th December 2016, 12:56 AM
Also, if they can add A+ speed on HD/Fury tracks, it will be awesome :p
haven't thought about that, but great idea ! 8)

14th December 2016, 08:57 AM
HD Fury has 16 tracks....

Appreciate the clear breakdown - I was also wondering about this. Thanks!

14th December 2016, 10:18 AM
HD Fury has 16 tracks. 8 from HD and 4 from Fury plus 4 zone tracks. 2048 has 10 which gives a total of 26 tracks.

HD has 12 ships. Fury has 12 ships plus 1 detonator plus 1 zone ship. That is a total of 26 ships for HD Fury. 2048 has 20 ships. Totally 46 ships. That is what I think they mean.
Uh, now I see I missed some ships and tracks. Thanks for the clarification! :)

14th December 2016, 02:56 PM
haven't thought about that, but great idea ! 8)

nah, skip A+ class and make it at least ZEN class, or even better would be MACH class! that's where the real speed is ;)

edit: don't forget to open up 'Zone Battle' a bit, max goal 75 would be great...

15th December 2016, 02:40 AM
Interesting. They've only shown the UI from HD in the demo people are making videos about, even with the 2048 ships. While I don't know if 2048 also allowed the use of HD's UI, it makes me wonder if they'll bring in alternative UIs from all over the series like they kinda did with 2097 and wip3out in HD.

15th December 2016, 02:22 PM
We forgot to mention another feature that goes with this new collection.
Not a pleasant one to be honest. Now we have to pay for the multiplayer.
Hope this won't affect PS3 servers, which - I believe - are still alive.

16th December 2016, 09:13 AM
Interesting. They've only shown the UI from HD in the demo people are making videos about, even with the 2048 ships. While I don't know if 2048 also allowed the use of HD's UI, it makes me wonder if they'll bring in alternative UIs from all over the series like they kinda did with 2097 and wip3out in HD.

where did you see the video with 2048 ships? it doesnt exists...

17th December 2016, 05:36 PM
Well said Snake. You can expect mannjon to be there (and practiced up) for the ride.

Hey hey Scar!I hope the records don't get screwed up this go round. A legit records list would be ace. Going to have to break all those records again.

Mannjon! It's been way too long since I last saw ya mate. Since I don't have a Vita, I never got to play 2048. Can't wait to meet y'all on there.

We forgot to mention another feature that goes with this new collection.
Not a pleasant one to be honest. Now we have to pay for the multiplayer.

Yeah this is true. Ain't got a PS4 either since I moved to PC after it got released. I couldn't justify paying for a service I'm already paying for in the first place. I don't really care about the extra perks you get when you have PS+ anyway. Bummer, but if it means I'll get to play 2048 online I'll have to signup for at least a few months!

Amaroq Dricaldari
17th December 2016, 08:33 PM
HD handling on 2048 would make it the easiest wipeout game of all time, it would be terrible. 2048 has slide physics that I'm sure will be much better on a big screen, especially at 60 fps. I hope they keep the games separate

Technically, the game's physics model is integrated directly into the ship's stats. Right down to the bug where the Triakis didn't lose any speed while turning in WipE'out'' Pure.

Interesting. They've only shown the UI from HD in the demo people are making videos about, even with the 2048 ships. While I don't know if 2048 also allowed the use of HD's UI, it makes me wonder if they'll bring in alternative UIs from all over the series like they kinda did with 2097 and wip3out in HD.

The HD-style menus were using 2048 UI colors, so that's something.

20th December 2016, 02:44 PM
And yes, agreed with JF, making crossplay with vita & PS3 would be absolutely amazing, one can hope :)
just hope for a real remaster, new modes, rankings, online and fps enhancements. Crossplay with less powerfull devices would makes it more difficult to obtain imho

20th December 2016, 05:07 PM
Leungbok ... PRESIDENT !! :clap
Leungbok PRESIDENT :rock

21st December 2016, 12:50 PM
Oh God, Will we have to deal with "Who Found" "which" "BR" position at any track. sort of thing AGAIN

Last time I contacted Piraphic he said he had deleted HD from his PS3.

God help us if he decides to take on the OMEGA pack with a vengeance.....I some how doubt it though.

21st December 2016, 03:06 PM
@ blackwiggle: it'll still be the same games, just more pretty. so all the BRs and stuff is already well known! all the shortcuts will be in there as well. just the anulpha zone glitch won't work anymore, which is a good thing. another good thing about PS4 is, it's impossible to play on an old version. you always get the newest version of a game and cannot revert back to prior versions like it used to be on PS3 / vita...

21st December 2016, 05:24 PM
Oh God, Will we have to deal with "Who Found" "which" "BR" position at any track. sort of thing AGAIN

Not from me at least !!
I'll probably buy the omega collection (except if the content is too much disappointing), but i'll not be as much active on forums as i did before. i'll play casually just to get some adrenalin with "anti-grav. sensations".

21st December 2016, 06:50 PM
Oh God, Will we have to deal with "Who Found" "which" "BR" position at any track. sort of thing AGAIN

Last time I contacted Piraphic he said he had deleted HD from his PS3.

God help us if he decides to take on the OMEGA pack with a vengeance.....I some how doubt it though.

PirahpAAAAAc ... mazette !

And don't care about who have found what .... Master "Gandalf" Leungbok and "Captain Hook" Pirahpac will find some new things ... For sure ! they 've found almost br and shortcut on phantom class :pirate ( Phantom , the speed to be...
( trying french "calembourt" in english :paperbag )) on WOHD PS3. :P

J'ai hâte - French thought ^^

23rd December 2016, 12:27 AM
I'm hoping that the leaderboards will be completely fixed with the remaster, since our rankings are tied to our accounts I'm hoping that Sony / the dev team aren't lazy and port the PS3 leaderboards over as well and keep the old standings. I would like to know the definitive positions of my Zone runs without some guy who did 12 zones holding 1st place :P

Also while one can only dream, imagine if they merge 2048 with HD so you could use 2048 ships in the HD tracks and HD ships on the 2048 tracks, that would be mint xD

Amaroq Dricaldari
23rd December 2016, 06:18 AM
FX400 and FX350 vehicles would be overpowered on AGRC circuits, especially since the physics are tied directly into the ship's HandlingStats.XML

The AGRC ships would be interesting to use in WipEout HD though, because they are a lot physically smaller. Going the other way around would require the FX350 ships to get magically shrunken.

23rd December 2016, 10:32 AM
I'm hoping that the leaderboards will be completely fixed with the remaster, since our rankings are tied to our accounts I'm hoping that Sony / the dev team aren't lazy and port the PS3 leaderboards over as well and keep the old standings
I try to imagine devs point of view. A wipeout on PS4 (even a remaster) have the potential to attract new players on the franchise (which is a very good thing imo). It could be totally disturbing for a newcomer to check rankings and to see his record (good or bad) miles away from the top scores of guys with already hundred hours of try hard.

23rd December 2016, 10:51 AM
Well I suppose it depends on the type of person that newcomer is, some may see it as a challenge that they're willing to undertake (practice hard to become one of the best) or as you say may be totally put off it. That is something that we can't predict as everybody is different, but I firmly believe having a new leaderboard system to fix the problems with the old one is good practice for those who want to achieve the fastest race time/ highest zone scores.

Me personally I'm only in it for the Zone records, to which I need to start practicing again to make sure I can still get those 135 zone runs consistently.

23rd December 2016, 12:21 PM
How many of those Speed Lap or Time Trial records used the BR boost start that was available for a short time before SL removed it?

I agree with Leungboks point about new players, so I think Sony will start from scratch with new records......but if they do, it would seem rather pointless running two servers for what would basically be the same games, so I could see the decision being made to shut down the PS3 one.
Plus you have the fact that the music no longer works, and that the voice chat never worked [who know's they might get it working on the new version ]

Maybe those who previously had trouble using the PS3 controllers dome knobbed sticks to do BR's, might have better luck with the concaved top sticks of the PS4 controllers, and as such find their times have greatly improved over their best PS3 times.
Remember that somebody that was about 7 or 8 when HD was released, and obviously not the greatest at the game at that time, would now be about 14 or 15 and have the dexterity to play HD well.......a whole new generation that the current record holders have never seen on the track before.
Could be quite interesting if it gets a big influx of new pilots......this place will be humming again that's for sure.

23rd December 2016, 12:50 PM
How many of those Speed Lap or Time Trial records used the BR boost start that was available for a short time before SL removed it?

BSB is still alive ...
And It's only avalaible on speed lap mode

I've never use BSB ( almost ^^ ) coz i don't think it 's a legit way to play the game .. It's my feeling and my choice .
I 've never seen ingame leaderboard or ranking working without any pb ... Always cheater , glitch , exploit or server issues , etc ....

we'll see ^^ :beer

23rd December 2016, 03:23 PM
...BSB is still alive...

exactly, and it's more powerful now, then ever before ;)

23rd December 2016, 05:31 PM
exactly, and it's more powerful now, then ever before ;)
Buuuuh! :D
But indeed, it could be interesting to see, how they are going to deal with the glitches and whether they to change some of the invisible borders. They always to be put there randomly.
If i purchase that collection, i'll probably focus on the games included, because until now HD has been my only wipeout experience. Well, maybe i hop more often in the HD multiplayer but i won't spend as much time as i did in the SLs before.

23rd December 2016, 05:57 PM
DRS(airbrake glitch) + anulpha zone glitch won't work anymore, cause they've obviously started development with v2.51 of the game...
BSB will work most likely as well as all the shortcuts...

BUT the real reason to get this collection, is 2048 in 1080p/60fps!!!!!
im hyped for this alone ;) no turbo in SL means no BSB/shortcuts stuff...

i really hope they make a much harder trophy list this time :D
(Beat JF: in Speed Lap equal or beat 26.50 on Anulpha Pass fwd / Venom Class with Triakis!)

23rd December 2016, 06:10 PM
But yeah, considering the 2.51 physics, i'd be more than reasonable to add an extra speedclass above phantom, which was rather boring after the patch.
In general, i second what amplificated has said:
The best solution would be to keep the original physics but still get rid of that airbrake glitch.
According to ganeplay vids, 2048 looks kinda weird but i hope that it will provide its full potential when played on a TV with a real controller...

24th December 2016, 02:25 AM
2048 is sort of another Orphan [Fusion] among the Wipeout series.

It never got any real positive vibe happening about it when people started playing it, could have been several reasons for that.
Firstly that it was a new full console Wipeout that everybody had been waiting & hoping for, secondly the problems with online race selection, and of course the lack of Racebox, which left replay sadly wanting.

I've been playing it on a big screen via a PSTV, but even then, without the online competition HD/FURY offered, it's not the same..... plus there is a LOT happening visually all at the same time with 2048, it's almost like in a simple race you have found yourself flung into a hectic Eliminator race ..... I'm not a fan of that sort of visual presentation with effects going off everywhere, the VITA only just managed it, and the PSTV struggles with it as well, as you can see a bit visual tearing from time to time......hopefully the more powerful PS4 will fix this problem up.

If they leave 2048 as it is, as a direct VITA port with the same online selection process, I can't honestly see myself putting many hours into playing online, it would be a more frustrating than pleasurable gaming experience for me

26th December 2016, 04:58 PM
i really hope they make a much harder trophy list this time :D
(Beat JF: in Speed Lap equal or beat 26.50 on Anulpha Pass fwd / Venom Class with Triakis!)

Zico was a sissy, you on the other hand. Are not. This trophy may be the Achilles heel acid test of a pilot, lol.

26th December 2016, 07:21 PM
I think 30.80 will be already hard enough for people to beat on postpatch. It requires a deeper understanding of how brs work

Amaroq Dricaldari
30th December 2016, 01:54 AM
What's this DRS that JF spoke of?

30th December 2016, 08:35 AM
It's an euphemism for a glitch which gives one a significantly increased speed. It has been patched by the update 2.51, which simultaneously has changed the handling physics resulting in a loss of cornering speed.

30th December 2016, 11:38 PM
BUT the real reason to get this collection, is 2048 in 1080p/60fps!!!!!
im hyped for this alone ;) no turbo in SL means no BSB/shortcuts stuff...

I just find it strange they removed turbos from SLs and TTs at the same time as adding in "skillcuts" - obvious, legitimate portions of the track which allow you to go faster - yet many are only accessible when using turbos, especially on the slower speeds.

Honestly, I'd like to practice the fastest possible route in SLs...

31st December 2016, 03:34 PM
2048 has no TT mode, just SL. There's some TT events in the campaign, but you cannot choose speedclass or anything...

1st January 2017, 11:59 AM

Found this on an article. Seems that they are testing the waters and seeing if the Omega Collection will have a solid player base. If it does, we might be seeing a new Wipeout :)


1st January 2017, 12:21 PM
Only just heard about this - I'm PUMPED. I've been gone for far too long.

1st January 2017, 06:21 PM

Found this on an article. Seems that they are testing the waters and seeing if the Omega Collection will have a solid player base. If it does, we might be seeing a new Wipeout :)


Yeah, well... Right at the bottom of the page, you’ve got a link to the Crash Bandicoot remastering. Just to remind you how symptomatic it is nowadays, especially with Sony, of big studios not even bothering with their most important IPs.

Crash Bandicoot fans have waited years and years and are now rewarded with nothing new. Same goes for us right now. I’ll stay only cautiously optimistic for the next few years, don’t wanna get my hopes too high.

3rd January 2017, 03:05 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but did the DigitalSpy article say that the devs estimate over 60 courses? Wipeout HD/Fury only has 28 courses (if you count reverse courses), and 2048 has 10. That's only 38 courses total. Could they be adding the other courses from Pulse and Pure? If so, I can't wait for the Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma courses from Pure and the others from Pulse. Total, that would be 74 courses in the game!

3rd January 2017, 05:29 AM
That contradicts what was previously, officially said: 26 tracks. Sounds like a mistake to me, but who knows, maybe they count the mirror tracks and reverse mirror tracks?

7th January 2017, 04:29 PM
Once more information for the Omega Collection starts making its way into the wild, I'll set up a new forum for the game. Until then please keep all discussion on it in this topic

9th January 2017, 05:36 PM
I had somehow sometimes wondered will there be a wipeout 2048 remastering game releasing on other platform...
My goodness,this is far beyond my expectations ...hype

11th January 2017, 01:21 AM
Its been a while since they've made a new Wipeout game!:D I got a Ps4 pro,so I cant wait until 2017 Summer.

HD,Fury,and 2048.Suprisingly I have them all on my vita,but the hype is killing me now.:hyper :hyper Also,would they ever bring back Van-Uber and probably Tigron?There's already some Billboards with them on it,and it would be a (relatively) new experience for most of us and a cool easter egg.Most likely,it wont happen because of limited time,and they probably don't want to delay it.

Amaroq Dricaldari
11th January 2017, 02:02 AM
I kind of wish that Hellfire's videos would get put up on PSN, or that a link to them would be included in the menu.

One of the main reasons that WipEout only has niche status is that it isn't very accessible and can be difficult to learn. But if more people had access to Hellfire's videos, then it might get or keep people interested. Thereby, increasing the number of invested customers.

11th January 2017, 09:48 AM
Hello there,

Do you guys know if WO Omega's developers are taking game suggestions? There's still time till the game comes out. Is there a chance we "wipeouters" can contribute cash to Clever Bean Studio?

Hellfire_WZ, What are your thoughts on the above?

11th January 2017, 03:09 PM
imho, nope...it's a close game, not a kickstarter campaign

12th January 2017, 04:41 AM
I'm optimistic that this could mean more Wipeout games in the future, although that concept also makes me nervous, since there's no guarantee that they'll handle the IP with the care fans would want. I'll probably buy the collection to just get a better running version of Wipeout 2048 (so I can finally beat those damn post-campaign challenges), although depending on the price, I may wait awhile.

Now if it has any new content (or like, stuff brought in from older games), then I'm sold, but I'm doubting that will be the case.

12th January 2017, 08:45 AM
I don't know whether it still a thing, but right after release of the PS4, the DS4 has been criticized because of its low durability, which applied especially for the analog sticks. Do you guys think that the DS4 can withstand the constant stress because of the barrel rolls?
From my personal experience i can tell that the left analog stick of two of my DS3 controller arent working correctly anymore or are even completely broken. And since the DS4 isnt that cheap to purchase, it might become an expensive adventure .

Amaroq Dricaldari
12th January 2017, 08:48 AM
When in doubt, you can get a modded controller for increased comfort and durability. If it began as a 1st-party controller, then it will still register as such on the PS4. You could even get the thumbsticks replaced and/or recalibrated, and get the controller skinned in honor of your favorite AG team.

12th January 2017, 09:08 AM
Are you talking about the SCUF Controller? At least they are the only one i've heard of...

12th January 2017, 12:50 PM
lol scufs are so expensive...

12th January 2017, 05:09 PM
...Do you guys think that the DS4 can withstand the constant stress because of the barrel rolls?...

i would say the sticks of the DS4 are superior compared to the DS3 sticks, but i cannot say anything about durability. i rarely maltreat the sticks like you obviously have to, when doing crazy BR-stuff (that's what d-pad is for!) ;)

edit: WizardPlay is the only guy i know of, who's able to perform exceptionally well whilst switching between steering with stick and doing BR-stuff with d-pad!!!!! :eek

12th January 2017, 07:38 PM
Well, the only reason anyone would have to barrel roll with the analog stick is because the Vita's D-Pad is tiny. Right? The DS3 is much more comfortable than holding a 5 inch gaming handheld.

12th January 2017, 11:21 PM
Maybe a Razor Raiju or Nacon Revolution might be worth checking out.

I like the idea of the Razor's D-Pad, as it's not one button, it's 4 separate buttons in the D-Pad configuration, I'm not sure, but somehow I think this sort of configuration might help getting those BR's that don't always work using the normal D-Pad.

Amaroq Dricaldari
13th January 2017, 03:06 AM
*Aileron Rolls (they're not Barrel Rolls, not even close. Barrel Rolls look more like cork screws because they also involve pitch input)

On the subject of Aileron Rolls and Thumbsticks though, I find it easier to do rolls (via thumbstick) by turning the thumbstick in rapid circles, rather than side-to-side. I also can switch between D-Pad and Thumbstick pretty seamlessly, a required skill when playing Pure and Pulse on the PSP.

13th January 2017, 02:35 PM
It's been so long since I've been here; I'm surprised I still remembered my password!

I'm curious to see more of this over the next 6 months, and now I have a reason to invest in a PS4.

I've been looking into other ant-grav racers, but they just don't look or feel the same.

Amaroq Dricaldari
13th January 2017, 02:36 PM
Try BallisticNG. BigSnake just figured out how to import 2048's ships!

15th January 2017, 07:41 AM
I've used my PS4 controller for the PS3 version, and haven't had any problems with durability with it so far. And I bought my controller used with a part of the left thumbstick already missing. Hasn't become any worse with my use over the past couple years.

20th January 2017, 04:45 AM
Release Date?

20th January 2017, 05:23 AM
You’d know if there was one. For now it’s 2017.

20th January 2017, 11:40 AM
Release Date?

I suspect June 2017, as historically you get RETRO game releases at this time....and this would be a Retro release in truth.

25th January 2017, 10:43 AM
I take back what I said, we actually do have an official release period, which is Summer 2017.

And some "artwork" I hadn’t yet seen:


25th January 2017, 11:29 AM
dunno if i'm a bit picky but they added only 6 teams to this "artwork"; that's odd, is this original from devs\sony or is fan made?

25th January 2017, 12:39 PM
It’s from Clever Beans’ official website, so it’s to be regarded as official.

As for the teams displayed, I wouldn’t mind that too much, it’s just illustrative.

28th January 2017, 06:24 PM
Looking forward to racing you guys again :)

28th January 2017, 10:19 PM
Looks like we'll be witnessing the rebirth of the Wipeout saga. Now all we need is a whole new WipEout game with storyline, characters like in Fusion and the first Wipeout game, including returning and new tracks and events alike. :D

EDIT: And hopefully the return of the infamous Tigron and Van-Uber, hopefully? ;)

28th January 2017, 11:24 PM
dunno if i'm a bit picky but they added only 6 teams to this "artwork"; that's odd, is this original from devs\sony or is fan made?

I think they have just taken the available craft from 2048, and not put in the other 5 craft from HD/FURY just to keep the graphics cleaner looking.
There would be a lot of pissed off Icarus & Harimau pilots if those craft weren't made available.....the others .... well they never seemed to get seen much in online racing, maybe Triakis & Mirage in elimination....Assagai, very few used.

29th January 2017, 08:08 AM
I doubt that. This video should bust any myth that not all the teams are included. https://youtu.be/0w-zdzvCbI8?t=4m17s

But in saying that, the game's content is basically the maximum content for Wipeout 2048, which was designed for a handheld console with HD graphics. PS4s are meant to have more space compared to a PS3, so it seems logical that all the content from the game should be in the game and the remainder space be taken up by the 4K graphics (besides, removing content from a game that claims to have everything from the original games is a good way for people to be turned off).

We won't know until release if not a press release.

29th January 2017, 09:24 AM
The developers have already confirmed in interviews that all content from Fury and 2048 will be in the game

29th January 2017, 11:07 AM
I doubt that. This video should bust any myth that not all the teams are included. https://youtu.be/0w-zdzvCbI8?t=4m17s

it's me or from minute 5.28 to 5.36 we can hear the engine-thrust sound from 2048 instead of the hd\fury one? am i right? sounds like the turbo-popoff-engine sound from 2048, maybe they'll use this one for both games.

29th January 2017, 11:18 PM
i found this site, it offers almost 20% discount for 1 year ps+ subscription. when wipeout releases, i might get 1 of those 'suckers' :?

30th January 2017, 05:53 AM
Are you sure that isn't for Playstation NOW game streaming service? which is something quite different from a Playstation Plus subscription....see below.

It seems a bit murky on what exactly you are actually getting with that offer.....whatever it is, it's not available to me in Australia,so I'm unable to check, which is why I think it might be for the NOW streaming service which I know isn't available here [ I don't think Sony would bother making it available in OZ, as it would almost certainly flop here]

30th January 2017, 11:08 AM
im pretty sure it's for PS+ and for prepaid PSN cards. they offer XBOXlive and PC games as well ...

2nd February 2017, 02:25 AM
Well this news caught me by surprise!. Good to see so many familiar names coming back to comment on it that I recognise from way back when :D We may yet meet on track again! :g

2nd February 2017, 07:23 AM
I might even resurrect my YT channel, could do with making some videos again :)

3rd February 2017, 04:49 AM
A video walkthrough of 2048 beckons Hellfire.
I'll be glad when it's an official PS4 title, as it's a PITA trying to select anything in the menus using the PSTV hack and a PS4 controller..... I just spent around 5 hours calibrating my projector yesterday to ISF spec's, she's looking like new now, all ready for the Omega pack.

3rd February 2017, 09:17 AM
That was always the intention originally, but it was next to impossible to record high quality footage from the Vita without an incredibly expensive video-out mod. Now it won't be a problem :)

4th February 2017, 09:14 PM
Can't wait for more videos from ya once this thing gets released. I miss the old WipEout Lore/track discussion videos. Also I was wondering, has it been confirmed/hinted to be working with PSVR? It'd be pretty stupid of them to release it without any VR support.

5th February 2017, 04:49 AM
Plenty of mentions [In hope of ] by forum members, but no mention of VR support by Sony .....I would be very surprised if it happened.

Light Buster
5th February 2017, 05:22 AM
There isn't going to be any VR support.


6th February 2017, 02:45 AM
I'm glad there will be a Disc version made available, I just hope Sony decides to sell in in all regions, which it has a habit of not doing.
People walking past the gaming section of a store and seeing it in the shops, might reawaken the gamer of yesteryear who might have only played the PSone Wipeouts

6th February 2017, 08:29 PM
The release date has been announced: it's 31st of July.

6th February 2017, 09:31 PM
Where did you see this?

6th February 2017, 11:21 PM

I suggest editing this thread’s title with the date.

7th February 2017, 03:26 AM
Well, I now know when to buy a PS4 :)

7th February 2017, 07:44 AM
Well that was snuck in quietly. I'll update the thread title, but I'm willing to bet it's a provisional date seeing as there were no media announcements on it.

7th February 2017, 08:51 AM
:rock I will start to think about buying a PS4, I have seen many occasions ..a few advice on the best model?

7th February 2017, 09:25 AM
I'm a bit skeptic about the slim model. They removed optical out which makes me think it is somewhat a low budget model. I bought the original version as late as possible, 500 GB, before it disappeared. Very satisfied. I think the original version is still available with 1 TB.

7th February 2017, 02:41 PM
Is there any chance for the Clever Beans to implement some little new things? My friend's got an idea about adding ghosts to leaderboards, so anyone can see actual flight, not only the time. It would be great thing for rookies to learn from better players and it would be very good tool to look for cheaters. What do you think of it? Maybe we should start some petition, or at least write a letter to the devs?

7th February 2017, 02:56 PM
2048 already has that feature, drop Clever Beans an email if you want them to expand it to HD/Fury ;-)

7th February 2017, 05:12 PM
Thanks, Cipher, just did that.

11th February 2017, 05:52 PM
I wonder if Omega Collection will be localised the same way that 2048 was? HD Fury did not have swedish speaking voices but 2048 did, and 2048 did it quite well. Would be fun to hear "Tävlande utslagen!" (Contender eliminated) in HD Fury. :p

12th February 2017, 03:16 AM
Just an FYI... Gamestop has started to take reservations in the US for Omega.

- - - Updated - - -

:rock I will start to think about buying a PS4, I have seen many occasions ..a few advice on the best model?

Just my 2 cents... I got the 500gB version that came out just prior to the Pro. I have had to manually install all updates or hard reset to get system updates. I would consider going Pro if you can.

12th February 2017, 04:04 AM
I just realised the PS4 is not backwards compatible with PS3 games.

What an utter useless console.

14th February 2017, 02:15 AM
"Asked when we might hear more about WipEout Omega Collection, Sony XDev Europe said, “Soon, we promise.”"


21st February 2017, 09:50 AM
Just an FYI... Gamestop has started to take reservations in the US for Omega.

Does this mean Omega will have a physical release? I must have missed that detail.

21st February 2017, 11:41 AM
That’s a very good point. I don’t think we have any official information about this, but you’re right, preorders through 3rd parties could mean a physical release, which would be excellent news, for so many different reasons.

21st February 2017, 01:41 PM
I'm pretty damn sure I heard somewhere there is going the ba physical release. You can preorder it at EB Games over here anyway.

21st February 2017, 03:13 PM
I'd be a little wary of expecting there to be a physical release just because some games stores are taking pre-orders for the game. Well, even though I'd quite like a physical release.

The local videogame store where I live ... sells a lot of its PS3/PS4 games as just redeem codes for Playstation Store downloads/purchases (Their copies of Wipeout HD/Fury and 2048, for example, are just redeem code cards). So, it wouldn't surprise me if Gamestop & co are just taking pre-orders for download codes. We should all take this with a grain of salt, basically. :/


21st February 2017, 05:18 PM
Conzio isn't going mental just yet, he is correct, physical was confirmed a while ago

src: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-12-05-wipeout-is-looking-great-for-its-ps4-debut

21st February 2017, 06:18 PM
WELL THEN, I think someone needs to put me in the corner and hit me with a stick. :V

I should probably start keeping an eye out for when Game/CEX (and any other UK high-street stores) start taking physical copy pre-orders.

DJ Techno
22nd February 2017, 03:50 AM
Thumbs up on knowing, but it can wait for me

23rd February 2017, 10:09 PM
I dunno what the plan is over here in the UK but I'm very much hoping for a physical copy. Gonna pre-order as soon as I'm able!

23rd February 2017, 10:56 PM
I've seen listings on Amazon UK for Omega.

Likely Game will get orders as well. Not sure what other retailers are left lol.

24th February 2017, 12:33 PM
I'm hoping that they do, haha! I'll probably end up trying Game first anyway in the vain hope that they may have physical copy pre-orders, if not then Amazon will be the fallback as I'm guessing pre-orders there will be for a digital download. But you never know :)

24th February 2017, 02:56 PM
lol £59.99! it's 70 euros! srsly?

24th February 2017, 05:44 PM
On Amazon, yeah. I'd check elsewhere if you wanna find it for a little cheaper. That's certainly what I'll be doing ie: going to Game in the UK as I mentioned above. :)

1st March 2017, 03:05 PM
If it has multiplayer then this might just be the reason that I get a ps4!

1st March 2017, 05:54 PM
obviously has it...but you have to pay ps plus, aka 50 € 1 year multiplayer

1st March 2017, 06:19 PM
obviously has it...but you have to pay ps plus, aka 50 € 1 year multiplayer

forgot about that. will still definitely pay that for this game alone though!

- - - Updated - - -

On Amazon, yeah. I'd check elsewhere if you wanna find it for a little cheaper. That's certainly what I'll be doing ie: going to Game in the UK as I mentioned above. :)

I always got the impression that GAME is an absolute rip off and that amazon/tesco prices are substantially better. I haven't bought games in a while now though so I could very well be wrong

1st March 2017, 08:46 PM
GAME are a bit expensive, but dosnt stop me. Im going to go along and ask the guys in store about Wipeout Omega and see what they know.

1st March 2017, 08:58 PM
Price doesn't really bother me as sacrifices must be made for WipEout! XD

1st March 2017, 09:30 PM
As Conzio said, EB games here in OZ has it tentatively priced at $99.95 ,which is around $20 more than a new major release like say Uncharted 4.

Sony are renown price gougers at the best of times, I've had many a heated argument at the Playstation Forums about game prices at the PStore V's Physical copies at a games store, with the results usually ending with a mod chipping in that 'It's the distributors that set the price", and me pointing out many a time, Sony has been the distributor of a game suffering a particularly bad case of price gouging.

Honestly, I'm in no hurry to get the omega pack, I'm quite happy to wait till the price drops, besides people are having problems getting 4K games to play on their TV's, as there is some sort of 4K flagging recognition issue [HDMI related] with both the PS4pro, XboneS, and several supposedly 4K disc spinners, so for all intended purposes, and for the vast majority, the Omega pack will only get played back in 1080p max.

2nd March 2017, 01:11 PM
I always got the impression that GAME is an absolute rip off and that amazon/tesco prices are substantially better. I haven't bought games in a while now though so I could very well be wrong

I guess it varies, I haven't really seen much of a difference between buying from GAME and buying from Amazon once P&P is factored in (unless you don't mind waiting two weeks for Royal Mail to possibly lose it in transit and all that ¬_¬; )

I don't trust Tesco. That, and it's easier for me to just walk to GAME here. Heh.

And lucky for me I already pay for PS+, what with playing a lot of Destiny, the Division, etc, etc. :V

7th March 2017, 09:18 AM
Tesco are an absolute ripoff when it comes to buying games, I've seen them charging £39.99 for Mario Kart 7 despite that game being 5yrs old. I use GAME because I seem to be one of the few people who never got screwed by them and generally have a good experience with them.
Also like Kazzy said; P&P generally makes the game price to the same level as GAME's prices so I see know point in using Amazon, especially since delivery times vary wildly with Royal Mail.

7th March 2017, 07:21 PM
Here's to hoping for a MENA release.

7th March 2017, 09:08 PM
Hi, everyone!

Got my preorder in for the physical disc as I'm pretty stoked to finally have the opportunity to play 2048 on a screen I don't have to squint at. Sincerely hoping that integrated custom music is an option - the USB music player just doesn't cut it in Zone mode for me and IMO it would be a backward step from HD Fury if we can't implement it in the same way (my custom playlist is basically the entire series discography ;)). Still, it's not a deal breaker as the 2048 half (yes, I said, 'half') is the big selling point for me.

9th March 2017, 11:12 PM
Sony confirms the release date shown on their website is an error. A release date is yet to be announced.

Source: http://www.psu.com/news/32427/wipeout-omega-collection-release-date

So we’re now back to "Summer 2017".

Source: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/wipeout-omega-collection-ps4/

12th March 2017, 07:00 PM
ooooooooohhhh this is nice. Too bad i don't have ps4... not sure i'll buy one for this remix

13th March 2017, 09:59 AM
I can't decide between a PS4 for wipeout Omega and a gaming PC for Formula Fusion :( Honestly i'm more interested in Formula Fusion, because i'm curious to see the new work from those guys...but a gaming pc is too expensive, even if online play will be free!

13th March 2017, 11:36 AM
formula fusion can use ps4 and also xbox1 too!

stevie 😀

13th March 2017, 06:36 PM
I think that will be a way off before Formula Fusion appears on consoles, they need to get a publisher first to do that.
Current role out plan is PC - Steam only at first.

I honestly don't know how FF would fair if released on the PS4 at the same time as the Omega Pack, since Wipeout has pretty much only been a Playstation title, I imagine sales would be relatively good, and die hard AG racers are going to want to play 2048 competitively, which means putting in long hours playing it [assuming they change the way 2048's online play works so it's the same as HD/FURY - if not, maybe people will drop it fast]

If that's the case, I can't imagine people putting in the required amount of hours into FF at the same time, it will be the case of one game or the other, and since most Wipeout players already know each other and have a lot of other Wipeout players on their friends lists, I could see the Omega pack winning out, and FF gathering dust, if many sales at all.....this is just if scenario were to play out, and only related to the PS4....they would probably end up selling better on the Xbone, if only for the lack of a competitor in a AG racer on that platform.

R8 are better severed to wait till the novelty of the Omega pack dies down, then release FF on the PS4.

Formula Fusion is far too different to Wipeout in what R8 have planned for it, they want it to be far more about online play in teams and other various play modes, where Wipeout HD/FURY and hopefully if Racebox is added to 2048, the main emphasis has historically been the challenge playing solo of getting great leader board times doing TT or SL.......Not that FF doesn't have that, but that's not what it's main design brief is.

14th March 2017, 10:41 PM
Well, that sucks - might even have to wait until August or beyond :(

I really want to try out FF (and GRiP, for that matter), but there's a problem - I'm a bit wary of Early Access and the general consensus on Steam is that it's a bit strapped for content right now. I'd rather drop the £15 when it's complete than risk the possibility of the novelty wearing off long before then.

Also, I'm kind of hoping that Omega is a proper amalgamation of the two games. Racebox is a glaring omission from 2048, especially on a handheld system and I certainly don't know all the campaign nodes off by heart. Just let me pick a track and a ship and job's a good'un. I don't want to have to fumble through a load of hexagons just to find the Zone circuit I want (quite like Zone :)).

Finally, this is probably pie-in-the-sky stuff, but down the line I'd love to see some form of retro-flavoured DLC (tracks, ships, music packs, etc) kind of like what we saw with Pure, but I'm not holding my breath.

15th March 2017, 06:26 AM
Well Formula Fusion has 7 tracks finished, or at least very close to being finished, and each of those tracks can be played in reverse, and the option to play the day time or nigh time version of each of those tracks, so initial content should be enough for most people, plus there are going to be 5 speed classes, of which we have only tested 3 to date.

We on the test pilot program had a build back in Nov last year that had around a dozen new tracks in bare bones form to test and give our opinions on, at least two of those tracks I have seen in a recent video, have made it to full rendering stage.

Actually I'm expecting some form of new test build to appear shortly, as it's been nearly 3 months since the last one...... hopefully the weapon systems would have had a lot of work done on them, as they sorely need it, as they are pretty much ineffectual in the last build.

Some of the FF tracks are quite a bit longer than your usual Wipeout tracks, think similar to the length of the 3rd version of the tracks in Wipeout Fusion, I reported at the FF forum that I thought these tracks were a bit boring, and got a response that R8 intend these long tracks to be sort of learners tracks, and/or, used as testing tracks for craft upgrades, which can speed up a standard craft to incredible speeds [way faster than super phantom ].

I've hardly touch FF since December, as I've found I've lost interest in gaming generally over the last few months, hopefully the next update might shake me out of it.
And to be honest, being part of the testing process has taken the edge off the game for me, it's been like playing with a broken toy that's constantly being fixed by your parents, so if your anything like me, I'd wait for the full release rather that early access, rather than risk dampening your enjoyment on what should eventually turn out to be a fine game, by playing it before it's finished.

As for the Omega pack, well I can't stand playing Wipeout on a handheld, it drives me to distraction.
I've got Pure & Pulse plus all the DLC on both a PSPGO! using video out to a TV, using a PS3 controller, then more recently got a Vita TV unit with the same games, plus 2048 [via a hack] running the same way, but using a PS4 controller.
The only problem with 2048 played that way is getting through the menus, as 2048 used all the VITA controls for menu navigation, including the rear one, which isn't duplicated on the PS4 controller, so it will be nice to not have to deal with that any more one the Omega pack is released.

It looks ok for a handheld game, even if blown up to a ridiculous 2.2m across as I did via my projector......should look a damm sight better via a PS4 though

15th March 2017, 07:03 PM
I have never seen such a great 2048:eek :)
unfortunately I do not have a PC to try FF and was hoping to find it on PS4, to give meaning to the purchase of Ps4 Omega is a sop. FF should definitely make the choice that pays off his work.

15th March 2017, 09:01 PM
@blackwiggle: Now THAT is a setup! :D

Funnily enough, I managed to get the PSTV whitelist patch up and running just on Saturday there. Granted, the touchpad emulation is a bit of a faff as you say, but I haven't had so much fun with my Vita games since I bought them ages ago. 2048 has barely been off my TV since then. It does have a habit of crashing every so often, particularly on race restarts, but it's a small price to pay to conserve my already naff eyesight :P

16th March 2017, 04:54 AM
With the current trend, purchase wise being towards higher resolution [4k], bargains can be found on Ebay regarding getting a gaming projection system up and running, as those with a penchant for home Theater, tend to be early adoptees, and upgrade their projectors relatively early, so a lot of suitable PJ's are coming on the market as their owners upgrade to 4k, you just need to know which projectors are the ones to get.

To be honest any PJ made for HT duties made from around 2007 onwards will make a good gaming PJ, it's the latency that can be a issue, and usually this only is a problem with the high end PJ's, as these were designed to just play movies basically, so input lag was not a priority in their design brief, as it's not needed when used purely for movies .....you can tweak some PJ's to respond better, but that involves getting into the service menu, and that's getting a bit beyond the scope of this post.

Also, the different between 1080i /1080p and 4k isn't huge, resolution wise, actually most people would be hard pressed to notice the differences unless they were pointed out to them, and a lot depends on viewing distance from the screen if it is noticeable at all.
Where 4k wins is with the expanded colour gamut, it makes gradients much smoother, where large expanses of graduated colours can look pixilated on the lower resolution screens.......I'm still not convinced I need to upgrade to 4k just yet, as unlike most people, I also have my own video calibration gear [I've been a HiFi nut since the mid 70's- and became a videophile over the last 20 years], so my aging Sony PJ is still looking better than most peoples new 4K PJ's, well at least in colour accuracy.

Look on Ebay for Sony PJ's VPL HS51a as they were called in the USA, or VPL HS60 as they were called here in OZ, and I think in the UK, they are 1080i units [Playstations auto detect & output to the display resolution-so no stuffing about needed changing settings], you should be able to pick one up for around Aus$ 350 -£220 [A LOT cheaper than when I bought my unit new for Aus $3500 ]...I see replacement lamps are around £80-90.....that will give you around 3000 hours of game play.....great gaming PJ's....try playing Wipeout HD/Fury/2048 in 1st person cockpit view on one of these.

My original HS60 died on me just as I replaced the lamp...... I left it for a while, thinking it would cost me a arm and a leg to get Sony to repair it, and I might be better served saving the money towards a new 4K PJ.......but curiosity go the better of me, and one day a few months ago I found another used unit on Ebay, complete with spare Lamp [that in itself is over Aus$500 here] It didn't sell at first, then it got re posted, so I cheekily sent the seller a message saying I'd pay the buy it now price of Aus$350 if they dropped the postage costs, they said yes....turned out that it had come straight from a Sony service centre here in OZ and had been recently reconditioned by them, but the owner never turned up to pay for it......you never now your luck until you test it.:lol

16th March 2017, 11:55 AM
Here's a random thought, will we get a new set of trophies to unlock or will they just reuse the old ones??

I know not everybody who plays HD or 2048 are fussed about them but they do make for some interesting challenges.

16th March 2017, 12:41 PM
As a admitted Trophy hunter , although not as bad as some.

I hope both the Omega pack, and Formula Fusion have 'Realistically Achievable' Trophies.

I'm sort of dreading having to sort out online meetings again to Re-Achieve "Bling Brigade"....I think I wouldn't be the only person dreading this one.:brickwall

The differences between a 2009 PS3 user interface, and a 2017 PS4 user interface, 'Should' make getting this trophy again a lot easier.....emphasis on the 'Should'...doesn't mean it will be.

EDIT: Actually, with the latest PS4 system update, there is a OMEGA PACK user/fan group? one can join....Also some sort of petition towards Sony to get a NEW Wipeout game made.

Totally remiss of me to have not posted about this anywhere at the forum.

I'll do so eventually when I know 'Exactly' what is going on with this situation.....easy for current PS4 owners to checkout themselves....it's staring you in the face. :eek

16th March 2017, 08:40 PM
I remember reading somewhere that SL were indeed working on a new game for the PS4 and that progress was already around a year or so deep when they were shuttered. I would hope that the release of Omega is perhaps Sony "testing the water", so to speak, and that we might see an all new game in the future if Omega does well. It may also be a response to all of the "spiritual successors" showing up on places like Steam and the like, such as FF, Redout (not a bad effort in itself), hell, even the FAST games fall into that equation. There is clearly still a market for these types of games and IMO it makes total sense for Sony to show up and say, "hey, remember us?"

As an aside, in the event of Omega's success, I wonder if we'll be seeing an F-Zero Switch further down the line ...

17th March 2017, 11:10 AM
I think it was pretty much confirmed by the studio doing the Omega pack, that the 'Full Console' game SL were working on was actually a version of 2048, as it's this code they are using as a basis.

Now if SL were going to include 'Racebox' in the full console version, I guess we shall never know, but surely after all these years since it's release, and the huge outpouring of disappointment at various gaming forum at the time about how dumb a idea it was to not include it, one would hope that the remastering will sort this out.

I remember at the time that Colin Berry had posted here that Sony had told SL that there was to be no more Wipeouts for the foreseeable future, as it felt that 'Racing Games' were not selling, and it was only because of the release of the VITA, that SL got a hurried brief to build a Wipeout game for it's launch, I think that need for speed to build 2048 might be the main reason 'Racebox' was left out.

21st March 2017, 10:31 AM
OMG :D:D:D:D:D i hope they add racebox to 2048!

24th March 2017, 12:02 AM
Racebox would be nice. Considering it's being packaged with the HD remake it'd be a bit silly to not throw the 2048 stuff into that menu.

On the subject of trophies; don't be surprised if they just throw all of the HD/Fury and 2048 trophies in together ... though that would probably be too many for the game. So what do people think the most likely way of dealing with trophies is? Just sticking all the existing HD/Fury and 2048 trophies in without changing any, cherry-picking the best/most relevant trophies from the two games, or do you think they'll actually go ahead and design completely new trophies to provide the veterans with something new?

... I'm unfortunately of the boat that they'll probably just copy/paste most of the existing trophies, really. :/ But it's a genuine thing to think about. :)

24th March 2017, 12:33 AM
Still lukewarm to WO Omega.

Just imagine if they had announed a whole new WipEout, with new graphics, new ships, new tracks, new modes... WipEout 2099, or whatever it would be called, would have our hearts going so ****ing fast.

24th March 2017, 02:24 PM
Racebox would be nice. Considering it's being packaged with the HD remake it'd be a bit silly to not throw the 2048 stuff into that menu.

On the subject of trophies; don't be surprised if they just throw all of the HD/Fury and 2048 trophies in together ... though that would probably be too many for the game. So what do people think the most likely way of dealing with trophies is? Just sticking all the existing HD/Fury and 2048 trophies in without changing any, cherry-picking the best/most relevant trophies from the two games, or do you think they'll actually go ahead and design completely new trophies to provide the veterans with something new?

... I'm unfortunately of the boat that they'll probably just copy/paste most of the existing trophies, really. :/ But it's a genuine thing to think about. :)

rise of the tomb raider on ps4 had 125 trophies at release, but they had to add like 50 of them to act as dlc trophies due to trophy limits by sony

edit: and yes they will most likely be same... just like most remasters

24th March 2017, 05:21 PM
Still lukewarm to WO Omega.

Just imagine if they had announed a whole new WipEout, with new graphics, new ships, new tracks, new modes... WipEout 2099, or whatever it would be called, would have our hearts going so ****ing fast.

That's why I think it's important that the Omega Collection should have a decently sized player base for Sony to see that a new title has potential. Clever Beans have said this too, and they would likely be the ones behind a new one if the Omega Collection is successful.

25th March 2017, 10:04 PM
GAME are now taking pre-orders if you want a copy day one (£5 deposit), I took the plunge because I'm sure there will be plenty of copies.

26th March 2017, 03:42 PM
I've made a little video for those outside of this forum about what we have discussed here.

Hopefully more people will see it and get on the Omega Collection band-wagon.


27th March 2017, 01:13 AM
Good job. You’re right, we need to talk about this game.

The problem with Sony and Clever Beans is that they’re pinning the hopes of a future WO game on the success of something that’s not even a re-hash. It’s just a re-edition.

"We’re going to give you nothing new and if you buy it, then we’ll make something really new."


27th March 2017, 12:32 PM
I've made a little video for those outside of this forum about what we have discussed here.

Hopefully more people will see it and get on the Omega Collection band-wagon.


Make some sick zone gifs and share it on reddit/fb/twitter etc ;)

28th March 2017, 02:54 PM
Hi , i 've read some news about price and date ... it's from Inside playstation mag but no facts so ... take it carefuly . WO Omega should be sold from 40 Euro and released 7 of June


28th March 2017, 03:49 PM
Hi , i 've read some news about price and date ... it's from Inside playstation mag but no facts so ... take it carefuly . WO Omega should be sold from 40 Euro and released 7 of June


price will be same as crash bandicoots which is good. as for release date... i really wanted to play dirt 4 tho. but if the 7 june date is true then dirt 4 has to wait :(

if true we should expect 2048 News soon :)

30th March 2017, 03:15 PM

Also a new trailer was released showcasing some 2048 gameplay too, I am really hyped to play 2048 with the upgraded visuals and with a proper controller ^^
EDIT: Might want to put the release date on the thread title? ;)


30th March 2017, 03:22 PM

i Guess racebox online for 2048 as well?

30th March 2017, 03:38 PM
The video just popped up on my feed, so excited!

30th March 2017, 03:39 PM
2048 at 60 fps looks so god damn awesome :D

EDIT: theyre not releasing on same day. us gets it a day earlier... so i will pre order it off US store to play it a day early ;)

EDIT2: i just pre ordered it on US store.. and the dynamic theme u get is the main menu of wipEout HD With a New soundtrack :d:d:d

EDIT3: if you highlighting friends, Notifications, etc the theme changes and it will show each of the 3 ships in the theme :D

edit4: theme is on youtube


Light Buster
30th March 2017, 05:47 PM
Rrlease date is confirmed. June 7th.


30th March 2017, 05:54 PM
Just bought it. Where's that theme? PS4 menu system is not as good as the PS3 XMB was, honestly.

30th March 2017, 07:14 PM

30th March 2017, 07:42 PM
Digital or Physical, Digital or Physical! Oh, dilemma!
PSN offers dynamic theme which looks awesome (save music, which is a little bit too much for a background music), a bonus ship (wonder what's that) and AND a digital art book!
Digital Art Book, guys! Something that WipEout's been missing all this time has a digital release now. And what if a hardcopy is on the way?! What a joy!

30th March 2017, 10:08 PM
"Each game has its own career mode, plus there’s a racebox mode which lets you tweak and customise your own races..."


31st March 2017, 12:17 AM
According to description of PS store... theres 26 reversiable tracks

According to Amazon US's description there will be a bonus ship and its van-uber from fusion/pure

"Gravity ends as the race begins! The Futuristic anti-gravity combat racer returns! Rip through the air at breakneck speeds in adrenalin fueled races that are won or lost in the blink of an eye. Wipeout Omega Collection includes: Remastered Game; NEW Van Uber racing ship; 4 PS4 Avatars (Feisar, Quirex, Auricom, AG-Sys)."


by 26 reversiable tracks i hope this will be zone tracks too... corridon 12... in reverse... 100+?! :dizzy

maybe we can finally play races on the zone tracks too? ;)

edit: according to EU ps blog there will be a online time trial mode "Play with your friends, either with split screen local multiplayer, or race online* for up to eight Anti Gravity Racing league pilots. Race in tournaments, single races, time trial or in the famous zone mode."

or is it a mistake and its supposed to be elimination? hd/2048 never had a time trial online

EDIT2: Online racebox confirmed for 2048... BYE BYE COMBAT :D::D:D:D:D:


EDIT3: Steelbook release confirmed


31st March 2017, 04:30 AM

Some more NEWS! :D :D
And a Van-Uber!

31st March 2017, 06:11 AM
Look, I don't know what to say about this release.
I just watched the latest videos of the gameplay, and it looks like 2048 still has massive screen tearing problems [or it's screen drawing problem] anyway, the track coming towards you looks like you are traveling through a heat haze, the track in front of you looks hazy and out of focus.

It got away with it when played on the VITA as the screen was so small it wasn't that noticeable, but I can tell yo, it is very noticeable when played on a big screen.
It doesn't happen all the way through the game, it's just when things get hectic, and you are traveling at Max or close to Max speed, I thought this originally might of been caused by the limited processing power of the VITA engine, but looking at the video above I seen that isn't true, it's actually coded that way.....Go Figure.

31st March 2017, 08:38 AM
Never pre-ordered a game in my life.

Wipeout Omega comes out on my birthday.

Just take my money 8)

Loving the old school split screen. It's just not a thing any more. If it's online too that would be class.

31st March 2017, 10:07 AM
According to description of PS store... theres 26 reversiable tracks
EDIT2: Online racebox confirmed for 2048... BYE BYE COMBAT :D::D:D:D:D:


That is THE feature we all wanted!
Best news ever! :)