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Thread: What would it take to make a NEW Wipeout ? -Estimate from those who know.

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    Default What would it take to make a NEW Wipeout ? -Estimate from those who know.

    This subject has been talked about for ages when there was nothing else to talk about by we long term members.

    Now there is a new interest again, both , most importantly from the fans, and secondly from Sony.

    If it wasn't for the fans Sony wouldn't have made the Omega Pack, there would be no point if nobody was interested, fact, and if no interest, it equals no $$ for Sony, so it wouldn't have got the go ahead.....well more on that later.

    A Remaster is one thing, making a new Wipeout is another.

    We have two predicaments happening here, the first is the Wipeout is hugely popular in EU but not in the why is that?
    I don't want to come across as disparaging, but Sony USA 'Marketing' are corporate robots than run purely on figures given to them, there is no free thinking, it's toe the corporate line or you not part of the team...your out.

    So how has Sony marketing in the USA tackled the Omega Pack ?

    It's done what it has always done, gone back to figures, Historical sales figures for the various wipeout games in the USA.........there is a fatal flaw in doing this, and it has perpetuated for years, and is the reason why wipeout hasn't sold in the USA for years.

    Lets have a look at what has happened over the years to Wipeout in the USA over the years.

    The last Good sales figures for a wipeout game in the USA were for Wipeout FUSION [Ironically the Orphan of the wipeout series], it was also the last FULL CONSOLE VERSION of a wipeout game, available to be bought as a disc version, seen on a shelf, and bought at a shop.....that was 17 years ago.

    The PSP came out, sold reasonably well, and wipeout PURE got a reasonable take up, the DLC for it was free, all was good.....but it wasn't a full console you lost those that like to play on a big screen.
    Ditto Wipeout PULSE.....sales had dropped off by then, PSP's had plateaued sales wise, so the USA decided it wasn't worth bothering releasing the DLC for PULSE....further alienation of the full console version WO players, and now those that like the PSP versions, but denied the DLC on a sales whim.

    VITA arrives...Sony thinks, hell we don't have a release title that shows off all the things we want about the VITA....Who do we call?

    Those at SL that hadn't yet had their termination notices typed up, and were still considered useful, were quickly given a brief, and in a false sense of confidence, so they built WO 2048 for the VITA.

    Another handheld WO, [NO interest for fans of the full console version] ....lacked Racebox = Horrible + had major glitches, and even then you could lose all your game dire really.

    SO...Dah Ta De Dah !!!

    The Omega Pack is announced...YES!!!! x 1000 are made ....Finally...are post made at this forum.

    I imagine the situation at Sony USA PR marketing was diametrically opposite ..... What's this Omega Pack they want us to sell and promote....I'll look it up in History....OMG it has a horrible failure rate in the USA.....we can't budget for that....we'll just give it token exposure and see how it goes.

    Not realizing that there is a frozen zombie army of full console wipeout players that have been waiting for the AWAKEN call to call, no come.

    NOW...if I know this, and SL people knew this, and it's been posted about enought times over the years at this forum.....WHY didn't somebody from Sony XDEV [who overseered the project] GO OVER to the USA, and kick some butt to sell this game.

    I've been online on several different occasions, at various time checking on the online rooms open, and when I hit the USA's dismal.....I wonder why?

    From a EX SL person I have been told that he estimates that it would cost Sony at least USA$10 million and take 18 months to make a NEW Wipeout....from the amount of players I see online ATM, a week into a new release, I can't see Sony giving the OK for that.

    Sorry, but I'd love to see it otherwise, but I'm a realist .....unless more people are playing this game, no new ones will be made
    Last edited by blackwiggle; 10th June 2017 at 12:29 AM.

  2. #2
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    Do the buying and playing habits of anyone outside of EU and USA have any impact here? Can't us Canadians, for one, help?

  3. #3
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    I could not agree more with this. If Sony do not promote the games here, they won't sell.

    People tend to like the games if they actually see them. But no.

    Alas, I've been repeating myself all over the forums here about this lately.

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    Agreed, as much as Wipeout was a big part of my life for a while, it's time to let it go. Give something else the throne (which I think has already been taken imho). It's huge with its community and many of the people here are great but realistically, they are going to milk Omega for all its worth now and it still won't justify a new one for them. It's not what it used to be and a remaster doesn't help it. To be a success again, the only way I see it is if they build one from the ground up again and do more worldwide advertisement. It's tired , and Wipeout is slowing turning into a "die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" situation. Most people here obviously don't want to hear it, and I'm sure fox will come through and laugh at the dooms ayers but it is what it is, it's our opinion, and a fairly realistic one at that.

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    The other problem that has become a recent phenomenon , and this is not just with the Omega Pack, is that instead of publishers giving a advanced copy of a game to known and respected game reviewer or review magazine / site, they are doing the exact opposite, and refusing to give copies to them, and are instead giving advance copies to YouTube 'influence-rs', who are way less than objective on telling it how it is, and rarely if ever mention anything negative about a game.

    I personally never watch any of these so called 'reviews' for that very same reason.....your just asking for repeat 'No Man's Sky' situations, where the whole gaming community is left feeling ripped off, and pissed off at being duped.
    Last edited by blackwiggle; 10th June 2017 at 06:50 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFrostE View Post
    Agreed, as much as Wipeout was a big part of my life for a while, it's time to let it go. Give something else the throne (which I think has already been taken imho). It's huge with its community and many of the people here are great but realistically, they are going to milk Omega for all its worth now and it still won't justify a new one for them. It's not what it used to be and a remaster doesn't help it. To be a success again, the only way I see it is if they build one from the ground up again and do more worldwide advertisement. It's tired , and Wipeout is slowing turning into a "die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" situation. Most people here obviously don't want to hear it, and I'm sure fox will come through and laugh at the dooms ayers but it is what it is, it's our opinion, and a fairly realistic one at that.
    I think you're being overly negative, not realistic. I have already witnessed an incredible enthusiasm for WOOC from non-fans, just people enjoying a new cool PlayStation title from a franchise they hardly know about. So there is potential for a new game as long as it stays like this. American market or not.

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    Just out of interest can you choose which servers (ie Europe or US) to search for? Everytime I've gone online there are only one or two races. Im thinking I must be searching under the US servers?

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    Yes, when online, just press the Square button and you can select which servers you want to visit.

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    Heck, I wonder what some people expected? It was clear right away that there will hardly be anything new.
    But new or not, it brings some more life into this community, gives a chance to people who knew about WipEout and never had the chance to play any of the games and also gets new people into the franchise.
    I actually made one of my friends - who usually hates on consoles - deciding to get a PS4 mainly for a game he never knew before.

    And the throne is already taken? Lmao

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    The other big difference with the launch of HD/Fury is that social media is much more important today than it was back then. Hopefully it will help to spread awareness.

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    I'm not sure of the worthiness of social media in this context, as if Media PR dept's within a huge corporation like Sony, deemed that Farcebook & Twatter should be their major way of getting the message out that a new Wipeout had arrived.

    It's not only wrong, it's Slack, juvenile and down right irresponsible, and in calling it irresponsible, I mean you were given a job to do and you didn't even come close to doing it, if they were in the Forces, they would be up for a Court Marshall.

    That's the problem with corporations running artistic pursuits, which when you brake it down, are what video games are.

    There is a basic 'Flawed' disassociation running within the various departments within a huge corporation like Sony, that not only has been the cause of bad decisions, it's been the cause of the once great company going down the toilet.

    I could easily make a list, but why depress people further.

    The best scenario for any future Wipeout IMHO, and this has been so for some years, but I've just has this opinion reinforced over the last week or so after seeing what's happened with the Omega Pack's lack of promotion, would be if Sony sold the franchise off to somebody else.
    Just plain bad government over the franchise for decades really

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    To be fair, I'm trying to remain positive, and I'm still hopeful that WipEout OC will do decently well here.
    I admit being discouraged, but I'm going to try to remain positive, even if I am irked at Sony for their lack of effort here (and I'll keep letting them know about it).

    After all, being able to play 2048 on a big screen in 60FPS is a very good thing.

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    All that "new people to the franchise love it,it's a good game, blahblahblah" is all well and good but Sony doesn't care who likes it and who doesnt, they only care about how much money they can make off of it. And from the looks of it, the numbers just aren't there...not anywhere close to where HD and Fury was, and it's silly to think it's just going to magically sky rocket at this point. That's speaking realistically, period.

    The online is anything but thriving or growing, the dedicated player base is barely streaming it. (I streamed it for a couple hours the other night at USA peak time, 9pm EST, and I was at the top of the list with 22 viewers max for a while)...and I'm pretty sure that was only because I was breezing through elite campaign with golds ...because let's face it, if you're not that good, it's not very enjoyable to watch.

    Also,on the subject of streaming and promoting, if you pilots have a PS4 , then at this point I'd assume you have cable Internet AT LEAST. So unless you're playing wireless, why don't you guys help out and promote more through twitch or youtube live? It takes a couple button presses on your console and you don't need a camera OR a mic (though it does help to hold an audience). At any given time there is easily less than 10 streamers showing it off, sometimes even only one or two people, and it's on a platform where the feature is so goddam easy to use for everyone... All I see here is a bunch of dedicated fans just magically wanting this game to get big ,which was a tall order to begin with, and not doing anything to help . With the exception of the mods and founders of this site who have been promoting like crazy, what have you all been doing for the community aside from posting here or on the FB page to help promote the game to a wider audience. I'll be streaming it again tonight just to see what happens. FrostE out.
    Last edited by TheFrostE; 10th June 2017 at 07:42 PM.

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    Last edited by AdHoc; 6th October 2017 at 11:00 PM.

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    Or, you know, they may just want to see what the game is like before buying it. Ever thought of that?

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    @AdHoc - Thats a bit much no? Weirdly, my briefe live streaming of Wipeout has caused a few people to go out and buy the game for themselves... Not everyone is too lazy to game. Streaming or Let's Plays are pretty good for promoting. If it wasnt for some lets plays I wouldnt never have thought to try so many amazing games. Streaming / lets plays are fantastic for showcasing the game.

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    Last edited by AdHoc; 6th October 2017 at 11:00 PM.

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    There is clear evidence of people buying games from seeing streamed footage of them. Twitch is just another media outlet like any other. By using your logic, people watching Let's Plays on YouTube would just not be bothered to buy the game being played, and would just watch the LP. And yet, I and many others have bought new games we would not have found otherwise. Streaming is just the exact same thing, with the exception that it's live.

    Just because you dislike the format, it does not give you the right to call people stupid or lazy for liking it.

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    Last edited by AdHoc; 6th October 2017 at 11:00 PM.

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