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Thread: STOP PRESS: Formula Fusion - Next gen Wipeout - from ex Wipeout Devs.

  1. #81
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    I think they can get away with Formula Fusion, there are many games with Fusion in the title. Some of them were even released in the same year as WipEout Fusion (Metroid Fusion, anyone?)

    Also, the internal view in WipEout HD is not very immersive, literally all it does is disorient you. You can now way to judge how wide your ship is, the camera is literally only an inch above the ground, and there is nothing to use as a point of reference. Games like MechWarrior on the otherhand get internal view right, because you can actually see the arms of your mech and the inside of your cockpit. And in Hawken, there is a switch inside your cockpit that you can actually interact with, and it turns your windshield wipers on and off. Now THAT is immersion.

    If you want immersion, just pumping more and more money into making Crysis look like Quake is not how you do it, paying attention and care to details (and making it fit seamlessly with the aesthetic) is how you get a good looking game.
    Last edited by Amaroq Dricaldari; 28th September 2014 at 07:42 PM.

  2. #82
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    i like formula fusion as the name... buht, if we're brainstorming why not just simply call it AG-R for (dun dun dun) Anti Gravity - Racing

    I'd be happy with it. Game looks excellent btw, good work - I'll be getting this for kicks.

  3. #83
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    SL tried a version of that sort of internal view you talk about in Wipeout Fusion, I didn't like it, well I should say I didn't like the way it was implemented in Fusion, it seemed a sort of 'Tacked On' feature.
    I don't know what the newest Mechwarrior internal views look like, I only ever played the first PSone Mechwarrior [With the big Sony Duel Sticks ]

    I like the internal in HD, it's great going down a straight and somebody is coming up to the side of you, you can see the other pilot and his control panel lights flashing, it looks even better in 3D.
    As far as having a point of reference in front of you, well have you ever ridden a Bicycle?, you don't have a point of reference in front of you when doing that either, you just 'Know' where your middle point is at speed, same thing in HD.
    The different handling of the crafts alters the middle point in HD when racing in internal, basically you just adjust your aim point either fore or aft to equalize the effect.

    Maybe it's because I've always race internal view in all the wipeouts, is why I don't have a problem with it, sure I could most likely be a lot faster if I switched to external view, but the Wipeout Racing Experience has always been first and foremost for me.
    Asayyeah felt the same .... reminds me, this thread might be right up his ally.
    Mind you doing BR's can have you in a spin, and huge ramming fests, like I suffered in nearly all the races in this weekends AVALON meet, can just swamp your view, same thing if somebody in front of you runs into a Bomb and blows up, for a second or two you can't see anything except a explosion.

    That's immersive to me.

    It turns what basically is a Arcade Racing Game, into a First Person Experience ... some can deal with it, others shy away from it and prefer to default to Arcade view .... to each their own.
    As long as there are great Tracks, as well thought out as the SL tracks were [each track had hidden benefits [BR positions ] depending on what speed you were racing at]
    Last edited by blackwiggle; 29th September 2014 at 09:38 AM.

  4. #84
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    Play MechWarrior IV. You can download it for free from MekTek.

    You can also try MechWarrior Online, but nobody plays that.

  5. #85
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    MW IV = PC game?
    I've got 3 PC's, but PC gaming wasn't in the design brief of any of them when I built them.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackwiggle View Post
    MW IV = PC game?
    I've got 3 PC's, but PC gaming wasn't in the design brief of any of them when I built them.
    Incidentally, what was in mind when you built them? Leisure? Work stuff? sorry, bit off topic. Are you going to male a PC capable of this game?

  7. #87
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    Mechwarrior IV was released in the late 90s, 2001 at the latest. Any decent computer running Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7 should work. Don't use Windows 8 though, I heard MW IV won't run on it.

  8. #88
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    Thanks for working on an AG racing game, i'm looking forward to see more of this project.

    About the name, i prefer 'Formula fusion' over 'Slamjet Racing' ( i don't know how to translate 'Slamjet' so probably miss something though)
    And as someone said earlier, i think you should put somewhere about anti gravity.

    I would really appreciate a cokpit view too.
    With F1-like design of the ships, view of the road could remain clear with a minimalist board.
    It would be also a little less agressive for the eyes than the current internal view.
    I can't play wipeout fusion to see what, but that's something i often dream of playing wipeout hd.
    There is still room to make a very fast while immersive racing game.

    Wish you the best for this project, please keep going.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnleashSonic View Post
    Incidentally, what was in mind when you built them? Leisure? Work stuff? sorry, bit off topic. Are you going to male a PC capable of this game?
    Well the makers of Formula Fusion said they intended to first make it for PC, then console versions- seeing that the PS4 is basically the same as a PC, except using propitiatory software, I suppose a port to PS4 would be relatively painless, not sure about Xbone.

    As for my PC's, I built a 2nd gen i5 based PC that I intended to use for graphics around 18 months ago, but has ended up as a general usage / internet PC.

    I bought a 4th gen i5 HP laptop 2 weeks ago [Win 8.1], just so I could automate my Macro/micro photography station with Zerene stacker and a Stackshot controller, with tethered capture straight from the Nikon D800e Camera into Lightroom CC.

    The PC I built a few days ago has the same software as the Laptop , plus Photoshop CC, but is a LOT more powerful, it needs to be to process the stacks of photos into one photo .... each single shot from a D800e in 14 bit RAW [it's a 36mp camera] is 35.9mb in size, multiple a average of 80 to 100 photos in a stack, that's a lot of data to process.
    So this PC has the latest 9 series MB [that will be able to take Intels next gen i chips, due for release Q2 2015] but currently has the new [5th gen] i7 4790, 32GB RAM, the latest Samsung 850pro SSD's, one for OS + Programs, another for scratch disc and a WD 2tb Black HD for storage, the graphic card doesn't need to be super powerful, so a Nvidia GT660 2GB Vram ... I installed Win 8.1 on it, which I hate, but if you use a free utility call 'Classic Shell' you can make 8.1 functions appear like XP or Win 7 at the click of a mouse, so you get the latest WIN OS without the pain.

    I suppose I could easily add another SSD to put games on, and maybe upgrade the video card to make this a killer gaming rig, but playing games via a keyboard has never appealed to me ..... I've got a Logitech [PS3 like] PC game controller somewhere around the house, I bought it to use on a PC build a few years ago, but never bothered with it.

    I don't know, will have to wait and see what happens with Formula Fusion in regards to game control on a PC to see if it is worth while.
    I've put off buying a PS4 because I see no point, the PS4 exclusives seem pretty uninspiring to me ... and NO wipeout, I've been quite content to stay with my PS3.
    Formula Fusion on PS4 might change that.

  10. #90
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    What I want is a remastering of EVERY WipEout game ever made (not an HD-style remake, but a heavily beefed up port) for the Vita, excluding HD and 2048 for obvious reasons. But imagine playing Pulse with the PS2 graphics, the PS Vita's screen resolution, a consistent 60 FPS, and the PSP's everything else. Or playing WipEout 2097 in the PS Vita's screen resolution (and not stretched), and with the extra songs and tracks (and Superweapons) from WipEout 64. Or playing Wip3out: SE in widescreen, with added bloom effects, and with sideshifts and BRs.

  11. #91
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    I think the general story from SL was regarding a remastering of 2097, was that either some of the code had gone missing, or had been corrupted.
    Which I always found slightly strange, as there was the Euro/Aus PAL 2097 and the USA: NTSC Wipeout XL, plus the PC version versions, surely all didn't get lost/corrupted.
    As much as I would love to see it happen, I don't think it ever will, well not while Sony own the franchise at least.

    As for WO3SE it would take a very big remastering effort to bring it up to scratch, basically stripping it down to the bare framework and retexturing everything, as video upscaling does nothing for it, it just makes it look very pixelated, I've tried it.

    WO Fusion could be done easy enough, actually I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up on Sony's game streaming service when it becomes operational.
    It actually plays well upscaled to 1080p and in 3D.

    As for Pure & Pulse, they can look and play great upscaled from a PSP GO! with component video out, into a Surround sound amp with built in video upscaling.
    You can even mate a PS3 controller to the GO! to act like a mini PS3 for PSP games.
    They did make Pulse for the PS2, but it was basically a straight port, with all the bugs & glitches the PSP version had ported over as well, apparently it's pain to play on the PS2 and you have all the problems plus LONG! loading times.

    I doubt Sony would bother remastering just to VITA resolution, as it would know everybody would then ask for 'Full Console' versions, so if any remastering were to be done they would probably bite the bullet and do that.
    Besides, Sony's track record of remastering / porting wipeout, if Pulse is to be taken as an example, would be penny pinching and shoddy.
    I'd rather they not do it, than if they did it badly.
    Last edited by blackwiggle; 30th September 2014 at 07:26 AM.

  12. #92
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    I am not talking about video upscaling, I am talking about changing the In-Game resolution. You know, like games on the PC? When you play a game on the PC and change the resplution, the game doesn't run in 320 x 240 and get upscaled to the resolution you choose, everything gets RENDERED in the resolution you choose. That is also why the widescreen in PC games doesn't just stretch the image.

    And in the case of Pulse, the port was done by a third party. Hence why it sucked.
    Last edited by Amaroq Dricaldari; 30th September 2014 at 01:51 PM.

  13. #93
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    I know what you mean, I started off replying to that, but as I re read my post I see I sort of got side tracked.

    I wonder what recommended video card spec Formula Fusion will get?
    As in what would be a medium spec'd card needed to have it running well?

  14. #94
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    Flying, AG F1 cars? With tiny little front wings? That's just really, really, Wrong. Completely.

    That's what first hits me. Other than the music. Which is also, really, really Wrong, but at least there I've accepted that I'm not With It and can at least mute music I don't like. Which reminds me: make starting videos like that in 2048 only play once ever and then only visible by navigating the menus to a gallery or something. They suck and get in the way of actually playing the game.

    TBH, as a fan of both F1 and WipEout, the trailer in my YouTube recommendations that got me back here and finding this thread really didn't do the trick for me. I know it's all pre-production, etc., whatever - I found it rather disappointing given the WipEout name attached to it.

    The concept work I've seen so far seems to suffer from some of the same sort of concept problems found in 2048, actually. Like you're trying to make WipEout more accessible to The Common People or something. TBH, I don't think your target demographic knows jack **** about F1 or modern technology, or much of anything else for that matter either. I think you're looking to solve problems that don't exist in this regard. You have to find something that people like, not narrow down what people don't like. And if you can't find something people like: why are you making a game in the first place? If the first answer is to make money, I think you're doing it wrong. If you're not doing something cool first and foremost, give up while you still can IMO, as cool, this concept work ain't.

    And why do you have big name Hollywood directors tied to the project? Sounds like a waste of time and money for a videogame. Reminds me a little how how Crytek hired a novelist to do the story for Crysis 2, and somehow managed to monumentally fail in creating anything even close to resembling a worthwhile story, plot, or characters, and actually regressed from the first games' significantly. Totally unnecessary marketing gimmick.

    So far this project is striking me as WipEout: 2048 Evolved, and I did not like WipEout 2048 at all. I think it was a terrible concept from the start... before the game couldn't even be finished with any semblance of polish.

    In fact... given you apparently didn't show anything you seem to want to , and you're playing cards so close to your chest as you say... why release the video at all? I know you've said to give fans a taste or whatever, but a taste of what? That ex-WO devs are working on an AG racing game? So what, honestly? I don't have any allegiance to you in the same way I don't have allegiance to Sony. I will buy a good product, end of story.

    I hate to be negative, but in a world overflowing with **** I don't need, I implore you, please don't try and give me more of the same.

    And I hope you don't take this personally, Mr. Fisty, as there's nothing I know about you personally. I just think your team is doing this for money before anything else, and the only reason you're here is to feed on a kind of brand loyalty that if we're being honest is going to be misplaced by giving it to your team, anyway.

    If any or all of this hits hard, then I've been accurate. If it's not, I'm sure you'll have a great time convincing me otherwise. Have a nice day

  15. #95
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    I agree with you on the music and aesthetic, but that is about it.

    - - - -

    Music: DubFX is not what I imagine for WipEout or anything even similar to WipEout. When I think of music for a WipEout game, I think of the PS1 games. Fusion had a few good songs and Pure had a few good songs. Pulse/HD and Fury had their good songs, but there were a few I cannot stand.

    Fenix Funk and Frontline come to mind in that they are not good songs for WipEout... Followed by School of Funk, Electronic Battle Weapon and Regurtitate.

    DubFX is a great musician, but is not the ideal choice for anti-gravity racing. The only reason I suggested artists like Wolfgun, Rchetype and Fayette is because... Well, you need to just close your eyes and listen.

    - - - -

    Now the aesthetic. F1 and AG, while it does look cool, does not really go together. It appeals, but is nowhere near as appealing as Wip3out's aesthetic or WipEout HD's aesthetic.

    - - - -

    To answer your question, blackwiggle, I predict that it will require a GTX 760 or its AMD equivalent, but it could work on the PS4 or possibly even Wii U if you downgraded the graphics just a tiny bit. Unreal Engine 4, which is what I think Formula Fusion is going to run on, is built with consoles such as the Wii U and PS4 in mind, but the original UE4 demo required three GTX 580s to run (two for graphics, and one dedicated for physics). The 760 should more than suffice.
    Last edited by Amaroq Dricaldari; 1st October 2014 at 12:57 AM.

  16. #96
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    I love soundtrack from WO3SE. DJ Sasha did best tracks for wipeout. I think his music can be better than your propositions, Amaroq (it's only my opinion about this, everyone likes diffrent music, for example: one person likes Wolfgun, second person loves Cold Storage.)
    (Sorry for bad English)

  17. #97
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    I kind of agree with amplicated regarding the concept of half F1, half WO, it's neither here nor there, and as such I doubt it will appeal to F1 fans, and it's not really radical enough in the design dept to appease the WO fan long term
    Why would a AG craft need a front Air Foil exactly like a F1 car anyway?
    If anything, the AG craft would want something that controlled both steering and level at the front, not just provide front down force.

    As has been mentioned previously, WO fans love their favorite craft, so to appeal to the WO fan the craft would need to have different handling and looks, rather than all looking similar.
    Sure have them all on a base model, but also have each team different enough to be able to differentiate between them at a glance.

    I understand the predicament, you can't copy WO.
    But you could have different craft, think of different F1 designs over the years, Ken Tyrell's 6 wheeler P34 for example.

  18. #98
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  19. #99
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    I saw the trailer vid in the OP and was wondering if there was any actual in-game footage... then saw this

    Quote Originally Posted by MrFisty View Post

    Early WIP

    Attachment 8911
    I know it's only a pic, but this looks so damn good, I hope the gameplay and physics are up to what it takes to contend with w'o".

    Would love to see a vid on the game play soon.

  20. #100
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    What year exactly or century/decade does Formula Fusion take place? after seeing some concept art on R8 Games's Facebook page including the environment artwork, this looks more in between mid 22nd century to early 23rd century if that's too far future like what they said here unless you meant the racing/craft. Some of the screenshots and closer video analysis of the environments remind me of WipEout HD tracks like Talon's Junction, Modesto Heights and etc.

    Does early 23rd century sound too far future?

    I would like this to take place in the 2220's for personal reasons, despite that this is not a WipEout sequel and a different universe.

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