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Thread: STOP PRESS: Formula Fusion - Next gen Wipeout - from ex Wipeout Devs.

  1. #61
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    I think there’s one more suggestion that I think anyone here would be really happy to see and what no one has talked about on this thread yet, and that’s the ability to visually customize your craft.

    A perfect example would be like games GRID and GRID2’s customizing. You can still keep the pre-made patterns/livery that we saw on the trailer, but I thought it would be great to create your own.

    You’ll first get a plain white base craft and start by choosing a base paint from the available colors to choose (A color wheel would be great) Second is to if you want to choose a pre-made pattern/vinyl which will have grayscale palettes and you can choose what colors you want for your palette. However I think you should play through the game to unlock some patterns. And third option is to add sponsors/manufacture stickers on selected spots on your craft. That’s if the developers can make up some sponsors/companies like in past WipEout games (Red Bull included), and would be unlocks by playing through the game.

    I don’t want to keep pushing if there’s limitation for it, but for optional customization features, maybe put a text name on your craft, whether it’s your name or a pilot/character name including a number or nationality on the side or any spot on the craft, just like what I saw in the trailer. And lastly you can save your custom liveries in slots including the option to have the other race craft wear your liveries in a racebox mode. If you can somehow implement that to the game, I will be completely satisfied and looking for forward to this, and I know most of us here will create WipEout team color liveries for their crafts.

  2. #62
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    Formula Fusion is a way better name than Slamjet Racing.

    Another name suggestion:

    Wipe Off
    Overtaking Technology

  3. #63
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    Do you guys only talk about its physics or may one suggest anything about the content?
    If yes, id like to add stuff, too
    Personally, id appreciate some changes concerning the speedclasses ( if they are planned ):
    Id limit it to 3 classes or even 2.
    1. Venom - a combination of venom and flash which shall enable the player to perform lots of barrel rolls/ br chains. The best technique leads to win - thats the idea.
    2. Phantom: phantom speed which has to be/feel faster than in HD. Racing lines are here the most important thing.

    My intention with that suggestion is to develop a higher pressure of selection. Since im a player of the newer generation i was able to see lots of tracks being " unfinished". One reason is imo the existance of too many speedclasses.
    So if there are only two classes, players can focus more or longer on one opportunity whichs leads to more competition. Thus everything becomes closer which should raise the fun.
    At least i think so.

    Referring to the physics:
    I only played wipeout hd so i have no other references to consider but if they are similar to formula fusion, i wouldnt complain

    EDIT: also a feature for automatically saving of the last races or SL/TT sessions would be appreciated. With the included ability for uploading them directly to youtube it would be extended by great extra opportunities for the community.
    I think of the theatre mode of bo2
    Last edited by xI-eI2aiiZZa-Ix; 24th September 2014 at 07:52 PM. Reason: grammar / added things

  4. #64
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    I miss Vector class.

    2097 introduced Phantom and Vector for good reasons. In the case on Vector, it was because the first WipEout had a nasty level of difficulty and a too steep of a learning curve, even on Venom class. Phantom was introduced because Rapier wasn't fast enough, but they still needed Venom and Rapier to serve as intermediate classes to help players get used to higher speeds without outright punishing them.

  5. #65
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    OK, I'm a little late to the party here, it seems.

    Looking forward to this. Sadly, I don't have a PC capable of handling modern games, and I've yet to get an Xbox One or PS4 (likely the former). Still, I hope this is released to as many consoles as possible. Really wanting another console based Wipeout (ish) game.

    I agree that having different style ships would be a plus. Something physical to differentiate between teams. They don't have to be drastic though, but different enough, to perhaps hint where car manufacturers started to steer away from the F1 model, and into the future, which then becomes something like Wipeout.

    Also, such a game in VR would be amazing.

  6. #66
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    How dare you speak of the XBox One?!

    On the otherhand, it is good to see somebody else with enthusiasm for this, and similar ideas regarding differences in teams.

  7. #67
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    - changing weather on tracks (this will be more realistic and looks more amazing)
    - visual effects of upgrades
    - veeeeery hard to find shortcuts

  8. #68
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    I want to race on the tracks at nighttime as well. Maybe the time of day on a track could depend on your system's clock, and if you are playing a multiplayer game it could depend on the host's clock.

    Oh, and it would also be cool if the ship's showed visible damage like in WipEout Fusion.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amaroq Dricaldari View Post
    I want to race on the tracks at nighttime as well. Maybe the time of day on a track could depend on your system's clock, and if you are playing a multiplayer game it could depend on the host's clock.

    Oh, and it would also be cool if the ship's showed visible damage like in WipEout Fusion.
    Thanks guys - keep it coming. Honestly - this is all good stuff. We considered TOD and weather, and I think it could give it a really nice edge. Like all these things tho - we need to add features carefully, test it and see what sticks. I keep telling the programmer suggestions and he keeps flipping his nut, but them slowly comes round.. Hehe..

  10. #70
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    he sounds like a nice chap so how about a co-pilot someone who races with you and some descriptions for the upgrades not just on what they do but a little bit on how it works if you can get it in also evaluations by your team and maybe add a feature so that you can get fired in game. perhaps anyway a question to end this request how many people are working on the game and what are their positions

    sincerely a fan of a game yet to come
    Last edited by prototype890; 28th September 2014 at 06:16 PM.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFisty View Post
    I keep telling the programmer suggestions and he keeps flipping his nut, but them slowly comes round.. Hehe..
    I feel his pain lol Code escalates real quick xD

    Will do another one of those big feedback posts soon, but going to wait a bit longer until i see more of what it's like, definitely interested in testing a demo when available


  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFisty View Post
    Thanks guys - keep it coming. Honestly - this is all good stuff. We considered TOD and weather, and I think it could give it a really nice edge. Like all these things tho - we need to add features carefully, test it and see what sticks. I keep telling the programmer suggestions and he keeps flipping his nut, but them slowly comes round.. Hehe..
    I would highly suggest bringing in multiple programmers and having them share code with eachother via Google Drive.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amaroq Dricaldari View Post
    I would highly suggest bringing in multiple programmers and having them share code with eachother via Google Drive.
    Thanks - a project this size takes a large programming team 'and' version control for resource management. We have it well covered

  14. #74
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    I know it's too soon but please do not underestimate the importance of detailed and updated leaderboards. Wipeout HD has lost interest the moment that no longer worked well. Good luck guys!

  15. #75
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    Something else that caused people to lose interest in WipEout as a whole was that Ninja Warrior ripoff show that was also called Wipeout. When I searched "WipEout" in the videos section of PSN, the only video I saw that had anything to do with WipEout as we know it was the 2048 trailer, everything else was just 20+ episodes of the wipeout show that is not even loosely related to the game. Why do people do this kind of thing?!

  16. #76


    Names suggestions







    -GXOut (or GXWO or XGWO)


    -MaGX or MAGX or MAX-G






    -OutEch Racing

    -Formula GX



    -OutX OutAGX

    -WipeAG, WipeAGS

    -AGSpeed, AGsPeed

    -AGeOfSpeed, AGOS Racing or AGOS Fusion


    -AGS Formula, Formula AGS


    -Wipe EX

    -RevOut Fusion



    Yes Formula Fusion is better than slamjet
    Last edited by Mortal; 6th October 2014 at 02:17 AM.

  17. #77
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    They already decided on Formula Fusion. And the title can't be have anything to do with WipEout, or Sony will get pissy and sue R8 for plagiarism. Even though the people at R8 were among the people who MADE WipEout.

    Plus, most of those names you suggested just seem incoherent and forgettable.

  18. #78
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    Wow, this thread has really taken off lately! Glad to see the project is getting the attention it deserves, and would very much like to have a wipeoutzone exclusive, or otherwise, sneak-peak in the future too Don't stress yourselves too much by the way, MrFisty and gang, I'd like to think we're a generally patient bunch and there's no need to satisfy everyone's opinions on what the game should be like (but I'm sure you know that ). Keep up the great work, can't wait to see more!

  19. #79
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    I wouldn't be surprised if Sony tried some sort of legal arm twist, just because of Wipeout Fusion.

    I was thinking of a name something like 'TecholoxiaCarreira' or 'AgoraTecholoxia' - Galician for Technology Race or New Technology, or AgoraTech for short.

    Also late to the party, but reading through the posts I can see a few good ideas.
    I'll throw a few your way as well.

    But before I do.
    Quote:Things have changed in the games industry now - 'very few' publishers actually believe in AG Racing as a valid next gen genre - so we are trying to convince people of the 'potential', and to set up a studio staffed with other ex wipeout dev's - (with some new wipeout dev talent of course) - to hopefully carry the torch again. But this time being much more open with the community

    I remember Colin Berry telling us that Sony thought racing games weren't selling, and that was the reason there wasn't to be another Wipeout after HD, but then the VITA came out and they dusted it off again.
    That was several years ago, and in that time all we [gamers generally] have got is just wave after wave of more shooters, they have been done to death.
    Funnily we were talking about this about an hour ago in a Wipeout HD chatroom.
    What screwed up wipeout, sales wise was, 1] Not having it on multiple platforms after Sony bought the IP, 2] not having full console release versions of PURE / PULSE / 2048 3] Not promoting the games, Sony basically gave them away as promo games to launch new consoles.

    Anyway, good to see somebody has got the balls and common sense to see there is a demand for this type of game.

    Things I'd like to see.
    1] Cockpit mode like HD - It's the most immersive experience you can have in gaming.

    2] If you insist on including some type of Barrel Roll feature [I saw ROLL mention in the video] [the fights that have been caused about BR's ] then for God's sake, please don't tie it to the steering like wipeout .... it's probably been the cause of more frustration for people than any other factor, and I wouldn't be surprised to find that a lot of people gave up on wipeout because of it.[Ask Infoxicated who started the wipeoutzone, he hated them]

    3] As mentioned before - some type of interactive tutorial on basic craft handling, and Pro's & Con's of various upgrades [Wipeout needed this badly for new comers to explain Air Brakes & Side Shifting, but never got it ]

    4] I see you intend to include VR - does that mean a 3D console version? I hope so - I play HD in 3D in cockpit view, even though the frame rate sucks, total immersion

    5] A Racebox like feature - The whole addiction with wipeout is finding a quicker way around the track, saving that .25 of a second off your PB, 2048 would be going strong if SL had included it, they didn't, so nobody plays it [I've never played it, there seemed no point, and I'm a wipeout Tragic ]
    Of course you HAVE to have a online ranking board showing times, otherwise it's half baked.

    6] Regarding track design - Again this topic came up in the chatroom a few hours ago - HD works, it looks great and plays well ... FURY on the other hand, doesn't, and I think Stinkleroy and I have pinpointed why ...Apart from the Fury craft being more bouncy than the HD craft [A lot of pilots use the old HD craft even though they have lower stats] ...... it's the colour scheme [too many shades of blue in the same areas ] and the glass like / semi transparent nature of some of the tracks - it is a confusing, disorientating, nightmare at phantom speed - The Fury version of Modesto would have to be the most hated track in Wipeout history for this reason, and the others are close behind .... so take a look at FURY and DON'T build the tracks like that and you should be OK.

    7] I don't know if you intend to include voice chat ?
    I think it was a bit of a God send that it never worked after the first week in HD.
    If your game intends to be as fast as Wipeout, then you don't really want the distraction of somebody screaming down a mic while your racing.... if you do include it, I suggest just have it operating up until the race actually starts, to help organize, then have it cut out automatically till your back in the room.

    8] Photo Mode - It would be a shame to go to all the trouble to design something amazing and not have this.

    9] DLC - some sort of sticker packs you could use to customize you crafts appearance, like LBP

    10] Set up a website forum for the game [like here] - divide it in PC / console versions with FAQ's, tips, etc

    If I come up with anything else I'll be sure to post.
    Looking forward to this.

  20. #80
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    Agree with most of what blackwiggle has suggested, but I think it's a good name. Legality/IP namesake aside, 'TecholoxiaCarreira' or 'AgoraTecholoxia' would be too much of a mouthful, and doesn't immediately suggest what the game is about what really is vital. Nice creativity, though. As for the competitive stuff like leaderboards/racebox and the like, I totally agree that it's a vital inclusion should the game have a following outside of a casual audience who pick it up and play it for a while then not come back to it often.

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