basically being an xbox player where i have to pay to go online.I have noticed on ps3 that there appears to be a major issue with numerous fake id's, sub accounts second accounts call them what you may..
I am wondering what others players think about these....
ive tried to think why these players have to do this..
these are a few reason i can think of
perhaps they are so popular they sometimes want to be quiet and use a secret id so no one bothers them...
perhaps they lost there account details cos of a hardware/sofeware/forgot issue
perhaps there at a friends house and cant remeber there psn
maybe they just like to go and do transendance again
these perhaps explain maybe 10% of the numerous fake accounts I see on ps3 and these are on xbox too and its understandable but what about the other millions of sub accounts soley on ps3...and im just talking about wipeout hd not any other game..
but on ps3 talking only about wipeout it seems 50% of the accounts are not the players primary accounts..As foxy said it is not hard to work this out when you look at there info....