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Thread: Detonator mode

  1. #61
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    I now, officially love this mode.

    I wish I could go back and find my post, just like a day ago that said how badly I hated it. THAT was when I was spamming my laser cannon. NOW when I play, it's tap... ..tap...tap.. .....tap I won't even shoot unless I know I'm going to hit a mine. And that's how I cracked the lock on how to do this mode.

    It's all, about, the chains. Not 100% confident that you're going to shoot a mine? Then DONT! The entire mode I'm serious, is about the 5-10-15 chains. In the first lap I had 70k+, whereas 4/14 I didn't even have that score just shooting berserkly.

    And I also noticed, chain is another word for combo, so if you get a 5 chain, then shoot the wall, then start racking up combos again, you'll have started over and you'll get another 5 chain next. So what you should have done is waited until you know for a fact you'd hit a mine, and then it would have been a 10 chain.

    This mode is incredibly addictive now that I'm playing the conservative/sniping game.

  2. #62
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    Yes, that is the trick. In stages 1-5 you should be very conservative, however this becomes harder as the game moves on and in late stages it's almost necessary for you to shoot constantly as there are a lot of mines and very few time between stacks.
    I've completed writing the tutorial in English, so that will help some of you here I am sure. Writing it in French before I post it though, just a while longer.

  3. #63
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    oh man this mode is really awesome ! It reminds me when I played REZ on the dreamcast, the mines folliwing the rhythm, the new zone colors, it really kickass ! thanks a lot SL for such an awesome mode !

    Just something worries me a bit, I find the medal scores too close from each other, once you get bronze you're not far away from gold (ie 320k, 330k 340k)

    the cease trophy was fun too

    [EDIT] can a moderator move the first page of this topic to another one, it's completely off topic :/

  4. #64
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    Just coming back to say that the EMP definitely has it's uses. Not sure it does for all tracks, though I just tried it on Tech de Ra reverse... 665650, stage 14, 65.4%... You can obviously do much better than this, as some people have 70% cleared and more.
    This will require some time to incorporate in the tutorial before it is published. It's also what I feared, I don't want to lead people in the wrong direction. Please bear with me while I figure this out correctly.

    Though the things I already posted are "safe" and will get you the Elite targets in the campaign, there are some new things I discovered that I haven't mentioned here yet. Don't worry though, I will deliver the strategies I use in the tutorial fully. It wouldn't be fun if there was no competition so sorry if it appears I can blow the crap out of any score for the moment, it's those essentially two new things I discovered that help me do that, so they will help you too. Just give me time

  5. #65
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    I had a weird race with detonator on Anulpha Pass forward,and it might explain why you don't always seem to see a bomb on every lap,and why using the EMP might be the only way to detonate the bombs on some laps on some tracks.

    I went through approx 8 laps and had hit all the bombs,got to the 9th lap and I'm waiting to come across a bomb or get the bomb warning.
    I get the warning just as I'm coming around the bend which gives you the choice of the bridge or the lower deck,then something caught my eye at the top left of the screen so I paused the game.

    The bomb had been place ,not on the bridge,not on the lower deck, but up high on a ledge on the left of the lower deck,even higher than if you were on the bridge [I wish I had taken a photo ],there is absolutely no way you could of shot it,I don't even know if the EMP would of detonated it.

    I've had other races on Zone tracks that have no upper/lower level and no split tracks,even in the early zone laps bombs have not appeared,well I certainly haven't seen them or received a bomb warning,and you know you have hit a bomb by the rainbow arc that appears for a short while afterward s,so I don't know if they are not always being reset for each lap [which would mean some sort of game glitch]or they are somehow being hidden from view.

  6. #66
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    Nope, you're right Detonator still has some quirks

    Like this mine right here, let's call her Isabelle. Well, Isabelle didn't want to be destroyed, so she decided to climb up a mountain and sit it out.
    When I saw Isabelle, it immediately struck me. Those poor mines, their sole purpose was to be destroyed or to destroy. Either way, their end was predetermined, unavoidable, and they all knew that. But Isabelle didn't want to explode, she wanted to see the world, to live on indefinitely as a mine. This gesture of her stunned me so much that I immediately turned around to capture these two pictures of her. What an emotional moment for me that was.

    Then I used the EMP.

    Fear not, the guide is coming...

  7. #67
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    I absolutely hate this mode...

    First: I can achieve decent scores and also I got gold on all of them in Elite Campaign, so it's not like I dont like it because I suck at it. I'm not bad at it, I just don't like it. Just played the races which where needed for the campaign and one "voluntary" race on Anulpha Rev. I don't think I'll enter this mode ever again.

    1. Like Eloi mentioned it doesn't fit into Wipeout Universe, because it's a shoot 'em up and isn't a racing game anymore (I have no problems with shoot 'em ups, in fact I really love this genre). But when I want to play a shoot 'em up I'll turn off the Playstation and turn on my Super Nintendo and play Axelay, Super R-Type, Gradius III, Pop'n Twinbee or [insert your favourite shoot 'em up here]!

    2. Wipeout is all about the immense speed, but Detonator is slow. It's fast for the last few laps, but before that it's just boring for me (Zone Battle is more thrilling because you have enemies + you're becoming very soon much faster. Normal Zone starts boring too, but has a way longer highspeed element in the end). And also the most important part for a good score is this slow part. From about lap 7 or 8 you're getting always very similar amounts of points, but the first few "slow-motion" laps are making the difference between a good or bad endscore or if you'll obtain the elite gold medal on the last Tech De Ra or not.

    3. The position of the magazine + hits on the screen is horrible. It's important to always look how much shots are left and how many have hit so far. It happens so often that I look in the low corner and then in the next moment can't evade hitting a mine. It would be much better to have it where normally the item + health is displayed. The health-meter isn't that important in this game mode and would better fit in the corner than the very important magazine stats. I lost often just because taking my eyes away from the upcoming trackpart and mine placements and this frustrated me seriously.

    As a minigame this would be very nice, but as part of the campaign I hated it. It felt so boring and misplaced that I stopped doing Detonators after I did the first 2 or 3 and after I finished the whole campaign with gold medals I went back to "work" my way through the Detonators. It spoiled the very funny campaign for me a little bit...

    I don't want to offend anybody (as I see that there are many fans of the mode), this is just my opinion of this mode and I thought it would fit into this thread. I don't want to disrespect the people who have put much effort into creating this mode and also people like Darkdrium who are spending much time with Detonator and helping many other people with their work and knowledge (I think I would never have completed the campaign without your great Seb Rev video).

  8. #68
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    Detonator is definately something new to the Wipeout series. It's different, and I applaud SL for trying something that hasn't been done before. The whole Wipeout package is expanding with new modes (Zone battle & Detonator) and I think this is something that will cater to both new and old players. I enjoy any challenge, whether it be online races, speed lap,(battle) zone, detonator or eliminator. They're all different in their own way.

  9. #69
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    lol Dardrium777!!!

    other thing : try to get the 14bombs on Corridon12

  10. #70
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    Asayyeah -OFW-


    and clean mines at 100% with 1.200.000 pts

  11. #71
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    i got the elite gold medal on corridon12.

    i go on the right for 4 laps, hitting as much as possible, and each lap, sending a full EMP before the splitting.
    then i go on the left side, there are much old mines that don't worth lot of points, but i hit 5, 10 maybe 15 chains easily with that ammount of mines (and get the thousands of bonus points with it).
    then i go for 4 laps again on the same side...

  12. #72
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    I didn`t realised this Detonator mode is that hard!! but I do love it!


  13. #73
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    as of right now i am the global leader for metropia forward!!! i figured i would gloat considering this will be the only time i have a global record for anything and i doubt it will hold up for long

  14. #74
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    You shouldn't give me incentives

  15. #75
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    I'd like to ask Paul or Colin (or any other devs that use this forum?) why Detonator was decided to have a finite number of laps?

    To me, it feels very much like a more frantic version Zone, apart from the fact it stops at 14 laps. Why not just keep going? I mean, I've occasionally managed all 14, inevitably very near death, so I'd probably not get much further... but I'm sure some skilled players would want to carry on?

    Was it a performance problem? Too many mines on screen = low fps perhaps?

  16. #76
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    Okay, I thought I was pretty good at this mode, since I got elite gold medals in under 5 tries in most cases during the Fury campaign, but the point requirement for the final elite gold medal on Tech De Ra reverse Detonator event is just ludicrously high. I'd have no problem reaching it point-wise, since I can get anywhere from 40k to 60k points per lap most of the time, but I simply can't survive for long enough! Most of the time I die at around stage 7-8 (with around 300-350k points) and when I do get to higher stages, it's at the cost of accuracy, which in turn costs precious points. Even so, I've never made it past stage 11 I think.

    So I think I already learned how to score high, now I need to figure out how to survive. On every other event, I got more than the required points from 8-10 stages usually, but it seems this approach won't cut it here. Any tips on how to last longer? One thing I should probably start using is manual reload, but I have no idea how to incorporate it into my playstyle, especially since it detracts from the score potential of the current round of bullets.

    Another thing that I feel is pretty much specific to this track is that the long glass bridge has absolutely no reload spots (as I like to call them) where you can empty your clip and get a new one... the whole bridge is a continuous, packed, Cambodian, effin' mine field, and at higher speeds there is simply no way I can get through it without having to reload, and no matter how accurate I try to be, there are simply more mines that need shooting than I have the ammo for. I haven't seen any other track yet on which there's a continuous mine section like this. This bridge is the place where I lose most of my health, even at lower speeds... I can get past the other sections with well-timed reloads pretty consistently.

    Any help or tips appreciated!

  17. #77
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    Save your EMP for the tricky spots (heavily mined area in a tight turn, etc), maybe? You should be able to get loads of new pads and recharge easily on the recently cleared part of the track so it won't necessarily "cost" you the EMP.

    I never manually reload my clip, I just try and keep track of when it automatically changes since that leaves you without guns for a few seconds and you need to dodge and weave a little.

  18. #78
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    13/14 bombs, and I smash into the last one and blow up. Not that it counts towards Transcendence, but I could really do with Da Bomb... That run did get me Wipeout Disciple with (my avatar), though
    Your ship becomes a floating disco ball when you blow up and I don't like it

  19. #79
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    Well DD777, when the records finally updated you will see some surprising scores on the Pure Four tracks =).

    I love detonator, so much fun and highly competative. Okam, it is best not to use the EMP, the score you got from it is much less then shooting the mines/bombs. It is best to only save that to prevent death or on stage 14 to clear mines you know you won't be able to shoot.

    PLazarou, I think the 14 lap cap is to help cap the scores and make it more about accuracy in the 14 stages then just who can get the furthest through constant shooting. Without a lap cap, you even up having people reach stage 15-20 through constant shooting and getting huge accuracy bonuses because the # of mines is so high even firing non-stop can get you non-stop 5/10 chains.
    Last edited by RedScar; 3rd August 2009 at 08:59 PM.

  20. #80
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    If you managed "only" 810k on Mallavol (Just to beat my score), you will be disappointed xD

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