If you're looking to improve your scores a bit, one tip I have is to not reload after every cluster of mines (which I was doing at first as it was the safest way to advance through the stages). Instead, try to take out 2 clusters of mines with each clip. The points go up by 100 for each 'fresh' mine you hit with a bullet from the same clip, so hitting a lot of mines from one clip results in some pretty big points.

Another tip would be to wait until you're almost on top of a mine cluster to fire on it. Since each 'shot' actually has two bullets, one will hit the mine in front of you and the other will ricochet down the track. The closer you are to the cluster of mines when you fire, the more likely it'll be that that stray bullet finds a target a little farther down the track.

One last tip I can offer is to use your EMP in places where old, 'dark' mines are building up (usually around tight corners). This will (1) reduce the chance of running into a dark mine while reloading between 'fresh' mine clusters and (2) create more 'fresh' mines, which are worth more than the dark ones.

My last piece of advice: If anything I said contradicts any advice offered by Darkdrium777, always trust the words of Darkdrium777.