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Thread: AFTER FURY: The next download thoughts

  1. #1
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    Default AFTER FURY: The next download thoughts

    Since Fury seems to be a extremely battle oriented mode, I was wondering what the next name could be.

    Since Fury implies fighting my recommendation for the next downloadable content would be :

    Wipeout Velocity: This would imply speed, speed, and more speed

    What would I like included

    1) Faster Speed Class, 20% at least

    2) Time trial online races: With an option to choose whether or not other ships are solid or ghosts. This would basically the best "racing Skill" with no weapons at all. Pure had this and it was amazing. This was the first time I played Arnaud online

    3) EXPERT MODE: When choosing expert mode, walls would slow you down more, ALSO, weapons would slow you down half the amount they do now. AT THE VERY LEAST THE WALL PART.

    4) Weapon pickups to work all the time, even if someone ahead of you just ran over them. This way lag would not be a factor if the computer is thinking someone 4 seconds ahead just ran over one.

    What would others like to include in the next downloads?

  2. #2
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    I'll disagree on the walls - somewhat - try this:

    Walls CAN SLOW YOU DOWN MORE - like in the original Wipeout - BUT, none of this magnet wall stuff. I hate how I'll brush against a wall, and I get sucked INTO it. This is painful enough as is - and would be downright frustrating if they slowed you down more. Especially considering the next paragraph.

    This is NOT a 1.26 vs 1.3/1.4 b!tch - this is serious. I have noticed that my perfect laps are few and far between since 1.3/1.4. Back when I deleted my entire game and reinstalled 1.26 - I was getting perfect RACES all the time (granted, on single player mode - but I was unable to do single player perfect laps on 1.3/1.4) So there IS a variable, maybe a sub-shift of maybe 10 frames, who knows - but the game DOES still handle wonky at times - please don't argue this point - I only bring it up because I have noticed it, and have been able to repeat it by downgrading and playing on the old version.

    So if the game handles 100%, or even 99% consistently as it did on the 1.2 builds, then yes - bring on the punishment of the walls. But if they can't achieve this, I don't want it, because the game becomes a random physics generator - that isn't my bag.

    ***PART TWO***

    Jabber, this is nothing against ya - but I'd also LOVE to have XL/2097 wall / collision physics, that scraping noise as you rub the paint off was - IS - the cats @$$. Many, if not all who played that game, will agree. And if you scraped too hard, THEN you hit a brick wall and stopped - that was the most rewarding and punishing collision/scrape physics to date, IMO. I'd love to have that in place of even the original Wipeout - 10-years-to-life for contacting ANYTHING scheme.

  3. #3
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    i think you hit the nail on the head with Velocity as a name idea.

    i'd have to say i'd like all new tracks...

    i did, and still want, some of the classics from previous games, but not in the graphical style they have chosen for Wipeout HD. so i would instead like some new tracks...based on their chosen bright neon style. And for the classic remakes to appear in the next true Wipeout game, more in line with that art style.

    new ships too, i don't want crazier looking skins for existing ships...or if so, just cool looking different colours.

    I would just like some old classic ships, like the much requested van-uber...or new ones, akin to ag-systems from wipeout 1, 2097 or 3 in design.

    and optional menu skins, more HUD choices, 2097 hud fixed to be fully accurate....why not?
    Last edited by DawnFireDragoon; 3rd June 2009 at 05:53 PM.

  4. #4
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    ZEN-- --------+++++

    Hell yeah, that'll be awesome.

    I hope friendly fire mode could be included, that way it'll be so easier to have world tournaments, and not shoot your team mates.

    And for ****sake. Vertica

    Cant wait to upgrade my net, shouldnt be long til my Vista pad bitching concludes

  5. #5
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    "AFTER FURY: The next download thoughts" xD

    Yeah, here we go again!

  6. #6
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    Here is something I want - the ability to view my individual lap times post-race when online gaming. I can see my lap times on the bottom left, but once the race finishes, you get total race time, and that's it. They vanish.

    On the finish / stats screen (post race) show YOUR overall best time next to (or anywhere) so you can compare them. It used to do this for me, until I added many friends, and now I never see my top times, unless I'm RIGHT NEXT TO THEM - which don't happen much in the 1.4 world...

    How about - think Tekken here - the winner of the last race is highlighted in the room, maybe 2nd and 3rd also have a shade or mark next to them. For consecutive wins, you get a random Wipeout-Related Icon next to your name, and they stack up like the Fruit in Tekken for consecutive wins - only to be wiped clean once you lose. Think a mini "Angryman" next to a mini "Curley" next to whomever in the room won two races in a row.

    THE ABILITY TO CHANGE MUSIC TRACKS / PLAYLISTS WHILE THE LOADING SCREEN IS UP, OR DURING A RACE. Like holding "R3 + L1 or R1" to track forward or backward, or holding R3 + Dpad Up/Dn for playlist and Start + L/R for track selection. Or better yet, just use the right analogue stick to control music?!? And maybe a ticker on ALL HUDS to show what is playing. That would be ace, and stop me from logging out of the room to change music. (or sacrificing a race to do so)

    Multiplayer Time Trial - but both of you are in "ghost mode" so contact or physics will NOT influence one another. This would be great for the "it's not luck - and I'll prove it" races - but you get to play realtime. It'd also be great for showing others your special tricks and techniques...

    Okay, I'll STFU now.
    Last edited by IH8YOU; 3rd June 2009 at 06:03 PM.

  7. #7
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    I like the idea of a Time Trial battle (though I don't agree at all that it's the greatest test of skill), but there needs to be some sort of shield re-generation at the end of every lap, because there are racers that can't pull off five perfect laps at Phantom class.

  8. #8
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    Al I think HD walls are ok but overall I like your idea if it would include something smoother, more like original wipeout and 2097 which was my first game. It was the amazing smoothness, speed and inner peacefulness of the game that sucked me in. Maybe some won`t understand that. Smooth flying where, once you have learned how to play, the main thing you hear is the hum of the engines and your music and just an occasional weapon warning, not constant bang, blast, barrel roll, bomb, boom, barrel roll, bang, wallop, barrel roll etc. Modern wipeout is very Furious. Something based more on racing and less on violence, like you suggest, would be very welcome to me. The way things are, Metropia online with a decent number of racers is Eliminator mode already, so I would like to see something less violent and with less weapons and also like you describe, but also with no or less barrel rolls. It`s not going to happen, so I`ll just ask for this:

    An online racing game mode which is less Cambodia by having reduced pick ups or less powerful pick ups, Staten Park and the Omega pack
    Quote Originally Posted by KIGO View Post
    And for ****sake. Vertica

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by IH8YOU View Post
    Here is something I want - the ability to view my individual lap times post-race when online gaming. I can see my lap times on the bottom left, but once the race finishes, you get total race time, and that's it. They vanish.
    Yes! Stats, stats, and more stats! The game is keeping track of them; let us see them! Not just for the player, but for the rivals too. That's how you improve your racing -- see what the other drivers are doing and then try to mesure up. It doesn't help me at all if all the other ships blow past me and I never see them again. Let me know what their lap times were, how many pads they hit, how many BRs, whatever. Flood us with stats -- the people who don't want to look at them can skip past them.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JABBERJAW View Post
    Since Fury seems to be a extremely battle oriented mode, I was wondering what the next name could be.

    Since Fury implies fighting my recommendation for the next downloadable content would be :

    Wipeout Velocity: This would imply speed, speed, and more speed

    What would I like included

    1) Faster Speed Class, 20% at least

    2) Time trial online races: With an option to choose whether or not other ships are solid or ghosts. This would basically the best "racing Skill" with no weapons at all. Pure had this and it was amazing. This was the first time I played Arnaud online

    3) EXPERT MODE: When choosing expert mode, walls would slow you down more, ALSO, weapons would slow you down half the amount they do now. AT THE VERY LEAST THE WALL PART.

    4) Weapon pickups to work all the time, even if someone ahead of you just ran over them. This way lag would not be a factor if the computer is thinking someone 4 seconds ahead just ran over one.

    What would others like to include in the next downloads?
    Love all your proposals

  11. #11
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    Ih8you, the expert mode would be a selectable mode, on or off is what I was thinking. OR, rather it might be better, just to be on that fastest class I proposed. that way there wouldn't need to be any gaurds put in against records being set with different modes on. So I would like that actually, 20% faster with the wall slowdowns. The people who played all the time would dominate this speed class probably, and should. Keep in mind, I would be swearing my head off when I started getting crushed instead of just getting beaten. , causing a chain reaction to start playing the game alot more at that point. People would still play phantom with the current physics. It would be a very nice addition I think

  12. #12
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    ive always been with Al on this one...there needs to be something more than phantom! Zen would be great ....and intenseeeeee.

  13. #13
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    I think that there should be a speed class where it starts at Phantom and gets faster every lap, or at random.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by KIGO View Post

    Hell yeah, that'll be awesome.
    My god, just imagine Zen as an optional speed for online races. I think that may be a bit streching it, but this will be too much

  15. #15
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    Zen would have to be much less floaty for it to even work right...

  16. #16
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    I think Super Phantom would be a good compromise rather than Zen.

    Zen is tricky enough in Zones on certain tracks to do perfect laps and with the bounciness of the ship I think it would be too much but super phantom would offer a good level of skills.

  17. #17
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    hey man, you have even beat me in time, your obsession with new contents is higher than mine, haven't even come out yet the fury pack nor even is known the exact content in details yet, and you just start a " second round " thread already heheeheh woah

    just kidding

    anyway, my request:

    VAN UBER & TIGRON pleeeeease...


    i don't ask anything more, i'm just fine by that

    p.s. do you really think there will be another ( or others more ) dlc pack?

  18. #18
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    I agree with you on the Time Trial Ghost Mode - I would love to see that!

    This was one of the best things about PGR-4 multiplayer, and the best online racing experience I have had next to HD.

    I think a new Zen speed class would rock also

  19. #19
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    I'd like to see a mode in Zone that changes the track when you get to the significant zones.

    Just imagine cruising around Anulpha Pass then as soon as you hit zone 20 bam the track morphs into Sebenco Climb.

  20. #20
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    Cool idea! But would the jump have to be so big? Anulpha straight to Sebenco would suck lol.
    Last edited by BARTgai; 4th June 2009 at 12:28 AM.

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