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Thread: boost-select-boost, things to know about it !

  1. #1
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    Default boost-select-boost, things to know about it !

    Quote Originally Posted by AnErare View Post
    While I do like the looks of the boost-select trick, I don't think this is what the programmers were trying to achieve.

    You boost in the previous lap, cancel the lap with select, and then re-use the boost by boosting the turbo again in the next lap. Obviously the boost itself isn't canceled and you can recycle it in the lap though you just cancled it!

    That tells me this was not what it was meant to be used for and is thus not a feature but actually a bug, which you guys of course exploit to this insane extent

    Don't get me wrong I appreciate the effort but I do think it should be reworked and changed into something more plausible...

    edit: I also think this trick needs it's own thread somewhere, I don't see any, because I think only a few elite pilots know about it and that just seems wrong to me..
    First thing to know about this option is that the fact of doing consecutive boosts using select, DON'T MAKES YOU GOING FASTER !! what can makes you going faster is the ability of getting enough height to perform a br at the very begining of a lap.
    My mate Pirahpac already shows this trick on his "pirapatch" video of ubermall several weeks ago, and i too, with my "vineta's new trick". This technique is known by all the video's viewers, and the access is public, no secret about it.
    It's not a bug ! It's an ingenious use of a new option of the game only efficient on speedlaps.
    An average player WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO IMPROVE HIS TIMES without a serious training !
    In counter strike the top players are able to perform headshots through the walls, it's a bug in the game but a very known trick wich requires skills and is allowed on the official contests.
    In wipeout xl, it's possible to use some crazy high air shortcuts, it can also be considered as a bug but in my opinion the videos showing Asayyodah performing perfect laps are awesome and maybe one of the best entertainment stuff for the wipeout franchise.
    We are trying to push the limit of the game further, and all the existing and FAIR tips are welcome (those wich requires ability). If pilots wants to compete on the rankings they better have to learn all the techniques, to find their owns or to simply give up.
    And please mates, before sharing your conclusions on this, try it first on every track, it'll be more interesting to argue for or against if we all know what's this stuff is about

  2. #2
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    Why are people complaining about this trick affecting speed lap records? It's available to everyone to use so it's not like someone has an unfair advantage over somebody else.

  3. #3
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    sounds like a bug to me, and it is not comparable to the shortcuts on xl. Since the select button is not used as part of the game. It doesn't matter if it requires skill, Hell, snaking in fzero takes alot of skill, but it doesn't make it good. But before judging, does the select actually stop the game? then when you go back the boost is easier? If so, this is bad

  4. #4
    yeldar2097's Avatar
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    no, pressing select gives you a new turbo in real time so you have to be quick on the draw if you want it to work

  5. #5
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    The argument is just what AnErare said in the quote at the start of this topic and I agree with him completely. It`s not good game design. That`s my problem with it. I agree with Leungbok that we have to practice and train hard. That`s not my issue with this.

    Leungbok I don`t have any argument with you or the way you play. I`ve got no right to do that! You should do everything you can to get the fastest times you can. I`m glad you do and that you share your techniques. I don’t want to criticize any individuals, I am only talking about what I think is a bad addition to the way the game needs to be played, with boost select boost.

    Quote Originally Posted by leungbok View Post
    My personal view on that : I try to compete with the top pilots, when some of them find a new way of going faster, i MUST learn it !!
    I agree with that. It`s my philosophy too. I`m not complaining about difficulty. I don`t come here and moan about having to do the Ubermall shortcuts (forward and reverse). When I get the chance I practice them so I will one day be able to do them for 5 laps in a phantom TT or online every time. If stuff is hard, that`s not relevant. This lap is hard, but I have to learn to copy it not complain about it. I enjoy the challenge, but don`t see the value of jumping through hoops to get to the start of the lap. I`m grateful for people who show what the fastest techniques are. I really agree with Kanar about the top players. But I think Saturn Return summed up my feelings about the boost select boost technique.

    Quote Originally Posted by SaturnReturn View Post
    I see it more as an exploit of the patch and don't think it represents a faster way around the track.
    Finding a faster way around the track is what a racing game is supposed to be about. It doesn`t seem fair that someone might set a time that would have been a world record if only they had managed the boost – select – boost at the start. It`s an unnecessary barrier to going for fast laps, I think.

    Trying to beat a lap like this seems a worthwhile use of a pilots time. It`s a case of trying to beat a great racing line. Learning a trick just so that I can cross the start line in a position to compete with a ghost like this doesn`t seem a good use of my time. Select-Cancel wasn`t put in the game to give faster starts, it`s just that a (difficult) way has been found to exploit it. I`m not saying players who do this are doing anything bad, I`m saying it is a lack of testing of the game leading to a feature that adds nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by SaturnReturn View Post
    However, in my view, that's another reason why it would have been better off without this new feature, as those of us who want to keep our ranking up are obliged to go through the whole process again, with no real value at the end of it.
    What really is the point of a "feature" where you have to pull off a button combo to get across the start line just in a position to pull off a fast lap? I don`t see what it adds to the game and what it has to do with racing.

    With any game there will be people who test its limits and find loopholes to get better results. Sometimes the games are not strong enough to stand up to that, and a way to play is found that does not fit the concept of the game. It`s not the fault of the players. I just think this is unfortunate game design/lack of testing that adds unnecessary hassle to the game.

    Anyway I`m glad you started a new topic, but let`s not blow this out of proportion, please. If some of us dislike this trick enough we can just stop playing speed lap. I think as AnErare says this feature should eventually "be reworked into something more plausible."

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    Difficult to add to the conversation when lunar just summed up what i wanted to say perfectly I love watching this stuff, am nothing other than impressed and amazed by it, and am wholeheatedly trying to master some of it myself! but i do worry that racing lines will start to play second fiddle to "ways we can exploit things".

  7. #7
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    Whats this boost select boost trick now?

  8. #8
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    get massive air / speed JUST BEFORE you cross the starting line - so you can do additional barrel rolls that normally woudln't be possible with a single boost. (link consecutive boosts back to back to get some altitude, and use that to BR and/or cut out some sections of track like with sebenco reverse).

    It is semi-cheap, but it DOES require a lot skill to pull off with positive results.

    That said, I figured this out pretty quickly on my own, played around with it, but never took it to SL times, as I'm a real man.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lunar View Post
    What really is the point of a "feature" where you have to pull off a button combo to get across the start line just in a position to pull off a fast lap? I don`t see what it adds to the game and what it has to do with racing.
    As i already said several times, try it mate, your judgement on the gain or not, on the difficulty or not, will be better !
    As as already said too several times, using select to do a consecutive boost don't gives more speed in itself.
    What gives speed :
    - On ubermall : To use the b-s-b allows you to start the lap with a boost from the air and not from the ground, your ship is faster dive and it's a game's mechanic based on physics.

    - On moa reverse, the trick is useless atm (like on most tracks). But this track isn't more a lines matter than the others with more br and shortcut opportunities. You can master the more difficult br that you can, if your lines aren't great, don't hope for a top rank !

    - On moa forward and reverse, you can gain speed if you're able to boost+br at the begining of the lap, instead of only boosting. it's impossible for me with only one boost. With the select option, i can boost sufficiently far from the starting line, nose up (the boost helps me to nose up more than without) and then, before my nose drops, to use a second boost (using select when it works ) and really take off to be able of doing an extra br !
    I'm sorry, mate,i disagree with you on that, for me it totally have with racing.
    But really if SL decides to suppress or transform this option i'll continue the classical way.
    But sometimes i try to imagine what they are thinking when they read some threads here.
    For the br, i imagine that they were excited in the idea of releasing that new feature, maybe naively thinking "the fans will love that fun addition to the gameplay", if it was so, they had to be disapointed.
    For the select-boost option, i like to imagine that they think (with a smile) "hey, look what those crazy fans are doing with the select option, lol" instead of "wtf, those stupid players are killing the sl contest by diverting the select option like that !".
    When you suggest SL remove or change this feature, really NO WAY !
    And what about our records obtained with the difficult learning of that technique ? It can be justified in the use of a cheat or an unvoluntary glitch ! Honestly, i would be very upset to see that happening !!

  10. #10
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    I would think SL are thinking "****, why didn`t we see that?" I don`t know though....

    If you ask me it`s time they recruited you and Pirhapac as testers. I`m serious - they should give the game to people who can find its outer limits!

    I think they should make sure this technique doesn`t exist for future games/DLC. Maybe we`re never going to agree about that, but that`s what I mean by agreeing with AnErare in saying "it should be reworked and changed into something more plausible." I mean for future games and tracks.

    But I totally agree with you there`s no way they should get rid of this technique for existing HD tracks and tables. It has to stay for these as times are already set. That horse is already out of the stable and is galloping across the field with a big smile on his face.

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    IH8YOU, thanks for the explanation! I didn't know about that at all. ALthough honestly, I still don't quite get it.

    Lunar pretty much sums it up for me as well.

    Having said that, allow me to speak my mind: This is sh.t! Using anything that's not "in-game racing" brakes the game for me. I don't use shortcuts in WO 1 to 3 - but I find them more tolerable then this crap.

    Out of curiosity: Do those who are using this trick also call the repeatable bug in Quantum Redshift, where you'd cross the finish line right after you started your lap if you went off-track at a certain spot, a valid way of producing record times? (We are talking 0.xx seconds here.) If you don't, where is the border between racing and silly? I'm actually asking, not trying to provoke you.


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    G-kyl, look at the video i have uploaded on youtube (link on the "wipeout hd-videos" thread) and after try this trick or sh*t or crap as you want and come back to discuss, then

  13. #13
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    It does give you an advantage if you pull it off? Then I believe I have already made my point.


  14. #14
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    It gives you an advantage only if you have the skills to perform it !!
    As for every racing technique on HD like brs, shortcuts...

  15. #15
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    wait wait wait, tell me this:

    How is this any different than earlier wipeout games by just SAVING YOUR BOOST FROM ONE LAP and using it RIGHT before the beginning of the next lap, so that you get the speed from that boost, and you still have your boost for the next lap? I think everyone has done this.... The only thing using select does is allow you to reset your boost whenever you want, but it invalidates that lap.

  16. #16
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    Yes AG-wolf, but it seems that having the idea and ability to use it for performing a difficult stunt is unfair

  17. #17
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    I see what it is now. I'm sure it requires skill, no doubt. still don't like it. That is why there is a gentlemens' agreement not to turn around at the beginning in wipeout xl, or wipeout 64 to get faster race times since the timer won't start until you get to the line. Turning around like that is a nuisance at the beginning of the race, and since no one does it, you don't have to waste all you time turning around to get a better start. Same as this, really, and not the same as saving a turbo for the next lap, all wipeouts have that in them. This just seems like a much bigger nuisance, however, at least it doesn't affect sr and time trial.

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    Wow! What a can of worms that one little comment opened up (love it ).

    Firstly, before anyone chimes in I do think they should watch the video and try to do this trick themselves:
    See? It's impossibly difficult. It's not just pushing a button and is probably one of the most challenging things to do in the entire game.

    In some ways I still don't like it. In others it's pretty impressive. Meh!

  19. #19
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    Maybe I should make the crucial argument more clear: Difficult or not does not matter - at all! It's outside the "actual game" - and that alone makes it a game-breaker for me. That's it, that's my entire complaint.

    Using a boost just before the other lap is a game-internal feature. These craft have a boost - go ahead and use it. These craft don't have a select button - so why would I wanna use it?

    If for some reason pressing CIRCLE-SQUARE-START-L1-R3-CIRCLE in the menu would make you go faster, would you seriously consider using it?

    You see: Kirk never beat the Kobayashi Maru - he only beat the system. And the guy who seemingly hacked WipEout Pulse (was it Pulse?)? He never beat the game - he only beat the system.

    Why, coming to think about it: Hacking the game certainly was ONE heck of a job - maybe we SOULD applaud that skilled guy after all...

    Last edited by G'Kyl; 28th May 2009 at 07:27 PM. Reason: spelling ;)

  20. #20
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    It's not nearly as bad as the respawn glitch in Wipeout Fusion PAL, the good thing is it isn't usable in an actual race or fixed-lap TT, so I'm not as worried.

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