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Thread: WO Omega Collection - Random questions that do not need their own thread.

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by docfo4r View Post
    How again do I unlock the Wip3out HUD style?
    10000 points w/one team.

  2. #22
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    Yup, that did it. Thx

  3. #23
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    This is gonna sound pretty dumb but, after having some very intense races today I need to ask because I can't figure these out and they're leaving me stumped.

    Can someone explain to me ((Or hell, provide video footage)) of the best lines around the fabled cambered left-hand corner on Chenghou Project, and the first section of Sol 2, and more specifically about where/how to barrel roll on them? Flash and Rapier would be preferred, since that seems to be what most random lobbies online use.

    I was racing someone earlier who was able to whoop me on Chenghou just because they could pop out a BR coming out of the banked corner, and I can't get the line for it. We were racing on Flash. I was using AG Systems at the time (if that makes a difference) but the other guy was using Mirage; I've seen him do the same stuff using Feisar, though.

    Would be appreciated.


    I'd like to add the bump on Metropia to that list too. The one that's just after the mag-strip section, I've seen people using a turbo there and going flying but that corner section is awkward and I can't do it without falling off the track.
    Last edited by KazzyMac; 22nd June 2017 at 06:42 AM.

  4. #24
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    First left bend on Chenghou, stay far to the right and the key is to start cornering with airbrakes very early to hit the apex. And to finish it off, use a left sideshift to align on the speedpad and avoid running into the right wall on the exit.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snakenator1 View Post
    So I'll kick us off by asking how come sometimes the exhaust trails change colour in some HD races? Sometimes fury ships have the blue exhaust trail while HD ships have red trails (and vice versa). Any ideas that can quench my curiosity?
    Quote Originally Posted by Racingfan View Post
    probably a glitch

    the zone ship in hd/fury vita version had the same glitch
    Quote Originally Posted by Justice & Curtains View Post
    This seems to be a bug with the trails at the moment (at least, its been posted in the Glitches thread repeatedly ).
    I've noticed that when Tigron or Van-Über features in a "vs AI" race, the colour of their trails depend on which ship class (HD or Fury) you choose. But when you choose Tigron or Van-Über, it's always blue.

    In Online mode (from my experience at least), it seems to be completely random whether every ship has blue trails, red trails, or a sort of mixture of blue and red. But glitch or no, considering Tigron and Van-Über have no "Fury" variants, it would be awesome to choose what colour your ship's engine trail is, as a kind of extra cosmetic option - I want me a Tigron with the red!

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by KazzyMac View Post
    This is gonna sound pretty dumb but, after having some very intense races today I need to ask because I can't figure these out and they're leaving me stumped.

    Can someone explain to me ((Or hell, provide video footage)) of the best lines around the fabled cambered left-hand corner on Chenghou Project, and the first section of Sol 2, and more specifically about where/how to barrel roll on them? Flash and Rapier would be preferred, since that seems to be what most random lobbies online use.

    I was racing someone earlier who was able to whoop me on Chenghou just because they could pop out a BR coming out of the banked corner, and I can't get the line for it. We were racing on Flash. I was using AG Systems at the time (if that makes a difference) but the other guy was using Mirage; I've seen him do the same stuff using Feisar, though.

    Would be appreciated.


    I'd like to add the bump on Metropia to that list too. The one that's just after the mag-strip section, I've seen people using a turbo there and going flying but that corner section is awkward and I can't do it without falling off the track.
    There is one technique that all of these rolls you are asking about require: the infamous SS Roll (sideshift into a barrel roll). This is useful elsewhere too because it allows you to relocate your craft without losing speed. Take advantages of little hills and valleys to land some low air rolls. Also, for clarification, I use the term "burndown" to describe the period of time that you have a speed boost from a roll. While you are in burn down, you are going faster than the max speed of your craft under normal circumstances. Just some additional FYI, burndown times are increased for the HD ships and decreased for the Fury ships, which is why some pilots prefer the HD variants. There are some additional hidden stats I won't go in to here, but just know that despite seemingly inferior stats, the smaller mass of HD ships more than makes up for the difference in stats.

    First: Chenghou. You need to avoid too much intermittent air time before the end of the turn. To do that, you need to stay near the middle of the track and nose into the turn (which is down and left). If you avoid bumping around, you'll have enough speed to SS+roll. The roll is a little weird in that the track plays mind games with you. If you do as I've suggested, there will be a "hump" on the left side you'll have enough speed to barrel roll off of even without a SS. If you miscalculate, you'll need to SS left and barrel roll. This is why I recommend staying towards the center right up until you approach the hump. If you find yourself too far to the right, you'll have to SS over. If you land the roll over the hump, you'll be able to chain into another one if you hit the boost pad while in burndown. There is a surprising amount of air possible as you leave the turn, and if you practice the line enough, you won't need to sideshift on Flash. Adhoc's advise is solid here, but I think he is confused as to which turn you are talking about. Just to be safe, do both

    Sol 2: If you have a turbo, aim to boost off the left side and shoot for just below the first set of wings. This is one of the trickier shortcuts, and if you have a hard time going for the lower roll, you can aim your turbo just above the wings which isn't as fast but is way more safe. Without a turbo, you want to brake hard to hit the speed pad instead of the weapon pad (optimal line) then stay to the right side of the track and aim for the small ramp connected to the wings (towards the top right side of the track). Then you need to sideshift off the ramp back to the left and nose up and barrel roll. This is also pretty hard to do and to be effective in a race, you need to be able to do it consistently. If you land the first roll, you'll have enough speed during burndown to sideshift over the speed pad back to the right on the track ahead. If you sideshift over to the right, you'll have enough air to get a 2nd roll just before the hard right hand turn.

    Metropia: This one is also a bit of an optical illusion. If you turbo just before that rise in the track, you'll have enough speed to get airborne and don't have to worry about nailing the right line. But if you are seeking to do this without a turbo, it is a little confusing. You might be inclined to hit the boost pad and sideshift roll to the left because the hump is higher. However the track flattens out right at that point so you won't have enough air to commit a barrel roll there and you'll actually hang in the air which is slower than just hitting the pad. To do this one, you actually need to sideshift right over the hump and keep your ship angled back to the left (so you don't go off track). Once you hit the hump, you should have enough air to land a roll there, and you'll also hit the turbo pad there for extra speed. The burndown time of the post roll speed boost should carry you to the double speed boost which I suggest you aim for instead of the weapon pad. The benefit of doing a regular roll here over a turbo-roll is twofold. 1. Any pilot that uses a turbo roll there will have to slow down to handle the curve, so they'll be braking during some of the roll's burndown time and they won't make full use of that boost on the straight. 2. The most effective use of a barrel roll is just prior the the first rise in the track that leads to the righthand turn after the rise. If you don't already know, boost before you start to go up the hill, and if you stay to the left of the track and hit the speed pad, you can actually get a second one in. However going for two there isn't worth the risk in online play because loosing 30 energy at the start of the lap is kind of dangerous on such a short track. If you get a turbo prior to the roll you were asking about, it is better to save it for the turbo roll on the next lap which is ONLY accessible on Venom, Flash and Rapier with a turbo (you can do it pretty easily on Phantom without one).

    Ill try to document these later if I can remember my Youtube account password.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mannjon View Post
    Also, for clarification, I use the term "burndown" to describe the period of time that you have a speed boost from a roll. While you are in burn down, you are going faster than the max speed of your craft under normal circumstances.
    Considering the similarity to jet-fighters, I usually think of it as an engine afterburner. But that's just semantics, and beside the point.

    Nevertheless, very descriptive BR tips from everyone. I may have to try some of these myself, I never could nail those advanced BRs.

  8. #28
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    I went ahead and just uploaded the videos for KazzyMac. I did not go for every single roll possible, but instead focused on the ones that Kazzy asked about. Not bad times, but I'm a little rusty.



    Sol 2:
    Last edited by mannjon; 23rd June 2017 at 10:18 PM.

  9. #29
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    Thanks for the feedback, guys.

    For reference, when I was talking about Metropia I was talking about using a turbo, specifically. I didn't think that weird bump after the magstrip was something that could be barrel rolled over ((but going by the responses then it is? Huh.))

    I just want to concentrate on becoming consistent with the 'obvious' rolls and the safer, online-applicable ones; I'm pretty sure things such as doubles and 'thinking outside the box' will come a little more naturally once I have the muscle memory for understanding how to use the track to bounce the craft.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by KazzyMac View Post
    Thanks for the feedback, guys.

    For reference, when I was talking about Metropia I was talking about using a turbo, specifically. I didn't think that weird bump after the magstrip was something that could be barrel rolled over ((but going by the responses then it is? Huh.))

    I just want to concentrate on becoming consistent with the 'obvious' rolls and the safer, online-applicable ones; I'm pretty sure things such as doubles and 'thinking outside the box' will come a little more naturally once I have the muscle memory for understanding how to use the track to bounce the craft.
    If you want to see it, I can post a video of that too. I personally don't like using a turbo there if I can avoid it. It is too risky and there is a safer option (which I posted above). The turbo is best spent on that lap, but every now and then that turbo roll can be useful for catching up on a last lap.

    It should be mentioned that the barrel roll I show in the video is a particularly tough one, and there is a trick to it. You'll need to nose up (dpad down) ONLY when you SS. If you don't hold down you won't get enough air, and if you press anything else, you'll go off track.
    Last edited by mannjon; 24th June 2017 at 07:36 PM.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdHoc View Post
    In Zone Mode (HD/Fury & 2048), how is your energy repleted?

    I can’t tell with certainty what does it.

    - It’s not speedpads
    - It’s not reaching a new sub-zone
    - It’s not reaching a new zone
    - It’s not avoiding to touch the walls for a certain amount of time
    - It’s not completing a lap of the track

    So what is it?
    Perform a Perfect Zone by avoiding any collisions with walls and staying on track for 10 seconds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Racingfan View Post
    in 2048, it only give you 8% or so energy with a perfect zone
    This actually depends on the ship you're using in 2048. Example, AG-Systems Prototype gives you 17% energy back.

  12. #32
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    I'd like to know what speed pads do for you in zone and if there is any reason to avoid or hit them.

    From what I can tell, all they do is provide extra points. Is there a reason to hit them if I'm just going for zone requirements for an elite pass on 2048? Is there a reason to avoid them if I'm not concerned with overall score? I know when racing speed pads hint as to the optimal lines, but that seems different in zone.

  13. #33
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    You guessed right: they only provide extra points in HD, and extra XP in 2048.

    They're completely useless in the leaderboards in 2048 (because they are done by zones cleared) but they really matter in HD because the leaderboards are made by points scored. Many players try to get as much speed pads, perfect laps and zones, and barrel rolls as they can because they bump up the points counter.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Light Buster View Post
    Perform a Perfect Zone by avoiding any collisions with walls and staying on track for 10 seconds.

    This actually depends on the ship you're using in 2048. Example, AG-Systems Prototype gives you 17% energy back.
    I totally did not know this! Does anyone know how much energy is given back per ship? Maybe a formula? I've been using the Piranha mainly because I wiggle wobble all over the place with ships that have a higher handling stat. Any suggestions on a ideal ship for someone like me?

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Light Buster View Post
    ...AG-Systems Prototype gives you 17% energy back...
    This is just 'one side of the coin', the other being AGility Systems Prototype losing double the health. All ships loose between 3% - 4% health when going 'out of bounds' or gain between 7% - 8% health when doing a 'perfect zone'. AGility Systems Prototype gains 17%, but looses between 7% - 8%!

  16. #36
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    That's why the AG-Systems Prototype is a double-edged sword as with any Prototype ship. The AG-Systems has some of the best handling in the game, but at the cost of health.

  17. #37
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    I've noticed that with a fighter ship on zone, slight wall scrapes don't do damage. Is this the same for all ships? I seem to be having better luck with zone with Fighter ships. They don't wobble as much.

  18. #38
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    Pretty much, it's to do with their health stat. The only one that is fragile enough to lose energy from slight scrapes is the AG Systems Prototype

  19. #39
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    I always wanted to know how the online ranking number is calculated. Is it based on the position and number of races? or other factors as the number of players in the race are taken into account?

  20. #40
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    yup, beat players to progress faster. doesnt matter what game mode you play though

    after level 35 or so it starts to get really slow... like really really slow

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