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Thread: Wipeout 3 The Music Promo Disk

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Wipeout 3 The Music Promo Disk

    I have won a promo disc from ebay and would like to share it. How would I be able to do so?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    on the beach, waiting for the sunset

    Default Re: Wipeout 3 The Music Promo Disk

    Quote Originally Posted by vh5150
    I have won a promo disc from ebay and would like to share it. How would I be able to do so?
    try 'Kazaa'

  3. #3
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    Do you mean the contents of the disk?

    If it's the one I think you have then the music is one exceptionally huge file - you'll need to convert it to MP3 and then find somewhere to put it on the web. Cant do it here - my ties to Sony would land me in deep trouble for that kind of thing!

  4. #4
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    i guess you could always rip it then split it up into each individual track - if you have wav file editing software you could do it that way, then people wouldnt have to download the whole thing at once.

  5. #5
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    The disc is one track long and the songs are in this order:

    Auricom - Sasha
    Control - MKL
    Feisar - Sasha
    Down the River - Hong Kong Trash
    Icaras - Sasha
    Kittens - Underworld
    Lethal Cut - Propellerheads
    Voices - Desert
    Pirhana - Sasha
    Surrender - MKL
    Know Where To Run - Orbital
    Avenue - Paul van Dyk

  6. #6
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    I'm not sure of your angle against me here, but you can stick it where the sun don't shine buddy.

    All I said was that I wouldn't be able to host it here for you, if you wanted to share it (which you said you did in your opening post).

    I have around ten copies of that disk sitting at home - I gave a couple away last year to the winners of a challenge, in fact. They were given to me by the guy at Studio Liverpool who arranged for the disc to be mixed at a local record label.

    So... red text, capital letters and trying to justify re-distribution of copyrighted material aren't really the way to go about badgering me into any sort of admission that the disk is public domain.

    But thanks for trying.

  7. #7
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    Default and the beat goes on...

    So now I find this in my in-box...

    Piracy as defined by (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
    Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
    Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved) :
    "...The unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted or patented material..."

    Piracy as defined by Thorndike Barnhart Advanced Dictionary Copyright © 1974 by Doubleday & Company, Inc.:
    "...act of publishing or using a book, play, invention, etc., without permission...."

    See the word game? Just copying a cd in your home constitutes piracy in the first definition. See also this:

    Terrorism as defined by (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
    Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
    Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved):
    "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons."

    Terrorism as defined by Thorndike Barnhart Advanced Dictionary Copyright © 1974 by Doubleday & Company, Inc.:

    "1 a terrorizing; use of terror, especially the systematic use of terror by a government or
    other authority against particular persons or groups. 2 condition of fear and submission produced by terrorizing people. 3 method of opposing a government internally through the use of terror."

    I always tell people they have to have the retail disc if they need to change something. Besides the help I give is for the retail game of which Wipeout 3: Special Edition seems to be a popular topic. Such questions like "How do I convert this game to NTSC?" always pop up. So how is it piracy if people have questions like that answered? They have to have the retail game in order to play it don't they? That's similar to "How do I rip music from Wipeout Fusion? The soundtrack was only released as a promotional item similar to the one I have.

    So piracy in your eyes is my posting in this forum how to do it.
    Did I once mention the word piracy in my post?

    And WTF is all that about terrorism into the bargain? Watching too much CNN war coverage or something? Got a bit hyped up and ready to attack?

    You need to re-read my post, understand that as an employee of SCE I am not really at liberty to host this kind of thing on my site, and realise that *that* was all I was implying before you took it so frickin personally.

    At least do me that courtesy before you go off on one on a forum because you think I've robbed you of your right to re-distribute a four year old disc you've happened upon?! :roll:

  8. #8
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    Default woah!!

    hey hey! I think everybody gotta chill here! Your getting on like a pair of bitches! lol :
    y'all gotta relax.

    Anyway, I too had that CD, well I did until I went on a mad temper tantrum and trashed a load of CD's -including that prized item stupid me.
    I still have the sleeve tho! lol

    I remember that CD has tracks that aren't in the game, which proved to be interesting.

    However, I remember a mate of mine telling me about a program that can cut large music files like that into indivdual files. But i think that the cd works better as a whole track - kinda blends in together.

    "Let's be friends!" eh?


  9. #9
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    heh, I never realised that this post was so old! ops: :

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    USA: south of reason


    Ah! So we're busting out the definitions, eh? Well, to get technical, unlicensed distribution would qualify as unauthorized use... hence, piracy.

    Also, since our friend is from America, we might want to consider a lovely little piece of legislation called the DMCA, which states that circumvention of copyright protection measures is a federal crime. Which means that technically, simply telling someone, say, where to locate a pirated work, or simply pointing them to an app which enables ripping copyrighted audio from software carries a hefty fine. I understand that Europe is planning (if they haven't already) to implement a similar draconian law.

    And besides all that, it's infox's site. He can do what he damn well pleases! :wink:

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