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Thread: Download Packs

  1. #41
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    Something like that..

    or has that always been happening and I just didn't notice?

  2. #42
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    I think they've been showing up for a while. There's also a Vostock Reef and Gemini Dam. I'm pretty sure they've been discussed in another thread somewhere, not sure where though...

  3. #43
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    Mirage team and two tracks are up on the PC - PSP Playstation Store.

    It costs £3.49, a lot less than the real ship though.

  4. #44
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    They're charging? Oh well, while a little unexpected the original price of pulse was so cheap I have no problems paying. I wonder how many packs they plan on releasing in total.

  5. #45
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    I have no problem paying for packs either but I'm very surprised. The teams are all listed on the site as standard with no mention of having to pay for them and they are all over the game in billboards. That just seems a little cheeky.

    And with only one team here and three more to go, the cost could rack up. One team and two tracks for €5? Seems steep to me.

  6. #46
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    We need to pay for this? I do care! I spent 45 euros for my copy, that's a normal price, and besides, they never said they were going to charge!
    And now ships can't be used in multiplayer... another downer...
    Do we know if this restrictions are definitive?
    No ad-hoc with these ships either?
    Sl could come up with a patch...
    I'm not happy about paying 5 euros for this pack, I probably won't until I cool off.
    This is outrageous, if things keep going this way next WO game we will get the menus only, and then we'll pay for every track separately...
    Who decided on this? SL? Sony?

    What about people with no access to credit cards?

    This feels very eerie...
    Last edited by DjManiac21; 7th February 2008 at 01:37 PM.

  7. #47
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    Just checked and it really is up... Mirage Pack: One ship and two tracks with their Zones for €4.99 ... I think they've gone too far. Seeing that Harimau and Icaras are missing and maybe some other content too... If Icaras gets the Piranha beater everyone suggests it to be, then the two-class WipEout gaming world is reality. I won't pay, Pulse wasn't "cheap", it came at €39.90 which is a regular price for PSP games, so the retail cost doesn't justify the "expansion's" price. I hope many others will refrain from paying either. Unfortunately there are many WO fanatics- just like in other games, e.g. Oblivion- that pay without a second thought about the consequences in the long run.

  8. #48
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    hm, so there's 4 (8 B/W) tracks and 4 ships announced, all 4 then will cost £3.50*4 £14. Still, more than worth it , they could charge £20 per track and I'd still pay. Here's hoping for an addition 4 tracks after that!

  9. #49
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    Well I went ahead and got it. Not like I wasn't going to. So we get Mirage craft, Edgewinter track White and Vostok Reef Black. Am I right in thinking that the other directions of those tracks are going to be a separate paid download? If I am, that is nasty.

    Many (most) people on this board I'm sure will end up getting them but those 'mainstream' gamers they're so desperate to hook in? Not a chance in hell.

    The tracks - Edgewinter is blue. Like, everywhere. It's a city setting and looks like a Pulse Sinucit-alike in a way but more city. Not very inspired looking but the layout seems like fun. It's short but the layout was quite surprising on first play.

    Vostok Reef opens with a Pulse-by-numbers section but then moves into a beautifully lit cave-like section that is just gorgeous. Really nice and looks very different. The entire track is underwater. Seems like there's a cool jump in the White version but... that doesn't appear to come with the pack. Pants.

    So very first impressions, yeah, a good pack. Worth €5? Well, I'm going to end up paying for it so I guess for me it is but for most it won't be. And shouldn't be. And now that it's a paid download, I'm wondering if I buy the bug-fixed US Pulse version, will I have to buy these packs again for that? As if using the UK and Europe as bug testers isn't enough to piss off the fanbase.

    Ah well.

  10. #50
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    That's naive reasoning, Fascia, and shows that the concept of micro transaction has settled in peoples minds as normality.
    However, the market doesn't work the way your calculations are based on. Given, a million people pay €4.99 for that one pack, who says SL/Sony won't take this as a sign, that people are willing to pay even more? Next pack comes at €5.99... ad infinitum... You see where I'm going with this?
    Still, more than worth it
    Where do you get the idea that the content was worked on seperately and isn't part of the whole game's production process and just held back for the right moment when the novelty for the casual gamers has worn off?
    Dogg: I think it's especially the casual gamers that gladly pay, because by now they are tired of racing moa and talon's over and over again (they don't work on their laptimes and try to "break" the game), and need new, exciting content, until they get tired of that... But then maybe the next pack gets released. However, when the releases stop, they stop playing Pulse. But who knows,maybe the next WipEout is available by then, as a version DJ suggested
    It's just wrong
    Last edited by phl0w; 7th February 2008 at 01:50 PM.

  11. #51
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    I understand what you're saying there, and I also agree with it entirely, you're completely on the money (so to speak). And for the record, this'll perhaps be one of my first micro transactions, I own neither an xbox, wii or playstation, so the whole charging for DLC is new to me. That said however, this is WipEout and while it is naive reasoning, it is still WipEout, and I am a WipEout nut, as are alot of people here. I'll be buying the packs, as will alot of other people both on and off of these message boards. I just hope that the majority of the money goes into the developers pockets, they deserve it. If it were any other game, I'd proably skip it, but, again, It's WipEout!

  12. #52
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    I don't know, phl0w. I can't see the masses going for them at this price. Or certainly not more than one pack. The less devoted Wipeout players will likely just move on to the next game.

    I'm thinking now it was probably a little hasty of me to buy them so soon without knowing the US situation. I mean, I'm in the position of being annoyed about the ambient sound bug, which never should have got through, and the other many bugs in Pulse. I don't know yet how much will be fixed in the US version, though we know some bugs will be fixed. But then, if I get the US version and can't use the packs I've bought here, that would be crap but I don't even know if I'd be able to buy the packs for the US version because it would have to go through the US store.

    So, starting from a bad place of feeling like I've paid to test bugs, as much as I enjoy Pulse (and I do), this has just got a lot more complicated.

    And all a bit crap really.

    I should have waited until we know what the US situation will be.

  13. #53
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    I kinda hate that… Not even a picture of the tracks, only one white and one black and 5€ for this… No additional music, no online patch

    The second point is i'm on a mac and the PSstore is incompatible with it. I tried to install the downloader via Crossover but it doesn't work. I'm not buying a windows licence for you, Sony.

    Well, it sounds like Wipeout isn't ready for the mass market yet…
    Last edited by tapioca; 7th February 2008 at 03:21 PM.

  14. #54
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    Dogg Thang,
    I'm thinking now it was probably a little hasty of me to buy them so soon without knowing the US situation. I mean, I'm in the position of being annoyed about the ambient sound bug, which never should have got through, and the other many bugs in Pulse. I don't know yet how much will be fixed in the US version, though we know some bugs will be fixed. But then, if I get the US version and can't use the packs I've bought here, that would be crap but I don't even know if I'd be able to buy the packs for the US version because it would have to go through the US store.
    I would buy it too but that I was thinking too.

    Foxy, can you enlighten for us please?


  15. #55
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    I cant comment on that right now, I'm afraid.

  16. #56
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    This is downright bullshit. I had such a positive view of Pulse and SL before, being under the impression that all this enjoyable content would be free. I like to have some entertainment but not when I have to pay for every little bit of extra content. Everything thrives on money these days, producers selling a minimum of extra's in fancy looking packages and brainwashing everyone into buying it. I'm done with the current gaming industry, and shall go back to Wipeout XL.

  17. #57
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    Shame that Mirage isn`t available for online. It flies great and has just the right stats for me. I wonder if this is because opponents might not have the download pack, but then it seems you can use the new tracks, and people also might not have them. Maybe the downloadable ships are too good and would unbalance the game?

    Given that Pulse was a relatively cheap UMD to buy, and I paid less than a very reasonable RRP of £25, I`m not averse to the idea of buying downloadable content. I`d rather it was all in the original cover price, but I`ll go with it if it`s value for money. We`ve been over all that, imo. But if all the content is going to add 4 lots of £3.49/5euros to the price, and the extra ships can`t be used in multiplayer, then it does seem a little overpriced on top of an RRP of £25. For someone who`s not a Wipeout-nut it`s certainly stretching the value for money concept, at least. Still, better than Puma.

  18. #58
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    I bought Pulse and with it 24 tracks (white and black runs) for 40,- euros. There's no way I'm going to spend another fiver just for 2 more tracks and another ship! Sorry SL and sorry Sony, I'm not someone to satisfy your greed for money. And as already said, the only ones who will get these packs at that price will be some spoilt-by-their-rich-parents-kids and the real hardcore fans of the series. For me this is just wrong - you're picking the pockets of the people and fans who have helped to keep the series alive and kicking and helped wipeout to become a huge success over the last ten years...

  19. #59
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  20. #60
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    they are up!!?? have to check'em out!
    Last edited by zargz; 7th February 2008 at 02:49 PM.

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