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Thread: Favourite & Most hated tracks.

  1. #1
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    Rapier_Racer -OFW-

    Default Favourite & Most hated tracks.

    Yes ladies and gents this is the Pulse thread for you most loved and hated track. Here are mine

    Favorite: Tech De Ra/ Moa Therma white & black

    It was love at first race on Tech De Ra really, you can build up so much speed on this track its just fantastic, I'm a fan of the transparent track idea too so I love that area of the circuit. Finally the way the white run ends with 2 sharp turns you better be paying attention! Moa Therma I just really enjoy also can't decide which one I like more at this point.

    Hated: Basilico white & black and any other form it might appear in

    Whats this? Another one of Clarkos efforts?
    Last edited by Rapier Racer; 16th December 2007 at 07:22 PM.

  2. #2
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    As a matter of fact, Basilico is one of my favourites. Love the speedy black variant and the almost straight line through the chicanes in White. Also, the Neo-Tokyo style surroundings alone keep me going there.

    I find it hard to decide on THE favourite track, though. Tech De Ra is awesome, yes, as are Platinum Rush White, Metropia (B & W) Vertigo White and Talon*s Junction (W & B). However, I definitely don't like De Konstruct! I just don't get the flow on the bigger part of its length.


  3. #3
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    Well, seeing I haven't even reached Phantom grid yet, it's a bit too early to tell. I think only Phantom shows how well a track is balanced and its architecture. Although all Zone events so far have proven that all tracks are perfectly playable @1000kph, there are once again some that are a real b*tch. But nothing that would make you pull your hair out like Silverstream or Citta Nuovo, except, well, for Outpost 7, especially its Black run is close to those old threats
    I mentioned my favourites already, Basilico Black is one of them now too thanks to the amazing mag strip corkscrew section (only surpassed by Metropia B's vertical drop) and Vertica White for pure speed.

  4. #4
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    Yeah, I'm a fan of Basilico too. Well, certainly the White version. Actually I think my faourite might actually be Moa Therma. It feels the most distinctive to me in terms of both layout and visuals. I love it. Platinum Rush White is another fave and both Verticas.

    My least favourite is hard to tell yet but so far I'd say Outpost 7. Not a bad track by any means and carries a few grat features over from some of the Pure tracks but in both layout and appearance it doesn't feel like a 'last track' if you know what I mean. I guess I was hoping for something that made me go 'wow'.

    Love Fort Gale too but I find it a bit of a tease - the outdoor looks absolutely stunning but you only catch glimpses of it as you go in and out of tunnels. Would love to have been more exposed to the elements.

    Overall, I'm a huge fan of the tracks in Pulse. It's clear a huge amount of effort went into the design.

  5. #5
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    I think if anything gave me a kick in the bollocks like Silverstream did it's Outpost 7

    Favourite so far is Platinum Rush, closely followed by Moa Therma. Just don't ask me to do Zone on Platinum Rush, I'm still having nightmares over that one

  6. #6
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    Favorite: Platinum Rush - The most well implimented technical track I've seen in a wipeout game yet. Tech De Ra - This track is just beutiful, and the speed you can gain on it is lovely.

    Hate: Basilico - See Platinum Rush but replace 'well' with 'badly'.

    Love/Hate: Outpost 7, untill I develop a proper racing line I know I'm going to have nightmares, but the second I've got a decent racing line, as a feisar pilot, I'm going to love it to bits.

  7. #7
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    Not that i have the speed here, because i don't, but Tech de Ra is fantastic.... i just love the Layout & the transparent tracks, and the tunnels etc. I also like Moa Therma. As for the others, i haven't reached that far yet.

  8. #8
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    Good thing you mentioned it, Dogg Thang: Fort Gale looks absolutely beautiful, yes! Probably the prettiest one of the new pack, if you ask me. Love the Black run for its more technical approach.

  9. #9
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    favourite is probably metropia black, love that plummet
    least favourite against AI is possibly fort gale. it's a gorgeous track, but there's no way to escape weapons fire. haven't tried it multiplayer yet

  10. #10
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    Yeah Fort Gale is pretty tight and it can get hectic when the AI start firing off their weapons. While there's nothing that compares to Pure's Citta Novua in terms of psycho AI, there are quite a few tracks in Pulse that have the AI riled up something rotten.

    But one thing I really like about Fort Gale is that it feels really substantial. The tracks in Pure and Pulse have been shorter and, as a result, have fewer parts to negotiate but Fort Gale, for whatever reason, feels very meaty. Is it longer?

    Actually that's one of my slight disappointments with Outpost 7. It's really just two sections - u-turn, u-turn then scary bridge. Or scary bridge then u-turn, u-turn if you're going the other way. It feels really short. To describe a classic track or even the likes of Fort Gale in similar terms would take much longer. Silverstream is one of the meatiest tracks in WO history but going from memory it sort of goes like this - first split, sharp join, u-turn, huge climb, fast descent, second split, hard weave, sharp join, fast arrows designed to plough you into the wall. And that's just describes one route.

    I do like the scary bridge section in Outpost 7. It's like that Delta track I've forgotten the name of.

    I also love that big open section in Arc Prime.

  11. #11
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    If we're comparing like-for-like with Pure, then I do think the tracks in Pulse are of a much higher standard as race-tracks, which is awesome considering it's the first time Mag-Strips have been used.

    So far, Arc Prime White has to be my favourite - I TT'd it to death on Sunday afternoon, then got beat by Mad-Ice in his FEISAR by a hundredth of a second!

    It's early days, though - I only have nine tracks open and I haven't really taken to the black versions of any of them yet, so as I warm to them and open the others it could well be the richest WipEout for me in terms of tracks.

  12. #12
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    Amphiseum B&W, loved that track the first moment I raced it against Chrono. Loved the drop and the trick it is to BR and turn to the left on the white version.

    Outpost 7 is a track I took online this weekend to have a good laugh, I love to take last place and watch people just going straight on the first u-turn, wondering where the hell is the rest of the track!!!

    I think my least fav track would be De Konstruct, W or B, don't really get chills as with the rest of the tracks.

    All the tracks are awesome in some way or the other, I still think that a little bit more variety wouldn't hurt, though track design is great, but that's why you have the packs right?

    I'm really satisfied with Pulse as it is

  13. #13
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    I've only just unlocked Amphiseum (White) but WOW!! What a great track, i'm really loving it, and such a fantastic jump!! (Takes my breath away!)

    I'm Not a great fan of De Konstrukt though, and the really dark one that i can't remember the name of (It's the one that's got quite a drop on the Grav Strips straight after the bend. - Not much help eh?)

  14. #14
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    That would be Metropia Black.

  15. #15
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    Well, I`m still few tracks to be unlock left and, I cannot use the word "hate", because, all tracks are well balanced, no crazy stuff, just to the extreme. I like them all.
    Why?, well read lunar`s post from pure about shitta which everybody detest! and now, did they complain?


  16. #16
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    I wasn't able to find that thread but my problem with Citta Nouva wasn't with how hard it was to navigate (though it wasn't exactly easy!). My problem was that the AI went mental on it. I felt that, in the single races, it didn't matter so much how well you raced it, but how lucky you were with what the enemies hit you with. And I got no pleasure from eventually getting through it with luck.

    Unfortunately, last night, I found the same thing on two tracks in Pulse in the higher classes - Platinum Rush and Outpost 7. Bugged the hell out of me. Even in Citta Nouva I survived longer (though still lost every race when I got hit with the Disruptor - which is now thankfully gone). Though I realised part of that was me hitting walls and losing more shield than I should. So I do need to get better at those tracks. Still, my deaths felt entirely random and that was frustrating.

    I'm on Platinum Grid 2 now and have got every gold except one. That one is the 12 race tournament of death on Rapier.

    It does have me wondering though - in Pure, one of the things I felt personally (and it took me a long time to realise this) is that the game punished you too hard for being hit by weapons but not hard enough in terms of time for hitting a wall. If anything, Pulse takes that further - I'm seeing little or no punishment in time for hitting a wall (though of course there is shield damage) and massive punishment for being the victim of a plamsa/quake combo. I was hoping it would go the opposite way to get it back more to the racing ability and remove the blind luck aspect of Citta Nouva.

    But back on topic, the more I play it the more two tracks really stand out as being wonderful - Moa Therma and the Amphiseum. I love that loop section in Amphiseum that feels like a plain ol' racetrack. It's fantastic. And at Phantom, playing Moa Therma is a dream. It's an easy track in terms of layout but still not so easy at Phantom to present no challenge and the AI aren't crazy on it.

  17. #17
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    I'll definitely disagree on the track collision punishment point.
    I find that at least in my qirex if I scrape the wall, it tends to pull the front into the wall more and unless you fight it immediately, a slight scrape can often devolve into a dead stop. I've wasted entire turbos by not being lined up and in control properly before boosting, then smearing myself along a wall.

  18. #18
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    Hmmm... I'm using mostly Goteki. Maybe it varies from craft to craft. The Goteki can bounce around a track from beginning to end and come out with a Gold on time trial.

  19. #19
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    That is the link, but we did eventually starting to like shitta.

    Now, think back of Pure game? and now think of Pulse, see the difference? Imo, I think Pure is a bit of a gamble and look at Pulse now, waaay ahead!

    That`s why, I cannot say, hated, just say, uncomfortable but adapt or, comply or resistance is futile! (Seven of Nine)


  20. #20
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    I'm also going to have to disagree with the point about weapons and wall collision. I can easily recover from a quake to the point sometimes where I don't loose any positions, hit the walls however and I found them to be more punishing than Pures walls if you don't get off them instantly they grind you to a halt very quickly.

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