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Thread: Wipeout Fusion Soundtrack Mix

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Wipeout Fusion Soundtrack Mix

    Hello there Wipeoutzone people, this is my first post here, I joined yesterday
    I wish you all a nice day.
    This seems like a nice cosy forum to me and I also am a wipeout fan.
    I am a Wipeout 64 player, I never had a playstation and never tried any game on pc so that's my only wipeout game but I am right now getting into the mood of playing others on pc, if possible, because I don't want to buy a playstation 2 only for that game.. but I will see about that

    Last week I created a music mix of 8 songs of the wipeout fusion soundtrack and I thought I would give it to you people and also ask for your opinion.
    I saw you tried ripping the music out of the game so I guess you probably like it. I only put the ones in that were fitting together, I don't have all great songs, for example smartbomb is not in although I like it a lot.

    I called the mix Psygnosis
    Download the mix

    Thank you in advance for any opinion.
    I would also mix even more wipeout soundtracks if you want
    That's it from me for now. John

    auri ยป Psygnosis

    Size: 52 MB
    Release: January 2007
    Updated: October 2009
    Length: 30:58
    Speed: 136 BPM
    Quality: 235kbps VBR

    01 00:00 Braniac - Neuro
    02 04:42 Elite Force & Nick Ryan - Switchback
    03 08:13 Cut La Roc - Bassheads
    04 10:56 Orbital - Funny Break (Plump DJs Remix)
    05 16:42 Luke Slater - Bolt Up
    06 19:38 Amethyst - Blue Funk
    07 24:56 Blades & Naughty G - Beats Defective
    08 27:21 Elite Force - Krushyn

    All tracks appeared on the WipEout Fusion video game soundtrack

    write me at if nothing here works
    Last edited by auri; 17th August 2010 at 12:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Germany 2097


    Youre welcome!

    I don't want to buy a playstation 2 only for that game.. but I will see about that
    That right! Dont buy Fusion. Its not a WipEout title like the others you know
    (Its an overstylehypenophysicsflyingthing with no qirex-rd,
    however Ive heard that there are people who called Fusion a WipEout title, but maybe
    it was just a misunderstanding)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the site John

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thank you
    I just tried wipeout 64 on emulator with some hama usb double action air grip controller, but everytime I win a challenge, I cannot continue. And the manouvering is horrible without an original n64 controller..

    I bought wipeout64 though 1 year ago. I didn't have an n64 but I planned on buying one. Now I have the game cassette here but no n64

    Which games should I check out in your opinion? I got that ps2 emulator from somewhere here in the forum, will look for games.
    How's the mix?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Welcome John, and cheers for the mix - got it on right now.

  6. #6
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    Some more about me:
    I am 20, I am from Berlin, I do karate, I do my school leaving exam in 4 months, I am into quake 3 and programming and moviemaking and obviously musicmixing and working on a website.

    This forum is so cozy I guess it is kind introducing myself a bit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the forum. =) I hope you enjoy your stay here.

  8. #8
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    Oh no, you definitely don't want to buy a PS2 for just one game.

    What you DO want to do is buy a PS1 so you can play 3 of the best WO titles ever made.

    Programming and moviemaking, eh? Does that mean you program in Shockwave?

    Welcome to the WOZone!

  9. #9
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    No I don't use shockwave, I program in Delphi and write useful programs for people from time to time for example one is called QuakeAmp and you can output your current winamp song in Quake..
    Another one calculates the uncompressed size of a video.
    If you want me to program something for you just ask me and I will do it if it is not too hard and even possible in Delphi at all.

    And about moviemaking err, I do quake 3 movies
    But I want to make a WipeOut 64 movie now but I don't have a clue how to do it yet. There are some on googlevideo and so, how were they done, do you know?
    Just say the program name, I have Fraps and I have Screen Recorder and I don't think Project64 has an output function.
    But wouldn't a wipeout movie rock
    Unfortunately I won't have footage from other wipeout titles but that may come in the future then..

  10. #10
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    Asayyeah -OFW-


    Sweet introduction John , wellcome on board

    I strongly second what Jay ( Task) said about purchasing a ps1 to be able to play easily & for cheap the whole psx wipeout series ( from Wipeout to Wip3out SE )

    About videos i did few with wipeout 2097 & also pure ( i never uploaded them into google tho, only there )
    for those related to 2097, i used a ps1 connected to AV IN from an old VHS recorder linked to my pc ( using a video capture card pcmcia) : using a programm called 'Power director pro' to record directly what i am playing on my TV screen ( converting into Mpeg high quality) then using Virtual Dub mod to crop & doing other goodies like converting into avi Div X format.

    About Pure it's the same way only the psp adaptater to tv is used to connect the psp to the VHS recorder : the quality is not the same but it's fun

    [slightly off topic] for Xmas i changed my old vhs one by a new JVC vhs/dvd recorder + HDD ...but.... F***** hell i can't record like i did previously : if i race & record instantly i got like a time warp ( distorsion???) i press a button and only got the response 10 sec later grrrrr. so that's unplayable, i need to find a time to really think about that and find a solution cause now i am racing 64 and really want to make like i did with the 8 races from 2097.
    [end off topic]

    But you don't have any console , so a possible solution could be to install a programm to let you recording what is showed on your pc screen, i don't remember exactly the name of them , but this is very wellknown from pc online gamers...maybe someone here may find that name for us?

  11. #11
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    Hello Asayyeah, thank you for the welcomming.

    I know quite a lot about moviemaking and also how users usually record videos if the pc game itself has no output option. And that program is called Fraps. I will try that right now, maybe it can record right out of pj64. If not I.. have to wait some time - I have great news.

    I bought an n64 today DDD
    Pretty good controller there, not unusable and I bought Perfect Dark as well, in my opinion the probably best shooter ever in technology-process / quality relation. If you don't understand what I mean: The game came out 1998 or so and games were usually not that good back then! I love it.
    So then I have wipeout 64 and perfect dark. That is already enough to play. I never had a playstation. There were nintendo people and there were sony people, I was always a nintendo supporter. I know ps also is great.
    But I am too lazy getting into playstation now and buying all three games. I am a huge fan of the 64 version and today I watched some VERY FAST 2097 video, probably yours? 8 races, always 5 rounds or so and everything was just perfect, first person.. errr first vehicle view

    And that looked very interesting. But I am a very lazy person when it comes to do things I have to do and I don't want three more good reasons to not do things like my current quake 3 movie, people wait for that over a year already, do finish my lousy website, to program more, to maybe learn C and so on. That's why I haven't played any other games except quake 3 the last months because I don't want to have games I can flee too instead of working

    We will see, now I have wp64 and I want to get the gold medal on everything, I think I almost made that when I had it first.
    I like talking here! ...."you don't say, John.."

    I already feel good in this forum, sorry if I write so much by the way, must be a lot of work reading everything. Tell me if it is too much for one post at a time

  12. #12
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    Yeah, Fraps is pretty good for recording in game video.
    Take that for example.
    (My vid btw. )

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    ''... sorry if I write so much by the way, must be a lot of work reading everything.''

    The only ones who have to read everything are the mods.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by auri View Post
    No I don't use shockwave, I program in Delphi and write useful programs for people from time to time for example one is called QuakeAmp and you can output your current winamp song in Quake..
    Another one calculates the uncompressed size of a video.

    Ah, a Delphi utility programmer!
    I _almost_ started programming in Delphi. Got a job doing JSP and J2EE instead. These days I stick mainly to C#. I would suggest that you bypass C entirely, it's a fairly hardcore language. Still very useful for Linux utility writing, but not in much use outside that area. You might find VB more to your liking. Or perhaps not. It's a very individual language.

    Quote Originally Posted by auri View Post
    And about moviemaking err, I do quake 3 movies

    Machinima! Good stuff.
    I watched the first 2 seasons of RedVsBlue before I got tired of it. 1st season was fantastic.

  15. #15
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    I don't know these machinima series although I know almost every quite famous quake 3 movie.. I will look for them.
    We don't produce machinima yet - I am in a moviemaking team called twilight pictures, we do fragmovies like Get Quaked 3, hehee. Just if you are interested, I guess filefront is very slow though.

    I recorded my emulated wo64 yesterday and it works sooooooo well. Will post a video of that today when I come back from school, it is really sweet, great quality too. Youtube has a downtime right now, cannot watch it

    I do not know what vb is, is that similar to any language I know?
    I like Delphi because the syntax is not only ==][}[--[? characters but rather everything in English >>> code example

    ..I am ok with only the mods reading this. Hello Mods, have a nice da-hay

  16. #16
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    I used to be quite fond of Delphi, but then I did like Pascal when I was at college, so making the transition to what was essentially "Visual Pascal" wasn't a huge leap. I never really got as far with it as I would have liked before I ended up a web developer instead.

    C# does look like fun - I was hoping to give that a whirl towards the end of last year, but events overtook themselves. At the end of the day, some languages have more niceties than others, but it's all programming.

  17. #17
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    That's right. I know what you mean with events overtaking themselves, I have the same every week I want to finish something

    So you can do websites? I am interested in that, are you able to show me some works you have done in the net?

  18. #18
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    You're looking at one!

    Actually... the forum is by vBulletin, but the rest of the site is by me.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    I seeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Not bad the site

    For my personal page I want some flash in it. I tried something but ooooooough it's bad. And now I don't know how to continue because the whole style is crap in my opinion. The only thing I want to keep of the current beta there is the flash header video..

    Here is the example of wipeout64 recorded with fraps and project64: Wipeout64 Video Test
    Last edited by auri; 11th January 2007 at 05:08 PM.

  20. #20
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    I liked assembly language; one could design one's own modules!

    I liked Forth, too.

    As always, I'm eccentric in my tastes. :moderate_eyeroll:

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