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Thread: Wipeout Pure Multiplayer - HOW DO U DO IT?!?!?

  1. #1

    Default Wipeout Pure Multiplayer - HOW DO U DO IT?!?!?

    Hey guys I bought the PSP and wipeout pure last week and so far i still havn't been able to play online. I have a wireless router and i do pick up an IP with my PSP. Its just weird cause all i see is "searching for multiplayer games". Is it my router thats blocking some sort of port so that i'm not allowed to play online? Bah i'm soo confused :roll: :roll: .....Well if u guys can help me out please do =O... or know any details. I think that to play online u need to have ppl in ur geographical area and not world wide. If so, i live in a major metropolitan area and i'm sure ppl have PSP's out there and have wipeout and have wi-fi. But yes help me if u can please T_T

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Southern California


    its only wireless lan i.e. you have to have people in the room with the game to play with and one of you has to host the game. the online function is only for downloads. unless you get the program or whatever to play people online (someone posted a link on here)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Seattle, Washington, United States
    PSN ID
    VHX1138: PSP, PS3, PS4, PS5, Steam


    Welcome to the Zone friend!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    California, USA


    kaio is correct the multiplayer is Ad Hoc wireless not Infastructure so you cant directly connect to the net and play vs other people, if you want to play vs people over the net you can use kai evolution ( xlink ) it does require some extra hardware, in order for it to work correctly you need to pipe your psp connection through your pc, this means you need either a wireless card or a wireless usb dongle in your pc. google should help if you arent sure exactly how to hook it up. gl later.

  5. #5


    thankies guys =D. I wasn't aware of that =O....That means i need to boost this product to my friends xDDD;;;

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