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Thread: JX350 Racing League Pilot Profiles

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  1. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Los Angeles, California, United States
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    Chapter 9


    Name: Ayaka Hamasaki

    Gender: Female

    Birth: October 6, 2199

    Birthplace: Yokahama (Japan)

    Age (Currently 2215): 15

    Nationality: Japanese

    Origin: Japan

    Race: Asian

    Language Spoken: All, though she speaks mainly Japanese and English.

    Religion: N/A

    Height: 5’0”

    Hair Color: Purple

    Eye Color: Purple


    Occupation (Before AG-Pilot): Student (Good Smile Racing Academy)

    JX350 IDF: HAMA1006.2199

    Team: Auricom

    Position: Secondary Pilot

    Pilot Rank: Junior

    Region Reputation: Global

    Squad Teammates: Johnathan Hale (American), Hitomi Yamaguchi (Japanese), Eric Patterson (American), Setsuko Tanaka (Japanese), Tyrrell Byron (American), Rachel Vega (American), Tara Shannon (Irish)

    Team Loyalty: High

    Allies: AG-Systems, Goteki 45, Mirage, Piranha, Mercutian De Gautet (German/Van-Uber), Buster Harding (American/Triakis), Rory Pinewood (Canadian/Qirex)

    Rivals: Petia Romanov (Russian/Qirex), Polina Petrov (Tigron)

    Medals: Gold: 10, Sliver: 17, Bronze: 0

    Sponsors: Anti-Gravity Development, Auricom, Belmondo Foundation, Good Smile Company, Good Smile Racing, Mindcorp

    Favorite Event: Single Race and Zone Events

    Favorite Track: Vineta K, Moa Therma, Pro Tozo, Metropia, the Amphiseum, Tech De Ra, and Los Angeles

    Leagues Completed: JX350

    Character Traits: Attractive/Cute, Helpful, Very Intelligent, and Vocal


    Awareness: 10/10

    Aggression: 8/10

    Consistency: 10/10

    Reaction/ Reflexes: 10/10


    Auricom’s ships have not been great since the FX300, with the ACM-7K7 losing a lot of ground in the league despite being a good all-rounder, and the ACM-8K would’ve been a great, if not, better ship if it weren’t for Auricom’s behind-closed-doors policy on their ship development and their heavy focus on a combat ship. With the JX350 on the rise, a lot of people were expecting Auricom to have a bad time in the junior leagues, or even drop out of it entirely. But the first season showed a different story, when the ACM-8K was seen in the front of the pack for every race, astonishing many racing analyzers, engineers, and fans. How did the American racing team do so well in the first season of the JX350 league? Many race analyzers began to wonder how this was possible. Great pilots – which was very unlikely due to the ships poor performance, a new technology that Auricom got their hands on – another unlikely possibility due to the team’s lack of technology sharing, many engineers from the other teams didn’t know what was making the ACM-8K such a great ship in the JX350 league despite performing poorly in the FX350 and 400. The answer was something that nobody expected, a girl who fine-tuned the ship which allowed Auricom to be at the front of the pack for the entire season of the JX350 league. The girl in question who did Auricom a huge favor, who are now turning to her for advice on building their ships, is no other than Ayaka Hamasaki, the daughter of a rich family who shares AG-technology globally and is also one of the members of the Miracle Eight who also changed Auricom forever.

    Ayaka Hamasaki was born in the south of Japan of Yokahama in a rich family. Unlike most wealthy families who would save as much money as possible, her family used the money to help distribute some of the finest AG-technology to various companies, particularly to Auricom and AG-Systems from their family company, Hamasaki Distribution. As a result, the Hamasaki family enjoyed large amounts of funding from both teams and continued to distribute technology to their clients around the world. During her childhood, Ayaka was exposed to the AG-technology very early in her life. Her mother and father began to teach her how some of the AG-technology worked and even taught her some of the more complicated knowledge of AG-technology. She quickly learned everything she was taught in just a matter of weeks and the family expects her to continue her family’s business once she reaches adulthood.

    In order to help her studies in AG-technology, she was placed in some of the top schools in the world in her elementary years. While she didn’t make a lot of friends during her elementary years, she was quickly seen at the top of the school ranking boards for the highest marks, earning her the respect of many teachers. When the end of her childhood was coming up, her family got an invite from a newly built academy in Tokyo, the Good Smile Racing Academy, who were looking for highly talented students for their new school to teach the art of AG-racing. Without second thoughts, her family accepted the invite off the bat and sent their daughter to the school to further her studies and help her become more independent. The GSRA was infamous for their high standards that made even the top schools in the world pale in comparison. However with the knowledge she learned from her parents, she was able to pass the initial evaluation. Unlike the other students, with 70% of them failing the evaluation and only the other 30% passing it, she was able to completely ace the initial evaluation, making her the top student in the academy. Except that someone else was given a free pass and the top spot of the ranking boards above her without taking the evaluation, Polina Petrov, who she met again later in her life. Ayaka was not pleased of the results when she found out that someone bribed their way for the top spot in the academy, but she had no choice but to deal with it as she had no power in changing the results that were posted on the school boards at the time.

    After the initial evaluation, Ayaka decided to make some friends in the academy so that she can help others get through the academy by sharing her knowledge and possibly find a boyfriend in the process so that she can continue her family heritage. There were a number of students who passed the evaluation, but she had a difficult time in choosing the right set of friends. Thankfully, she was able to find two girls who just happened to cross her path. They were Mizuki Nakajima from Tokyo and Hitomi Yamaguchi from Sapporo. They ended up eating lunch together when Polina came to their table to steal their food. However, there was someone else nearby that was able to single the girls that she was coming and they were able to plan ahead before she arrived, unable to steal their food as the group of students digested it, leaving Polina nothing to steal as she left disappointed. The person who was there was Michael Sanderson who was also with Johnathan Hale at the time; with both coming from America. She made friends with the two boys, and when she and her friends were on their way to the opening ceremonies of the school, they also made friends with Alexis Anderson and Eric Patterson from America and Sora Akiyama Japan. They would go on to take the second evaluation together.

    During the second evaluation however, the kids were locked in the simulator when a lightning bolt hit the school building, leaving them separated from the real world. Shortly after, the kids were pulled out of the simulator after they finished the evaluation. However, their results were beyond impressive with their bio readings and test results that broke the beliefs of many of the doctors and instructors in the academy. As a result, Ayaka became the smartest student in the academy and while she had a lot of knowledge to begin with she was blessed with even more, not to mention how strong she was. A whole new world opened up to her as she can do anything she wanted at her own will. Much like her friends, she visited the academy’s infirmary for weekly checkups on their health, which eventually became monthly up to their graduation.

    With her immense knowledge, she was able to ace every exam that was given to her, showing the teachers and professors at the academy that she deserves the top honors along with her friends, instead of a particular someone who bribed their way through. She shared her knowledge of AG-technology with her friends so that they can pass their classes as well, but they were also blessed with massive knowledge as well, though Ayaka did want to help them regardless. She was also able to pass her physical exams as well with such ease with her friends as well.

    When the invention festival came around during her time at the academy, Ayaka was able to use her knowledge to help Michael, Sora, and Johnathan create the AG-hover boards for each of the eight kids for their inventions while Mizuki, Hitomi, Alexis, and Eric created the Adaptive Flights Suits for each of them, which would go on to be used in the JX350 racing league. When many of the students asked who made the anti-gravity part of the hover board, Ayaka acknowledged that she made that part saying that it was one of the hardest parts to make and replicate for each board. The boards would serve them as a means to get around in their lives.

    Ayaka was still looking for someone to start a family with while at the academy but she didn’t find anyone suitable for her that is until she saw something that interested her. During her time at the academy, one of the top students did a drawing of each interesting student he saw. When he drew her she became interested in him as he continued to draw each student. The artist in question is Eric Patterson, who also fell in love with Ayaka. While she taught him what she knew about AG-technology, Eric taught her how to draw the world around them, objects, and even people. They would go on to be a couple throughout their lives.

    Ayaka Hamasaki graduated from the Good Smile Racing Academy with the highest marks and top honors of the school. This was enough to catch the attention of Jessie Fairbank, the team principle of Auricom Research Industries, who formed a partnership with the academy along with AG-Systems. She saw that Ayaka can be a great pilot for the team with her knowledge that she gained from the academy and her family, who also worked with the company to distribute the technology. She also chose Eric to work alongside with her along with Johnathan, Hitomi, and Setsuko. When they graduated, they were taken to the main Auricom headquarters in America, which was also home of the Auricom Academy. When they got there, the employees and instructors of the Auricom Academy welcomed the five new students to the fold of the junior team. Her family was also proud of her when they were at the academy to distribute AG-technology at the time.

    During her training at the Auricom Academy, Ayaka quickly took note of Auricom’s FX350/400 craft and its statistics. While it had a lot of speed and shielding, it handled poorly overall. Ayaka began to wonder why Auricom built these kinds of ships in the first place if the team was supposed to be a ‘clean’ racing team. From that point forward, she set out to make the ACM-8K better for the JX350 racing league. With the help of Michael Sanderson, Mizuki Nakajima, Alexis Anderson, Sora Akiyama, and Jessica Caluroso, who were now a part of AG-Systems’ junior team, as well as Johnathan Hale, Eric Patterson, Hitomi Yamaguchi, and Setsuko Tanaka of her junior team, Ayaka was able to strip off a significant amount of weight by dismounting a massive amount of weapon payload on the ship whilst increasing the ship’s acceleration and handling abilities as far as it can go. Of course, she kept the original blueprints and statistics of the ACM-8K in case of Eliminator events. The speed and shielding of the ship was reduced after Ayaka made the adjustments, but it also contributed to the increase in acceleration and handling, making the ship’s stats similar to Mirage’s Scarab-1, albeit a bit thicker than Mirage’s craft. At the end of all of the adjustments, Ayaka and her friends tested the ship at the Belmondo Test Site in Tule Desert of Nevada and the ship began to become its own after the adjustments. Many of the Auricom Academy pilots were astonished to see the ship she flew handled differently than the others when she was able to maneuver the craft so easily. When the trainees asked her, she said that she made adjustments to the ship so that it can handle batter. The other trainees began to ask her for some advice on their ship tuning. This eventually reached the ears of the engineers of Auricom and they were astonished as well to see Ayaka’s ship perform so well when they discovered that she made the adjustments herself. She has said that if Auricom wants to have any chances in winning a gold medal in any future championships or even a championship title, they need to shift their focus away from combating the other teams – particularly Qirex, Goteki, and Triakis – during races and actually try to win races for once. While some of the officials were snappish at her criticism, it was clear for everyone at Auricom to see and many employees and engineers began to change, slowly but surely. Many engineers soon began to consult to her when it came to making future Auricom ships.

    Before the JX350 and FX500 leagues began, Ayaka submitted the new statistics of the ACM-8K that was to be used in the JX350 racing league. There was no new added parts to the craft, but rather it was tuned. The race commission approved of the changes and allowed it for the competition after race authorities inspected the craft themselves. During that time, the professional Auricom racing squad came by the Academy to see and meet the new members that the team acquired. When they arrived at the training grounds of the Academy the leader of the team, Tyrrell Byron, noted that the ACM-8K was performing differently as it was able to navigate through the corners of the test track with such ease. What was it that was making the ship so agile? He soon discovered the answer when one of the trainees told him that someone tuned the ship and he asked the trainee for a name. The trainee replied that a girl by the name of Akaya Hamasaki, who is currently undergoing training on the test track, did all of the tuning and even helped the other trainees tuned their ships. Tyrrell was familiar with the Hamasaki name, as he has met the family in person before. She was like her father, always wanting to help the company so that they can more of an actual racing team and a good company rather than a combat racing team who would use weapons to keep order and make themselves look bad in front of others. She also reminded him of himself as he did a lot of mechanic work back in his younger days. Ayaka had the appearance of her mother and the personality of her father. Tyrrell soon became interested in the young girl and wanted to meet her in person.

    When Ayaka finished her training for the day, Jessie Fairbank wanted the five new junior pilots, Ayaka, Johnathan, Hitomi, Eric, and Setsuko, to meet the professional racing team of Auricom, which included Tyrrell Byron, Rachel Vega, and Tara Shannon. Rachel and Tara were surprised to see Ayaka become an AG-pilot despite coming from an elegant family. Tyrrell however, was impressed to see Ayaka doing what she did best, criticizing Auricom’s way of doing things in the racing leagues and taking necessary steps to better the team, like her father is doing. Even Jessie Fairbank openly admitted that Ayaka reminded her of her father. She fitted perfectly in the team and when she ran an event with Tyrrell at the Amphesium and her skills were on par with the top professional pilots of the racing league today. The professional Auricom team, as well as Jessie herself, were glad to have her as part of the Auricom team.

    When the JX350 came about, her work was clear for everyone to see. The ACM-8K was always somewhere in the top three, able to secure podium finishes throughout the season. The spectators, commenters, and analyzers were astonished that Auricom’s ACM-8K, which was infamous for its poor overall performance, was doing surprisingly well. Many race analyzers began to do their analysis on the changes to Auricom’s ship and noted that its statistics were different from before and began to wonder who or what caused the performance of the Auricom ship to be so good. Soon the answer came along when a young girl named Ayaka Hamasaki tuned the ship to make it perform well. Unlike Triakis, who used the Reverse-Inertia Deceleration System to gain the advantage over the competition over the course of the FX300, Ayaka tuned the ship herself with the help of her friends, a name that the public knows for their technology distribution. Even Rory Pinewood of Qirex knew during his time at the Auricom schools. He has heard the name before and now the name has come up again, but this time a lot more noticeable than before. Even the Brazilian team of Piranha were impressed that a girl at such a young age was able to make the Auricom ship a winner this time around. Some of the Piranha engineers and even some of the junior squad members asked her for advice on tuning their ships. Ayaka examined their old Rockettooth ship and suggested to keep the ship as it is if they wanted the pure speed, or dim the speed down for better handling traits. While Piranha kept their poor handling but high top speed to compete with Icaras, they thanked her for the advice and the team hopes that they can work with her in the future, seeing that Piranha are allies with Auricom.

    Ayaka was also able to score a good amount of gold and silver medals throughout the season. Her piloting skills were well noted, able to navigate the tracks with ease like her friends. She tuned the ships according to each event, using the old tuning setup for Eliminator events and the new setup for other events. While this seemed a lot of work for her, she had no troubles switching setups and was able to do it on the fly as well. That being said, she had some trouble she had to deal with, a pilot in particular. One pilot was harassing her on and off the track by making remarks about her, especially in her Adaptive Flight Suit, which was made by Mizuki Nakajima of AG-Systems and approved by the race commission. That pilot was Petia Romanov, a junior Russian pilot for Qirex. Petia would always make many remarks about her body as well as some of the other girls on the grid, particularly Hitomi of Auricom, Mizuki and Alexis of AG-Systems, and sometimes Scarlett, Yin, and Huan of Goteki 45. Of course, his poor piloting skills meant that he was unable to win the hearts of the girls on the grid. This did not stop his attempts in attempting to win the hearts of the girls however. He was constantly harassing the girls on the gird by making remarks about their bodies. This eventually reached the point where he almost got physical with the girls, particularly with Ayaka, which led her to give him the kick between the legs so hard that he was unable to practice for the next set of races, with Mizuki, Alexis, and HItomi following up. Ayaka followed up and has said to Petia that Eric Patterson of Auricom has already won her heart, with the other girls following suit with their respective boyfriends. This earned Ayaka and her friends the respect of Andrea Santiago of Goteki 45 and has personally admitted that she hopes to see that side of them more often.

    Thanks to her personality, Ayaka was also able to make friends on the track, particularly the Makanian Amazons of Goteki’s junior team, the MAGEC junior team members of Mirage, Mercutian De Gautet of Van-Uber, and Buster Harding of Triakis. The Makanian Amazons, consisting of Scarlett, Yin, and Huan, trained up Ayaka along with her friends during their time off the track, making the kids stronger and a lot more beautiful. Ayaka also was able to help Hafiz and the Raqisas sisters with some technical stuff on their ships and offered piloting advice to the three junior pilots. She also underwent refinement with Buster as he trained her and the other kids to ensure they were ready for anything. Rory was impressed by her successful attempt to change Auricom for the better, despite not liking the team himself. He has admitted that she is the key person that the American team needs for them to change from being ‘stuck-up bastards’ to a team that is actually nice to everyone like Harimau. He has trained her in private Zone Battles with the ‘Bad Boys’ along with Buster Harding to help her gain valuable experience in the new event. Ayaka also helped Mercutian with his Zone techniques, as well as giving him advice on his racing lines so that he can be more consistent. It was also thanks to Alexis of AG-Systems that she made a friend from Harimau, Indian pilot Sekhar Sahib. Despite his deep-seated fear of Auricom, Ayaka and her friends were able to befriend Harimau’s second pilot and have been seen training together to tackle the most technical Zone track, Pro Tozo, after he witnessed her and Alexis tackle the track with ease without breaking a single sweat. To this day, he is friends with the junior pilots of Auricom.

    Ayaka is also a member of the Miracle Eight, a group of teens who pulled off impossible feats and comebacks under insurmountable circumstances. The group consists of Michael, Mizuki, Alexis, and Sora of AG-Systems, as well as Johnathan, Hitomi, Eric, and herself of Auricom. Along with the Makanian Amazons, the Miracle Eight were the most attractive looking pilots on the grid. Of all of the members of the Miracle Eight, Ayaka was the smartest one of them all, able to work out some of the most complex problems thrown at her, not to mention how attractive she is. She is also a couple with Eric Patterson and have been seen together frequently and both have gone on saying that the two are going to marry and start a family in the future.

    Ayaka and the her friends of the Auricom Academy junior racing team were practicing in both tune-ups for the Auricom ships when the JX350 came to Metropia for the Rapier series when Polina Petrov appeared again, this time as a pilot for Tigron Enterprises. Ayaka was glad that she kept the original craft setup when Tigron came along as she knew that they would do a lot of damage on the track. This was apparent during the race of infamy at Metropia Reverse, where many teams were eliminated and many pilots from their respective teams were injured, with Petia of Qirex being the most severe of them all along with Maksim of Triakis. Both pilots were rushed to the hospital thanks to Johnathan and Michael. Ayaka on the other hand was able to rescue Jacinto Madeira out of his Piranha ship and get him to the hospital, who thanked her for rescuing him from his ship. While he was out for three weeks, he wasn’t badly injured to the point where he would be out of the season. Zack Vilmã, team principle of Piranha, thanked her for rescuing Jacinto before his injury could get worse. Joes Peteers of Assegai and chief medic pilot also thanked her for pitching in on rescuing the injured pilots. When Ayaka saw Petia in the hospital, who suffered third degree burns on every part of his body, including his family jewels, which surprisingly survived, she felt very sorry for the poor fellow, who was now out for the remainder of the season and unable to fly for the rest of his life.

    Ayaka began to keep dibs on Tigron from that point forward and with Polina as their pilot, it would be a chore during the rest of the season. Polina then began to spread false information and lies about her rivals, particularly the Miracle Eight and targeted Ayaka as a ‘greedy girl with no respect or feelings towards others’ despite the fact that Ayaka was the opposite of what Polina said. Despite being an utter lie, Polina continued to provoke the Miracle Eight in many ways possible, though this was not to be successful until the Rapier Series tournament. With Tigron on the track, they began to cause a lot of damage to anyone who opposed them. This was apparent during the Rapier Series tournament when Polina targeted the spectators with her Cannon and injured the scornful spectators, along with some young racing fans, when they began to ridicule her for hurting the pilots to win a race and spreading false information, though Joes Peeters was on site in an active ambulance shuttle to get the injured out of harm’s way. However, this was enough for Ayaka, along with Alexis of AG-Systems and Scarlett of Goteki, to let the leashes off of their aggression. The three teamed up to eliminate Polina’s ship from existence, utilizing every weapon they got their hands on, with support from the other junior members as well, who weren’t happy with Polina after what she did to them. During the race, Ayaka, along with the other members of the Miracle Eight and the Makanian Amazons found a crack within the hull of Tigron’s ship. However, Ayaka discovered something else that was in the works of the ship. It contained technology that was deemed illegal to the race commission, yet it was concealed so well that nobody noticed it, except for the eleven junior pilots who saw it. An artificial intelligence was giving the Tigron Bull ship automatic shield energy regeneration, similar to Auricom’s old prototype ship back in 2048. How did the Bull ship pass so many inspections and not discovering the AI in Tigron’s only ship was anyone’s guess. Unfortunately, Ayaka was unable to convince the race authorities that the Bull ship was illegal by breaching multiple regulations, so she began to look for answers to destroy the Bull ship the hard way. She soon found the answer and got her friends and the other junior members of their teams together to destroy the ship when they were in Las Vegas for the Phantom Series.

    Most of the other junior members were baffled when Ayaka explained her findings, but soon found out about her findings during the races at the Amphiesum race track and began to believe her. The others then began to work with her and her friends to destroy the ship at Tech De Ra. Once the plan was set, the other junior members continued on with their business at the Amphiesum and would put the plan into action when the race moves to Tech De Ra, located in Arizona. Ayaka on the other hand, enjoyed the popularity that she and her friends have built up. With many anxious fans wanting an autograph from the Miracle Eight, she became very popular and she has signed many autographs and she was in many photo shoots while at the Amphiesum.

    When the final race of the Phantom Series tournament came about, she was at the sidelines to get rid of the AI and make the Tigron Bull ship vulnerable. After hacking into the ship and deleting the AI, the other teams were able to destroy the ship, with Michael Sanderson of AG-Systems landing the final blow. Many of the other junior members thanked her for the findings on the ship and suggested to let the race commission know that Tigron was cheating during both the Rapier and Phantom series. She managed to get the blueprints for the Tigron Bull ship as well as the shield regenerating technology it used from the team, as well as the BSV’s involvement in creating it and submitted them to the race commission so that they can ban the team and their sponsor for good. With Tigron and their sponsor, the BSV, dismantled and out of the picture, Ayaka went on to participate in the season finale of the JX350 racing league, helping her team to gain one last gold medal of the season and lifted the first ever JX350 cup along with her friends.

    Ayaka is the brains of the Miracle Eight, helping her group of friends as well as some of the allies she made on the paddock, not to mention how attractive she is. It was thanks to her that Auricom Academy did so well in the JX350 and many engineers from AG-Systems, Auricom, and even Piranha soon turned to her for advice on making future ships for future racing seasons. Along with Johnathan, Hitomi, Eric, and Setsuko, Ayaka is one of the few people to change Auricom forever. And much like her father, she plans to continue to push the company in the right direction to make Auricom a much better company and racing team publically. In the meantime, she hopes to marry Eric Patterson from the same team and start a family to continue her heritage.
    Last edited by Light Buster; 23rd July 2016 at 04:32 PM.

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