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Thread: Using ships you're unaccustomed to (IE using ships you'd otherwise avoid)

  1. #1
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    Default Using ships you're unaccustomed to (IE using ships you'd otherwise avoid)

    I ask this question since given my brief time online, not to mention taking note of records, how it seems like so far anyway, quite the agile ships are favored over something far heavier with few exceptions to the rule.

    Then again maybe I should race more online, but given how all of us who've played HD fury long enough have found at least 1 or 3 ships we've grown to constantly use.

    But then I wonder if anyone here actually has tried to master a ship they would otherwise not use or avoid. I say this since at this stage I'm most accustomed to Auricom, be it the original or fury variant, however I've also been taking time to get a handle on Pirana, and why is because to me it feels the most like a brick/tank. More so than the literal tank that is Triakis (am I alone in saying both the vanilla and fury variants feel more agile compared to Piranha?)

    So why try to master Piranha? Because part of me is a glutton for punishment (in spite of how new I was, I started to play through every event on Elite, even though I've gotten my behind handed to me, prompting me to practice like there's no tomorrow), but also because I realize at least for me, if I can be competitive and even be able to on a constant basis actually place high.

    Perhaps due to how I've been also trying to stick to purely defensive items and not use weapons (turbo, shield, I always absorb auto pilot although I've accidently used it twice) in a vein to be something like Wolfgang Van Uber (unless it's eliminator), may also make things difficult too.

    None the less, been trying to cycle through various teams apart from what ships I am either used to or favor...

    Specifically again Auricom, Harimau, Assegai, Mirage, and Icaras.

    It's also because I want to honestly learn a ship inside and out, get my own perspective on things. I like the Auricom due to having a higher than average speed, and high shielding while still having decent handling. I sometimes pick the fury variant if I need a bit more handling and thrust, although it's an animal on it's own with it's own nuances like every other ship.

    So I ask everybody else? what ships do you try or have tried to master that you'd otherwise avoid?

  2. #2
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    I prefer the agile ships over the heavy ships, but I do play Triakis a lot since it's from my home country.

  3. #3
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    Sometimes if Im in a lobby and its one on one with someone I know, usually RR (sshhhhh lol) just to see how well / badly we do, we'll try ships we either cant or just dont use. Results are weird though. Its good fun ^_^

  4. #4
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    Like many people on this board, I was heavily influenced by Hellfire to start using the Fury Goteki 45. And as soon as I got the hang of it, it was instantly one of my faves. Usually I'm more accustomed to Icaras, Qirex and G45, but I started practicing with FEISAR and Harimau since lots of people seem to use those. I found FEISAR particularly hard to use considering the handling is almost 'sticky' as it stays very close to the track and is rarely ever tail-happy. I'm very much used to using these tail-happy craft such as Icaras going at Phantom speeds so that was really hard to grasp the concept of that sticky/almost instantaneous turning mechanic.

  5. #5
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    I was always used to playing Triakis (when I started playing, I picked the ship with the most health because I was scared of dying), but I have grown accustomed to the Icarus, FEISAR, AG Systems and Harimau.

    In 2048 on the otherhand, I am used to flying the AG Systems Speed and Prototype, but recently I've been trying to tackle the Pir-Hana Prototype. I got so good at it that I even wrote a guide for it! But alas, this is an HD/Fury discussion, so I'll stop talking about 2048.

  6. #6
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    I always use to avoid the Icaras because of its paper thin shields, but I tried it out about a week ago. Now I use it alongside my Favourite team Feisar

  7. #7
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    Piranhas are the bane of WOHD for me. Almost as bad as caravans.

    I sense a bad ship tournament coming up... Prepare for fails.

    Anyway, my worst ships are the Triakis HD and Fury, the Piranha Advancements HD and Fury, the Icaras HD (really!), the Goteki45 HD (also really!), the EG-X HD (love the Fury though, just use this for the lolz and the looks of the thing, beautiful!), and the AG Systems HD (Not really good for anything in my tastes).

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amaroq Dricaldari View Post
    I was always used to playing Triakis (when I started playing, I picked the ship with the most health because I was scared of dying), but I have grown accustomed to the Icarus, FEISAR, AG Systems and Harimau.

    In 2048 on the otherhand, I am used to flying the AG Systems Speed and Prototype, but recently I've been trying to tackle the Pir-Hana Prototype. I got so good at it that I even wrote a guide for it! But alas, this is an HD/Fury discussion, so I'll stop talking about 2048.

    2048 or not, this is interesting and I wanna hear more on that end as much as you have the other stuff.

    It's understandable to pick a high shield ship, and one reason why I've stuck with Auruciom (tempted as I have been to go with Harimau, Assegai and Goteki 45), has been it's high shields and from a stats perspective, a very high top end speed. Naturally it's a little lacking in agility but that's why I'm using it along with piranha.

    I know it's no surprise but it still caught me off guard that when playing on rapier and phantom, more so than venom or flash that you really, really do need to have nailed down a circuit's layout, if only because I'm still not entirely used to the speeds in spite of all my practice so far.

    That and speaking in regards to the other replies, it's some very interesting insight. Keep it up.

    I'd say more but I'll leave that for later, till then.

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