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Thread: What do Vita owners think of vita

  1. #1
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    Default What do Vita owners think of vita


    This thread is ideally for vita users to post their first impressions of their new console, good or bad though ultimatley anyone is welcome to post.

    I traded in my 3ds and its games and had to pay £50 and got a ps vita

    I am very dissapointed with it

    The remote play function is pointless as no games appear to work and I get the impression they would rather users just buy 2 versions of the same game for each console rather than stream ps3 to vita.they say stuff like lag and quality of play but i do not believe it as I have seen videos of ps3 games played remotely on a hacked vita.

    No facilty to get umd onto your vita.I heard in japan there was a program to do it but we are not getting it as there is apparently no demand for it which is total crap and not even worth debating.they just want us to rebuy the games

    Got locked out of ps store for 24 hours for downloading some freebies. think i downloaded 20 items (1 gig total). I got a message "sorry you cant download come back in a while" come back in a while traslated into english means 24 hrs..cant find any mention of this but its does happen its not 3g related as i was using normal wifi.

    Activating a sim was a right pain in the butt as many people had issues with this including me as instructions were cant top up without an account , you cant create an account without activating the sime you couldnt activate the sim because you didnt get the text message, well you did it was hidden in the settings menu but as its a new console it took time to work out.

    3G is pretty pointless at the moment even more so if you have a smart phone, way too expensive cant play propper games on it, good for facebook and twitter nerds i guess, im hoping it will be useful in time and serve a real function
    controls are very good but should of put in L3 and R3

    screen quality is very good

    Sound quality is very good

    Game wise

    Ive only played 2 games so far

    ridge racer
    do not get this game it is total crap 0/10 its not even good for a demo and should be removed from sale.worst game in the world ...all time

    marvel vs capcom

    good port from ps3 pretty good if you like those types of games

    overall im bored already with it and prefer my psp
    i got code for wipeout ill download it and see if i start liking vita more.

    launch titles were not very good imo but then 3ds were pants too but they never got better either probally why i sold mine i hope vita sorts itself out as console could be really good.

  2. #2
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    I can't say that I'm disappointed with the Vita. I do detest the forced use of the touch screen like it's some sort of smart phone, I would like an option for button controls so I'm not always putting finger prints on the screen. I also miss the XMB, it felt tidier and stuff was categorised making it easier to find.

    I don't think I'd have got a Vita on launch if it didn't have WipEout, I spent more than 300 hours on HD and Pure/Pulse, so I should manage the same on 2048. I wouldn't have got a 3DS if they hadn't ported Zelda to it, so as long as a console has good games the other features don't mean much to me. The Vita can try to be a tablet/phone, but that's not why I bought it.

    I'm sure that Europe is getting the UMD to Vita programme at some point. I think that North America is the only place without it, but I could be wrong. I was planning on playing some of my unfinished PSP games on the Vita depending on how much the transfer costs. But until then I'm content with 2048 and Uncharted.

  3. #3
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    Hacked Vitas already exist?

  4. #4
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    I don't think it's the Vita that has been hacked, rather a PS3 with unofficial firmware can play any PS3 game over remote play even if it isn't supposed to support it. I don't know if I'm allowed to link to them here, but there are videos of someone playing Battlefield 3 on their Vita over remote play.

  5. #5
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    Best if we don't go down that path again

  6. #6
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    After some initial frustrations with updates and so on (I suspect constantly having to connect to PSN and updates will be the bane of this machine), I really got to like it once it was all up and running. Somewhat resent the price of memory cards though. The actual system I love. Yes, it's big and exposed but the screen is gorgeous and having the dual sticks is great. The quality of graphics seems superb even just with the launch titles.

    So, yes, I like it. You know that feel of a shiny new system? I totally got that with the Vita.

  7. #7
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    Mine arrived today. I put the memory card in and turned it on, set the location, time and date etc. Then it asked me if I wanted to use my PSN account with it, so I said Yes. I've put the modem password in and it says I need to get a system update, but I've no idea how. It just keeps going back to the same menu.

    Anybody know what I'm supposed to do? Sorry I know I sound very thick here, but I'm kind of stumped. Thanks in advance.

  8. #8
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    Just cancel entering your PSN. You'll be asked for your name and date of birth IIRC, then you can just access the Settings menu and update. Then you'll be able to input your PSN

  9. #9
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    So do I say "No I don't have a PSN account" or "Yes I do, but I don't want to use it on my Vita? If I click No I don't have an Account it says "This step will set up your system for trial use of Playstation Network.

    Edit - All sorted now I think. Thanks Charlie
    Last edited by Colonel; 27th February 2012 at 09:26 PM.

  10. #10
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    Well this is just fking marvellous. I entered the wrong email address and signed in with my old PSN account. Tried to sign in with my other account and it says I have to sign in with the account that is linked to the Vita. Does anybody know how I can get around this? Right now I just want to sell the bloody thing.

    Edit - Job's a good un, formatted the memory card and did a system reset.
    Last edited by Colonel; 28th February 2012 at 12:08 PM.

  11. #11
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    LOL! I like the "All sorted now" followed by disaster, followed by all being well.

    Such an emotional roller coaster!

    I really do love mine - about the only thing that I think I would change would be for it to have a better battery life. Not that I've run it down to nothing during normal use yet, it's just that I can see it being an issue on a long flight somewhere.

    I'm trying to cast my mind back to when I got my first PSP to remember how I felt about that, but it's not a fair comparison because Sony gave us all one for the European launch so it wasn't like I invested my own money. I did, however, buy a PSP 2000 on the day that launched and I was delighted with how light it was and how much faster games loaded in comparison to the original.

    That only cost £130, though, and I've invested double that in the Vita thus far, so if I was going to feel some buyer's remorse then it should have kicked in by now!

    I just wish I could play all my PSP games that are still sitting there - I'd play through Vice City Stories all over again and fire up my other old favourites.

    Just looking forward to a decent shooter and a proper racing game for it and I'll be very happy with it.

  12. #12
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    Not a Vita owner but apparently the memory cards have absolutely terrible performance when transferring files.
    TBH that's unforgivable for the price. I really don't know when I'll become an owner.

  13. #13
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    Yeah, they're not high speed memory cards, but to say they're "absolutely terrible" is stretching the boundaries of both credibility and drama. If they were "absolutely terrible" then the Vita would be unusable, but I guess that doesn't stop wanker gaming journalists from going for baiting headlines.

    I think for sure Sony is scalping on the new form factor, though - probably to subsidise the Vita's price. I paid £38 for a 16Gb card and five years ago I paid over £90 for an 8Gb card for my PSP. I expect in two years time I'll be able to get a high speed 32Gb Vita card for half what I paid for the bog standard 16Gb one. (Not that high speed is that important - it's not like it shoots 1080p HD video.)

    Such is life as a consumer. You either wait it out or adopt early and absorb the cost, so I don't think it's "unforgivable" at all.

    Samsung and the rest of their cronies fixed LCD panel prices for much of the naughties and they were fined heavily for doing so. That's unforgivable in my book.

    Then there's Apple - richest, most profit hungry consumer electronics company in the world who absolutely rip their customers wallets a new one and yet people were lighting candles outside of retail stores when their CEO died. Somehow, despite having an obscene profit margin on every last one of their products, they're untouchable, yet Sony, who rarely sell gaming hardware for any real profit, are always on the hate list.

    Anyone else who actually has a Vita want to comment on how the over-priced, average performing memory cards are ruining the experience for them or are you, like me, having too much fun with the games to care?

  14. #14
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    My theory is that there was so much piracy on the PSP that the new memory cards have basically got a built-in piracy tax. If they don't make money from the pirates on games, they'll still at least make something on the memory they're using so it's not a total loss. Just a theory of course.

    Admittedly it was the memory card price that, out of everything, stung a little bit while getting my Vita but, no, hardly ruining the experience, is it? They work absolutely fine.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by infoxicated View Post
    Then there's Apple
    I don't like Apple more than you care to know. Don't criticize one of my positions on Sony because I did not mention Apple in my post, which would have been totally off topic by the way.
    I just think Sony is insulting their own technology by using outdated memory cards on a platform containing the mobile technology of the future.
    I'll come back when they have class 10+ cards instead of what appears to be some weird class 4 thing that is fast or slow on a whim of the content manager.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdrium777 View Post
    Don't criticize one of my positions on Sony because I did not mention Apple in my post, which would have been totally off topic by the way.
    I brought Samsung into it because they're a large consumer electronics company who have a great deal to be ashamed of but don't seem to attract the same level of hate as Sony does. I brought Apple into it because they don't appear to attract the same amount of hate in the games media as Sony does. Both of which I thought were fair supporting counter points to the assertion that Sony was being unusually evil in their tactics.

    So isn't it a bit rich to suggest that I was dragging the thread off topic when you were complaining about the price & speed of Vita memory cards in a thread aimed at gathering comments from people who actually own a Vita?

    You were completely off topic from your first four words so, throw us a bone here, if you have rules we're supposed to play by when we reply to your posts (regarding relevance to the topic and the bits we're allowed to criticise) it'd be nice to know in advance.

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    You started by dismissing my post because I said wasn't an owner of a Vita. And then you tell me that I have special rules? Are you kidding?

    Fine. I own a Vita. Which one is true now? Is my comment more appropriate if I say I have one?

  18. #18
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    Thumbs down

    Nah, I responded to your assertion that the Vita's memory cards have "absolutely terrible performance" and that in selling them at a premium Sony had done something "unforgivable".

    I dismissed your assertion on the grounds that the performance of the memory cards is adequate for what is expected of them and that if Sony have a large profit margin on them then that's not something I'd class as unforgivable given the same tactics are employed by competitors.

    Then I asked if anyone who owned a Vita was having their experience ruined by the memory cards.

    At no point in my original reply to you did I dismiss your post on the grounds that you are not a Vita owner. I dismissed it because you were using dramatic language to make an assertion that I do not believe is rational or accurate, given my own experience with the Vita.

    Now I'm done with responding to you in this thread because you're going for straw men and pedantic posturing.

  19. #19
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    Jesus Christ I don't even know why I try to be nice to you anymore. You always take everything I say so to the letter and always go on a righteous crusade about how my choice of words is horrible when in fact it's the point I'm making that's important.
    You ALWAYS forget that I'm from Québec and that I might not be choosing the right words every single time. Because if I try and do that, I spend a lot of time looking up definitions, grammars and other stuff online. Why do I do this now and on every single website I visit? It's so that I make my best attempt to not offend or insult anyone, because I learned my lesson as you are well aware.
    I don't do that for every reply however, as evidenced here, but I'd really appreciate it if you did not jump on me every single time. Otherwise what's my motivation to live up to the title you gave me of Content Contributor?

    EDIT: More than writing, I have trouble understanding. If you want to tell me that I'm using the wrong words to explain something, tell me just that. Please, for my sanity. The other way you are using is not working, as I never get it.

    For the record, here is my point detailed (And yes I had to look things up this time):

    I think the Vita itself is a great piece of technology and I am very excited for it's potential. Unfortunately right now there is one game that is interesting to me.
    Also, it is my opinion that the memory cards proposed by Sony are not on the level of tech in the Vita and the price charged for them is too high. I believe Sony have made a mistake with choosing the memory technology, as while adequate, it could be so much faster and then worth it's price in my eyes.
    What I meant by unforgivable before was that because of that fact, I really don't see myself become an owner as I do not wish to support that kind of business decision.
    Last edited by Darkdrium777; 3rd March 2012 at 02:48 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by infoxicated View Post
    it's not a fair comparison because Sony gave us all one for the European launch
    Hey, who is "us" in your sentence ? oO'

    As for the hardware itself, I for one can't really judge it since I only tried it and don't own one (at least, "not yet"™) but I see alot of comments about how expensive it is (except for Foxx !), how terrible is the memory card or how complicated it is to login with one's PSN account... but what about the game itself ? Or other games than WipE'out" since we're inside the general gaming & hardware forum ?

    Reading about the comments I have the uncomfortable feeling that "playing" games is the least concern of everyone... am I the only one who wonders about how good it feels while steering the ships to their maximum potential on the tracks ? Isn't it the reason why you bought the console after all ?

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