Personnel Profile:

Name: Krystian Atkinson
Age: 53
Nationality: Danish
Occupation: JX350 Organiser
Personal Details:
Always a man with a habit for trying to prove himself, Krystian used to be a marshal at Cubiss Float F9000 track, helping to organise the quick rescue of ships in the treacherous and unpopular ice caves when few others would take such an offer.

The F9000 board of executives began to see the promise in the young nordic and promoted him more and more to senior positions around Cubiss Float, keeping him occupied with the smooth running of the event. It paid off, as before long more people became eager to go to Switzerland for the events that Atkinson put on. Another oddity about this man in he F9000 was that he was completely and utterly unable to be bribed. He would turn down any offers to fix races and reported them to the Commission.

Though this lost him his job quickly thanks to Overtel's meddling, the elder members of the Commission didn't forget his work when they came to re-start AG racing twelve years later, and hired him as a chief event organiser. By the time FX500 rolled around, it was decided that he would organise the JX350 event, much to the applause of everyone save the Tigron runners.