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Thread: WipeOut Pure is better than WipeOut Pulse

  1. #101
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    @kanar - Ah, seems I misunderstood the part about racing logs - I read it as you've done 3000 laps total!

    Sure, Pulse is nicer to play on an overclocked PSP than an ofw one. It's probably a little easier to concentrate on your lines too, which may explain why you beat your times quickly (along with switching from HD's truly horrific handling to Pulse's awesome direct handling (joking)). I'm not saying that it provides no advantage, but it's definitely not a speed boost - those times are still quite possible on ofw, and I intend to beat at least some of my records (including 333 ones) from wipeout-game using ofw (and, as always, no Jaytech). I just beat my old Arc Prime White Phantom TT race record by 0.02 actually! Next step is to try to take it under 1:48. de Kon W is unlikely though, as I used to play only that track for hours every day to get that record.
    I'm hesitant to enter Pulse records here, however, because I'll probably be accused of CFW/Jaytech/cheats/whatever. I've read that Jaytech thread (and other similar ones) before, and there's guys talking about them getting the fastest possible times, etc. as if there's no room for improvement (except for cheating or breaking the WoZ rules (which are not the same thing)). There's always room for improvement, and I know for a fact that all my times can (and probably will) be destroyed, sometimes by seconds.

    @Venom - Hehe, good points, but I must disagree about AG-Sys being overpowered. It's a very strong and accessible ship, and is very useful online, but it has it's weaknesses like all the ships (e.g. low top speed, and also feels very light and bouncy, which loses me speed and control on corners). I honestly wouldn't be able to compete in an AG-Sys like I do in the EG-X (especially my custom black and white skin), but each to their own - seems like you've found your ideal ship.

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrSmadSmartAlex View Post
    I'm hesitant to enter Pulse records here, however, because I'll probably be accused of CFW/Jaytech/cheats/whatever...
    Don't be hesitant, you have nothing to fear, you already proved to everyone here you're one of the best pulse pilot around the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrSmadSmartAlex View Post
    There's always room for improvement, and I know for a fact that all my times can (and probably will) be destroyed, sometimes by seconds.
    mmm I like that lol, & I believe you. Of course you'll have to deal with that ugly tearing & some framerate drops, but yes, practice is everything, & you'll improve your times for sure. Glad we could find a happy ending together .

  3. #103
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    I didn't necessarily mean that I'll destroy them. Anybody can beat them, if they practice hard and work out the best lines.

  4. #104
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    Well, I used to play on CFW also.
    I have 2 PSP : 2k and 3k.
    This week, I switched the 3k back to OFW to be able to play Pulse online again.
    Yesterday, I did 3 races (offline) before going to bed on the OFW one. I didn't play since weeks... and now I have WOHD, I found the framerate was ... but I did one single race on Arc Prime and I beat my record.
    Ok, I have verrrrryy few laps on every tracks compared to you, I'm far from being a fast wiper... but I beat my record on first race after weeks without playing.
    So, ok the feeling is worst with OFW, but not so sure it affects times

    And for the topic, yes Pure may be better for physics... but Pure breaks my balls for some other points :
    - BR are too hard
    - takes AGES to get speed after you are shot
    - f*cking disruptor that ruined a lot of races !!!!
    - Citta Nuova !!! (OK, I trully hate Outpost on Pulse too )

    But hey, so many tracks (and great ones), free packs and ships.

  5. #105
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    Point is here !
    Kanar, mate, don't underestimate the impact of playing HD regarding your recent improvements on pulse. Personnaly i find the handling of pulse more accessible now (than HD) and i started to regularly improve all my pulse's laptimes after HD was released. HD helped me in understanding some subtilities of the tracks that i was unable to detect on pulse because of the tiny screen and dark graphics. I adjusted my lines on HD and applied that to pulse too (and pure), and it worked. I don't see big differences between ofw and cfw, it's smoother ok, but not at a point that can help that much to gain speed.
    But i agree that small differences have sometimes huge impact on someone performances. Ultra light difference in the rebound of the d-pad of my 2 dualshock 3 makes me succeeding in BR with one and failing with the other as an example, so maybe for you the better framerate in cfw is a significative comfort

  6. #106
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    eh eh I agree with you Leungbok, especially with the tech de ra example... And thanks to all for your inputs, I'm concluding my eyes are probably tired after all these hours of gaming lol, that's why I'm probably so much 60fps/no tearing dependent now. Forget my TT/SL argument, my bad.

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temet View Post
    Citta Nuova !!! (OK, I trully hate Outpost on Pulse too )
    Shitta Nuova vs. Outpost 7

    Both awesome tracks that are just stupidly difficult, but you've got to have tracks like this, otherwise it can get boring, racing in a straight line all the time. I still get my ass kicked by them both btw.
    I think I probably prefer O7 (Black more than White), but only because I've played it more than Shitta. I have had an awesome session on Free Play on Shitta though, and it has that amazing turbo shortcut - throwing a BR into that on internal view is my favourite Pure moment of all.

    edit: I agree about the disruptor btw. Pulse has nothing approaching the -ness of that stupid weapon.

  8. #108


    Uahahaha Shitta Nuova ????
    I agree with you: I hate Outpost 7, the only good point for itself is its own name hihihi, very boring track.
    I still remeber the first time that I've tried with Piranha...mmmh, no good at all !
    CittĂ* Nuova? Mmmhh, I don't know if I feel indifference or hate with it....but it's generally a modest track.
    But it's the first track of Pure that I have seen of the first times on Youtube to have a preview of the game, and, maybe, only for this, I can't feel hate for it .

    EDIT: distruptor is a good name for a weapon, but it's still stupid!
    Last edited by XpanDrome2097; 8th January 2010 at 01:45 PM.

  9. #109
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    I would now after playing the three a good amount, that Pure is imo way better than pulse or hd for me. It has the stupid barrel rolls not working in single player, the bs disruptor, and some weapons that makes you go backwards at times (lots of swears), and pitch control that is not too good in that it doesn't change your postition of where you land too much. Now pulse, way too grippy, I think the game is fun, but not really like wipeout at all due to almost no sliding like any of the older games. Pure's turning is like the older games to a certain degree, only marred by the sideshift keeping the grip too much (although not nearly as much as pulse or hd). Hd is just way too easy, way too many weapons. It is too easy to keep up to even the best players, and hit them with a quake or another weapon. Driving skill is at a minimum in this game, where in Pure, driving skill matters significantly. I hit one wall, i am not going to be hitting someone who didn't with a missle without some good driving first. Pulse is also better than Hd in this regard. I remember at the tournament, travis and I were watching some driving in chenghou reverse, and some were smashiing into the last sharp turn, and basically coming out almost just as fast as someone doing a perfect lap, making the game too much about weapons.

    However, if you added in a time trial race like pure to HD where you get one turbo per lap, no weapons, I might go back to Hd a little more.

  10. #110
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    Good idea in adding Hd to the comparison Al. I agree with you when you're saying hd is way too much weapon oriented, but regarding driving skills uh, I can tell you the best players still succeed in winning easily, sometimes with a comfortable -unbelievable?- margin; no matter how many quakes you'll throw to -sorry for giving names lol- Yeldar, for example (could have said wotan, luxoflux, wellington, ericd7m, greenix, pirah... lots of names I've raced during our tournaments), he'll stay way behind, thx to his awesome driving skills. I love when you're saying you're not going to shoot someone with good driving skills at first sight, cos' this is exactly how we love to race during some crazy week-ends. This is still the spirit, even if some people abuse of the crazy hd weapon power sometimes. Technical races (no weapon races), as TorquedSoul named them in his ELO league, are a good way to experience something different, even if wall scrapping or weird contacts between ships (most of the time due to ping/lag/our weak connections) are occuring really often & can ruin a race. But just have a look at the no weapon records I'm trying to keep running, you'll see they are constantly beaten by the best skilled players. Also, I would disagree with you regarding chenghou reverse -or the forward version, same turn-; it's really faster to take them perfectly instead of rushing into the wall, I can guarantee that. But hey, that's my two cents, as an hd player since its release. I'm assuming the fact I didn't play too much pure comparing to you. But I'm the first to agree with you regarding pure handling, the way ships are sliding is a great feeling. And yeah signing up for your time trial idea!
    oh and just something else; Leungbok had a real good point here :
    Quote Originally Posted by leungbok View Post
    ...i started to regularly improve all my pulse's laptimes after HD was released. HD helped me in understanding some subtilities of the tracks that i was unable to detect on pulse because of the tiny screen and dark graphics. I adjusted my lines on HD and applied that to pulse too (and pure), and it worked...
    Tech de Ra white is a great example.
    Last edited by kanar; 9th January 2010 at 10:07 AM.

  11. #111
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    Hello Al, your contribution is good, I'm partially right with.

    Why partially ? Just because the community on WipEout HD is 50 or 100 times larger ! So it's normal that online races are more tight, and the importance of weapons is bigger.

    I remember some tournaments with 6 or 8 good players on WipEout Pulse where every one could win a race... thanks to weapons !

    Today I can play WipEout Pure with some friends on adhoc Party, and it's the same, weapons can be decisive or ruin your race. But it's true WipEout Pure is the game where a mistake seems to cost you the most time.

    Weapons are important too in WipEout Pure & Pulse, in the sense that if you kill an opponent, he can't finish the race and score 0 point ! No respawn, no second chance !

    In fact, more level of players is dense, and more the weapons are important.

  12. #112
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    Yes exactly over Pure, that`s why I`m struggling to stay on the line and create stability but, that is not always the case, all I need is practise to improve my game. That is why, we have few excellent players compare to Pulse players statistically. Most Pulse players goes for TT rather than Pure`s TT. but again, I could be wrong.


  13. #113
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    ON chenghou, it is faster to take it perfect, but not enough to get out of sight of some who slams it (keep in mind i'm saying at least they have their ship turned to the same angle as the wall, not straight in ) I agree with pulse, except, when you hit a wall, you do slow down quite a degree, and it will be difficult to catch up. I think the weapons are too much in all the games really, just that pure I thought had the nice slide handling. We played fusion multiplayer in the NA tourney, and unbelievably, that had the best weapon slowdown of ships out of all the games. Go figure the worst wipeout game has the best weapon affect on the ships.

  14. #114
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    Personally, i think pulse is better then pure.
    Reasons? Pulse is more refined, and not as graphically cluttered imo, and like previous posts, the AI isnt nearly as good as pulses. The skin editor was a great addition to the already awesome game, but in respect, i also think that pure's tracks were much better in terms of uniqueness and artistic areas. Pulse, to me, is one of the few wipeouts that i can play for days on end, pure just isnt one of them.

  15. #115
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    I think, honestly, that, in terms of speed feeling and gameplay, Wipeout Pure is much better than Pulse... In terms of looks, Pulse takes the cake...

  16. #116
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    Being used to the later versions of WipEout,I find that PulsE is better than PurE. The Zone mode is not restricted to exclusive tracks and I'm used to HD and PulsE,so I'm not really for the physics of PurE.

  17. #117
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    If you own a PS2, there´s no choice.
    All you got is Pulse...well, and Fusion but that game sucks (imo!) and it´s off topic anyway.
    But Pure sure has beautiful tracks!
    I think that both games are pretty cool. But Pulse has an advantage with the handling, I think!

  18. #118
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    In my opinion, Pure beats Pulse, hands down. The ship models are better looking, the tracks are simply more appealing and well thought out, and the physics are tough but incredibly satisfying when you master them. There's nothing quite like gliding around vineta in one of the heavy ships. Slipping in and out of corners and into straights ridden with boost pads. Defiantly one of the most visceral experiences I've ever had while gaming.

    On the other hand, Pulse has a lot of things going for it, i.e. online, ship editing, and faster speed. not to mention that the handling has a less significant learning curve to new comers then in Pure.

    It all really down to a personal opinion really. And mine is Pure .

  19. #119
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    Default Neutral on this

    I have to agree there's the unlockable Zone team () and differant menu designs, but the one reason I dont play Pure is because of the turning drift. I just cant fly as good with that ship slide. With Wipeout Pulse, I just turn and I'm heading that way.

  20. #120
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    I like both games, no question, but if I have to make a decision...well let´s take a look:

    Pos.: Beautiful track and ship design, "old school" handling, some fusion teams (which is good for people like me who don´t like fusion as a game), an interesting story in the background and stylish team menues. Free DLC´s! No eliminator mode.
    Neg.: Even if I think that stats are smoke and mirrors, the balance between the teams isn´t really fair. Like the elder WO´s, there are weak teams. This is a very frustrating fact, especially in TimeTrials.
    BR´s are hard to implement. Preset music. The view changes very often against my will. No online gaming without X link kai. Exclusive Zone tracks + boring, impersonal Zone ships.

    Pos.: Classic and also very interesting new teams. Well balanced ship stats, there is no such thing as a weak ship, imo. Customize ship design options. Adjustable difficulty levels. No vector class. BR are quite easy to implement. You can add your own music. Many alternative ship designs.
    Neg.: You´ve to get used to the "new" handling if you´re an old schooler. Too dark and apocalyptic track design, especially Metropia is very obscure. Eliminator ship designs are uniform grey. You´ve to pay for the DLC´s and they are quite expensive. utpst 7 - . I´m not a great eliminator fan, so...

    In terms of my personal opinion and the facts above, I would say:
    Pulse takes the cake, if I have to make a choice - but both games are pretty excellent!
    Last edited by Flint Fandango; 1st May 2011 at 11:07 AM. Reason: added negative PurE properties

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