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Thread: The Last Game You Bought?

  1. #1
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    Default The Last Game You Bought?

    what was the last game you bought?
    I thought this would be a good idea for a new thread as I think we Zoners have awesome taste in games, ideally this thread will help introduce us all to games we may have never heard of or thought of purchasing
    to keep this thread nice'n neat we could have the name of the game, a link to a short video of it, the cover and a few lines describing it and why you got it, the idea was for these games to not be to mainstream, but I guess you decide that

    I'll start

    got this game a few weeks ago
    vib-ribbon was released in 1999/2000 for the PS1, it's a rythem game made by the fine people who introduced us to Parapper the Rapper & Amplitude.
    You prettymuch just play as a stick bunny rabbit walking a wire trapeze navigating obstacles on the wire that are created by the games music or you can use your own music CD's
    (I put the wo2097 PS1 disc in which created some very interesting experiences, whereas Denis Leary's jokes were almost impossible to get though)
    The Experience is magical, some CD's work better than others with it, I can't wait to try some Sigur Ros, it was a nightmare to track down but well worth the effort

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    Last edited by BulletWraith; 3rd August 2009 at 10:19 AM. Reason: 'n neat

  2. #2
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    I recently bought BioShock, I enjoyed it, though I somewhat regret buying it now.

    Set in an alternate history 1960, the game places the player in the role of a plane crash survivor named Jack, who must explore the underwater city of Rapture, and survive attacks by the mutated beings and mechanical drones that populate it. The game incorporates elements found in role-playing and survival horror games, and is described by the developers and Levine as a "spiritual successor" to their previous titles in the System Shock series.

    The player collects weapons, health packs, and Plasmids that give the player special powers such as telekinesis or Electrobolt, while fighting off the deranged population of the underwater city of Rapture. The player at times will need to use stealth to slip by security cameras and foes, and can also hack into security stations to turn automated drones to his side.

    This is what I want to play as on UT3 :
    Last edited by mdhay; 3rd August 2009 at 10:45 AM.

  3. #3
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    Default Bionic Commando Rearmed

    Bionic Commando Rearmed

    Bought it because im waiting for the Trophy patch, wich suppossed to be released in Europe this week. Also have the orginal on my NES, wich I played to its gonna be a easy trip down memory lane.(this version is gonna get a level-cut with the update cous people were complaining its too hard. Grow up. The're just not used to playing games that are based on the old-scool 2D system - were you had to work for your money. Lazy bastards.)

    I hope they still have the fake Adolf in the end. The purple mustage always cracked me up. ITS ****ING PURPLE!!! hilarious

    Edit : ...its brown, must have been the colours of my tv...damn...not that funny anymore...

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    NumBlast from the PSN store, not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. Puzzles were fun but too easy (gold crown on all 50 of them), endless/time trial modes are boring and feel useless. Ah well, it was cheap and I got some trophies out of it.

    BTW just finishing up my 2nd playthrough of Bioshock, on survivor difficulty for the platinum trophy (just entered Point Prometheus). Survivor isn't as hard as I thought it would be. Was going to sell it to get some money towards a new game, but I am now thinking of keeping it, can definitely see myself playing through this one again at some point.
    Last edited by okam; 3rd August 2009 at 01:47 PM. Reason: typos

  5. #5
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    I'm gonna get stick for this - I know it!

    The last game I bought was Loco Roco. (cringe) I got this game too play after the Pulse tourneys, to help wind down. Pulse gets my adrenaline going, and loco roco is so cute, it calms me down...

    I haven't bought a game in over 8 months though, Pulse dominates my game time too much.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mdhay View Post
    I recently bought BioShock, I enjoyed it, though I somewhat regret buying it now.
    You say that, but then you don't tell us why you regret buying it.

    Last game I bought was Red Faction: Guerrilla, which I played to death until I completed the story and then completely lost interest in it. I might well go back to it when the DLC arrives, though.

    Essentially you play a guy who comes to Mars to become a miner, only to witness the murder of your brother by the nefarious Earth Defence Force who act as a sort of Gestapo regime on Mars.

    Post-sibling death you are tasked with various missions by the leader of the "Red Faction" - a resistance group with the aim of taking down the EDF regime and ushering in an era of freedom and independance for Mars.

    Most of the time you'll just have to blow **** up in various ways and then escape the attentions of the EDF, or successfully arrive at a safe house or checkpoint in order to complete the mission. Sometimes you'll have to defend stuff from being blown up, other times you'll have to rescue people from captivity and, if you want, you can blow **** up. Other times you'll act as a gunner on one of those "on-rails" types of mission where, you guessed it, you'll blow **** up.

    As you progress, new areas of Mars unlock and with that the wafer thin story unfolds. It's here that the game lets itself down through lack of ambition, unfortunately, as the story consists of what must have been a few bullet points on a single page of a notepad. The lack of depth is a real shame because there should have been more meat to it in order to give the sense that you were blowing **** up with a real sense of urgency and purpose.

    The story aside, blowing **** up is in fact good fun, and the physics engine is marvelously entertaining. Placing some remote mines on weak points of a building, then standing back to detonate them and watch the whole thing come crashing down is fantastic fun. I found that picking up a fast armoured car, covering it with remote mines and then driving into an enemy stronghold at break-neck speed, before jumping out and detonating the lot as it ploughs into a swarm of EDF troops is both satisfying and amusing.

    Aside from the missions there are demolition challenges, vehicle theft-to-safehouse challenges, and holo-tags to collect around Mars which belong to long-dead members of the cast from original Red Faction games, as well as ore to mine (you hit it with your hammer), and the occasional easter egg. Myself, I found one of the Mars Rovers (Spirit or Opportunity - it didn't say which one), stuck in a gully on the side of a cliff. I imagine I could have smashed it for salvage, which is something you can collect from each thing you destroy and trade for weapons or upgrades, but I didn't have the heart to go smashing up something with that much history.

    On the subject of weapons, there's a good range to entertain and enough variety in the ways you can use them on missions to stop it from becoming dull. I did, however, find there were sudden difficulty spikes caused by bad balancing of the AI troops in some missions. It was a totally ridiculous difficulty spike that had me giving up on the original Red Faction when I had been really enjoying it, so I was really concerned about this. It turned out I managed to complete the game with a bit of perseverance, though.

    Oops, it's turned into a bit of a Eurogamer waffle, this one, so I'll finish by saying that my score for Red Faction: Guerrilla would be 8/10

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    The last game i bought was Red Alert 3 simply because i love the C&C series but the whole serial key misprint was a bit worrying to begin with

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    Tekken Tag Tournament. You don't need a long description like other people have given about their games. Good, ol' fashioned punch-ups.

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    Last game i bought was Fury.... and the one before that Wipeout HD... and the one before that Burnout Paradise. All bought on the first day of each month for the past 3 months =P.

    Burnout Paradise is an awesome game, you should buy it if you havent already done so. Its just like Wipeout - with gravity!
    Last edited by Haywire_Guy; 3rd August 2009 at 02:10 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by infoxicated View Post
    You say that, but then you don't tell us why you regret buying it.
    This was because the PS3 browser limited how much I could type when I went back to type it im my other post - No idea why, though.:S

    I have regretted buying this because I was under the impression that I could Explore Rapture, which even though I can to an extent, It isn't like Fallout 3 sized (I know that Fallout 3 is far larger, but I compared it to a game lots of people can relate to). Also, most of the plasmids that were available seemed pointless, I must have used only six or seven of what I had.

    But for what I played of it, it was an extremely emotional game - after saving all the Little Sisters and killing Fontaine and seeing the final sequence, I almost cried. Bioshock definately deserved all the praise it got.
    Last edited by mdhay; 4th August 2009 at 03:20 PM. Reason: Spoilers omitted. Highlight to read.

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    i bought recently "armored core for answer" its a very haaaard game but amazing when u can control good ur robot ..awesome really and the japanese guys online are O_O

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    Quote Originally Posted by mdhay View Post
    This was because the PS3 browser limited how much I could type when I went back to type it im my other post - No idea why, though.:S

    I have regretted buying this because I was under the impression that I could Explore Rapture, which even though I can to an extent, It isn't like Fallout 3 sized (I know that Fallout 3 is far larger, but I compared it to a game lots of people can relate to). Also, most of the plasmids that were available seemed pointless, I must have used only six or seven of what I had.

    But for what I played of it, it was an extremely emotional game - after saving [SPOILERZZZZ]
    You might want to edit yer post m8, some people still want to buy this great game...

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    Currently playing Sacred 2: Fallen Angel. Loved the whole Action RPG genre, especially Diablo II, so I decided to give this one a try. So far I'm absolutely addicted, and to top it all off, Blind Guardian is in it! I've also got Titan Quest on standby once I'm done as well

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    Well, not counting Fury the last game I bought was 'X3: Terran Conflict' for the PC. Basically its a space fight, trade and explore game and is pretty good (if you like that sort of thing). Ive not been playing it too long and its pretty tough.

    I was going to explain the back story but its quite extensive and more than I can be bothered to type so thats available here on Wikipedia and here on their website. Theres also a trailer for one of their expansions here, id recommend a watch as the game looks sweet if you have a rig big enough to play it on full whack.

    One of the most amazing things about the game is the scale. When you see the space stations far off you dont think much until you get right up close and see the size of some of them. And the capital ships as well. Crazy stuff!

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    Fat Princess as of a couple days ago. Last full game I bought was WoW. Both are great games in their on rights.

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    Quote Originally Posted by zer0shen View Post
    vib-ribbon was released in 1999/2000 for the PS1, it's a rythem game made by the fine people who introduced us to Parapper the Rapper & Amplitude.
    I remember getting that!! im going to have to find it again

    Quote Originally Posted by ACE-FLO View Post
    The last game I bought was Loco Roco.
    i only played #1 and i loved it. its all about the blue guys

    I have recently got hold of a few consols/games starting with the sega saturn i got wipeout, VF2, loaded and a couple of others.

    today i got a sega megadrive with sonic 1, mortal combat 1, ms pac-man and some game called vectorman.

    :-:-:- BUT I CANT PLAY ANY OF THEM. (i never had a sega console when i was younger) the saturn never came with the
    av cable and the megadive switches on but nothing comes up on the screen.

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    You got perfect games with your MegaDrive2! I lost my one many many years ago. It was my favourite console with such games like Sonic, Vectorman, Mortal Kombat, Earthworm Jim and other masterpieces ... Sometimes I have a desire to play them

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    i still have my MegaDrive

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    I would, but PSP browsers limit how much I can write. Sorry.

    @Mr Phlanj:
    If you have a PSP, you should try and get the Sega Mega Drive Collection on it, you can actually save! It's on PS3 too.

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    all star cheer leader.. wow game rocks. play it on the train.

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