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Thread: massive british presence and .. a girl??!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Barcelona, Catalonia
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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxZero
    i think xeik's infamous signature has something to say about that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

    Of very bad report; having a reputation of the worst kind; held in abhorrence; guilty of something that exposes to infamy; base; notoriously vile; detestable; as, an infamous traitor; an infamous perjurer.


    Detestable; odious; scandalous; disgraceful; base; vile; shameful; ignominious.


    These are some different tactics I can't think of. However, I have no way to prove if some of them are more commonly usen by one gender or the other, since I know no female wiper.
    • Keep pitting and hyperthrusting or conserving shield in those tracks where pitting makes you lose time.
    • Hyperthrust only in straights (safer) or when you get out of a curve as well as in the straights(more performant in my opinion).
    • Letting the accelerator go in difficult turns or keep your accelerator pushed all the time and manage the turn only with the pad and brakes (Al is known to never let go the accelerator).
    • When there are curvy jumps, concentrate in steering or concentrate in controlling the pitch.
    • When you are about to pass a contender and you have some rockets you can be those that always fire (it can make you lose concentration) or those that keep focused on the track and avoiding the opponent.
    • In some turns it is not obvious if braking is faster or slower. Different players will have different choices.
    • Miss a boost pad to keep a smoother raceline or slightly change the best trajectory to take advantage of the speed-up.
    Now, if there is any correlation between gender and the aforementioned tactics, I do not know.

    Another point is that, as some people have stated, while it may change in some years, sociologically caused differences still exist. So, although I don't think that a male and a female educated tha same way would show this kind of differences, I'm quite sure that the average male player is more agressive than the average female player. For those who know female wipers, could you please do some eliminators with them and report back?

    Last but not least. Males tend to be more competitive than females. If this is sociologically caused or physiologically, I don't know either. But one thing I can tell you for sure, whenever I've met a highly competitive bastard capable of selling his soul for first position, it was a male. In other words, I've met many people in my life (not many as Lance of course, I'm only 22) but the ones that found true delight in victory and being better than the others can be counted with my fingers, and they happen to be all men.


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    i suspect that women are just as competitive as men, but usually choose different fields of endeavour to compete in. mm... like having the nicest house, the best furniture, the most stylish clothes, the most expensive scents, the best hair, etc

    [for both males and females, it's my opinion that a lot of the really intense competition is related to achieving breeding status, not just food-gathering survival, and is driven by genetically inbuilt 'imperatives' for this behaviour. in other words, it's sex related]

    xEik: i see what you're getting at, that there are definitely more or less agressive strategies in racing. i think that preferences in method are learned/conditioned responses that can be due to outside-the-individual-person pressures of society, which of course vary according to the local culture. videogames tend to create a culture of their own because they just don't produce the same consequences for aggressive actions that would result if such aggression were pursued in real life, in the physical world instead of the metaphysical world. i think this gives people the opportunity to be their more 'natural' unconditioned selves. i am certainly much more aggressive in games than i am in real life

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    i suspect that women are just as competitive as men, but usually choose different fields of endeavour to compete in
    i agree, lance. in addition, not everyone races aggressively, and not everyone is clawing for the top. that doesn't mean they won't win at the same frequency though.. aggression has its down sides too.

    btw, i meant famous, cuz everyone seems to know your signature

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    USA: south of reason


    xeik: Have you ever worked in an office full of women? They can definitely be competitive. In fact, they can be downright vindictive and mean. They're just a lot more subtle about it than most men. A woman won't pound her chest and yell, "I'm gonna crush you!", she'll wait until later when she's with someone else, and pass along "something she heard".

    Men seem to be competitive as a matter of pride, so they have to let everyone else know. Women... well, I'm not sure as to why they're competitive, but it comes from a black place in their soul.

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