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Thread: My impression of HD..

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crob View Post
    But surely these speeds are historically consistent, and faster speeds should be expected in FX450 series and above?
    I have stated this before and no one seems to comment. Pure was the FX300, HD FX350 (Development League, in Preparation of FX400) Pulse is the FX400 Premier league so it makes prefect sense to me that HD maybe slower then Pulse. So when the actual FX450 League starts, it could be a Development League for the Premier FX500 League.

    It just makes no sense to argue about this in my mind. It's like in real life racing. In saying "Why is the Ferrari F2006, slower then the F2007?!" New Season, New League brings different developments.

    It's the third game in the new generation yes, but chronologically, it's the second installment. So it would be faster then Pure, slower then Pulse.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skvall View Post
    ZenDJiNN: I have never played PSP on a television, but the framerate in both Pure and Pulse are so bad compared to WOHD that I wouldnt recommend them before WOHD even if you dont care about the graphics.
    Thanks skvall. After much reading & deliberation i think you're correct. Much as i love Pulse & Pure (Been playing a lot of Pure lately & it's just fantastic) it's probably best kept on the PSP screen. It was kinda wishful thinking that it could only look better on a bigger screen, and to be able to see even more of those great tracks....!!!

    Looks like i'm gonna have to go out, get a PS3 and find out what HD is like for myself. I'm sure i won't be too disappointed!

  3. #23
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    Just an alternate opinion about Pure/Pulse played on a 480p TV-- I think it's great

    Yes, the frame rate is less than WOHD, and no, it won't fill the entire screen. A few folks have reported a slight "delay" between the controls and the display on the TV.

    But speaking for myself and my TV (480p LG LCD, 20") it plays really, really well. My TV has a better refresh rate and brightness so it's definitely a step up presentation wise. I haven't had any problems with controller delay.

    Of course, if you own a big ol' HDTV (>40" or 50"), Pure/Pulse will look like ass blown up on the big screen. But sit square in front of a smallish 480p TV and Pure/Pulse are definitely "console like" experiences-- honestly I don't notice THAT big difference between WOHD and the PSP games on my little TV.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad-Ice View Post
    Pulse; Moa Therma White, SL 22.04 sec.
    HD; Moa Therma White, SL 22.98 sec.
    Which means in this case that HD was about 96 percent as fast as Pulse. Not a specially significant difference in how fast it would feel, it seems to me.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Berry View Post
    The top speed in HD is as far as I recall the same as Pulse, those stats were not altered, possibly the top end came in by 3-5kph, but no more and it might have gone up 3-5kph I cant recall it was a year ago The sensation though, is a little different, mainly due to the screen size and what you can see also due to what you are used to

    We can make it go faster, Zone mode shows that, however in zone mode we change the ship a lot so that at super fast speeds it doesnt fly off a jump and never come down.
    To have a faster class in HD would take a lot of consideration, we would need to consider the effect on each track, in terms of collision, where you can fly to, what you can see, where you get reset, etc. In short it would be a large chunk of work to add to the list of things we'd like to do. It was never planned for HD, whether we go back and look at it again, I dont know much depends on the success of HD as to what happens next.
    And how successful has it been just out of curiosity??? Very successful...I hope...

    As with the top speeds...I was thinking it might be the translation from small PSP screen to big HD TV screen that would have contributed to the game seemingly slow...

    But the numbers in Lance's quoted post above speaks some truth...

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Berry View Post
    In short it would be a large chunk of work to add to the list of things we'd like to do.
    hehee and what's there in this list of things you'd like to do

    can we know it colin ??????????

  7. #27
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    There is no speed difference, and I think HD is faster. BECAUSE when you put it on the TV, pulse looks much slower than on the psp. This is even more true if you were to put pulse at 333. I am thinking about playing metropia reverse(pulse) and HD foward (close to the same track) and put them up against each other on two tvs on the recording and see what moves quicker. The handling is more slippery than pulse, but less than pure, and the float is nice, making pitch control an important part of the game again, which was lost in pure and pulse somewhat. However, I would like a faster speed class to compensate for the TV. I disagree about the pinacle of the series though, XL takes that for me, hands down, being it is a much harder game for getting perfect runs. I realize though that many new players however will like the HD handling much better

  8. #28
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    Well, I decided to heed G'Kyl's advice and gave HD another go.

    Still currently at around 8% trophy completion, fully all of them earned online. I'm still utterly unfamiliar with the majority of the newest reverse courses, so I get throttled badly on them.

    I did manage to head into the options and lower my thrust and brake sensitivity settings, which made a massive difference in the overall feel. Lowering the airbrake settings I find allows one to coast through hairpins quite fast -- a good thing. Now I have the power of Pure's Triakis deceleration reduction system at my disposal, muahaha!

    Slowly but surely it's growing on me, but only as long as I keep Pulse out of my conscious stream, so next step is to fill out my trophy collection and attack some of your times.

    - F
    Last edited by Flashback Jack; 14th October 2008 at 06:34 PM. Reason: Mispelled user's nickname.

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