Well, I finally got Fusion, yesterday...I'm really behind on the times, huh? :wink:

There are indeed major bugs in it...I found out what the other pilots meant by those...fell through the floor a few times in Cubiss Float, went through the walls in Mandrashee and Cubiss Float (and what's up with needing to trigger the doors if you can just pass through them like a ghost?)...I'm wondering how they got past the bug checkers. Going upside down in an AG craft is a little implausible, too... :-?

It's still not that bad of a game, though, despite the bugs. Good graphics, and even though I'm not much for the music on its own, most of it fits the game (although I'd more prefer some trance or some tech-industrial or hardcore to better fit the ambience). The menu loop gets annoying fast...

Completed the Florian Height and Mandrashee tracks (in Arcade mode)...currently trying to complete Cubiss Float...I can't get better than a silver in the second track. And the Feisar lacks the speed to get me better than bronze, and the Van-Uber has crap for shields. :x ...Ah well, I'll make it...just need time.