hey nice 2 c u here again!
I was just thinking of u.
xEik thinking *what !!??*
hey Hey HEY! it's just u mentioned it some weeks ago and the I thought :
'did I or didnt i beat the prototype4 track??!' I was pretty sure I did but i thought I'll do it
again 2 b safe .. and then I tryed with several crafts ending with icaras
and .. failed ..
2day i tryed twice. this time with the AG sys and the first time I was surprised 2 c
I was 2nd on the last lap! in the last chicane b4 the straight I got .. eliminated .. :x

I didnt race phantom 4 a long time and on that chicane I crush every 2nd time ..
the 2nd try, the last lap, b4 the uphill I missiled down the leader(an auricom)
and cloaked up the hill I go !!!
on the top I get a quake! *Yes! in case some1 passes me on the straight!!*
then down .. now I'm nerveous .. .. the damn chicane is flying towards me !!
I didnt crush BUT I took it very wrong so i had 2 break pretty hard ..
2 guys 'swoosh' pass me! an auricom(the leader) and a assegai !!
fire! woom ! the quake lifts them.
I sqeez the thrust (I pitted the 3rd lap had half of the energy) and as I pass them
acceleratin anOther AG sys passes the 3 of us!! .. I go .. .. and THRUST !! and :x :x :x
it's a pretty long straight! .. lucky me ..
I think I got him with a couple of 100ds of a sec!!
:wink: ..
end of story

ps: I eliminated 2 guys, the first on the first lap with the 1st weapon i got (plasma) first coner! :
and I do NOT have such a detailed short memory! just looked @the replay 'a couple' of itmes .. :roll: