I don't think I've made it too much of a secret that I was a bit disappointed with Wipeout Fusion. Don't get me wrong, I think it looks great and it travels at a tremendous pace. It's just things like the simplistic handling, freeform areas and shortcuts that make me feel that it's far from the perfect game I had wanted.

So, other than for Al's Zone challenge, I've been playing Wipeout 3 SE again.

And it turns out that I had forgotten how good it is. The attention to detail, the handling, the whole ambience of the title just hangs together perfectly. I already had the perfect game - I didn't need to build my hopes up to such an extent that Wipeout Fusion fell short of those expectations.

It seems that in the stampede to embrace Wipeout Fusion as the new benchmark in our Anti Gravity Racing experience, I forgot what a cracking game Wipeout 3 SE is. True, it's not super high res and it doesn't look half as good as Wipeout Fusion.

But for me, it's the perfect game.... with only one minor "if only"... if only Wipeout 3 SE had the AI of Fusion. Then I'd never need another game!

Agree/Disagree - let me know what you think.