Hey guys,
I am just wondering of anyone has & would like to have some online races with me @ Fatal Inertia EX:

It is a fun game in my opinion. Please don't compare it to Wipeout since the race feeling, controls, AI, weapons, tracks... everything is different. The weapons are quite interesting and once you get the hang on it, it can be quite fun!

Just to tell you some interesting aspects:
- Race is not on a race street track, but on more open-world alike tracks.
- Weapons are very different from WipEout, use Magnets, Cables, Time dilator, Forceblaster etc. to get a good position.
- Take care of your ship: Once destroyed, the race is over.
- Lot's of nice ambiences: Deep jungle, Canyon, Desert, Ice...
- Customize the look, handling and power of your ship.
- Downloadable from PSN & cheap.

Well of course I have to say it's not that thrilling as Wipeout but I suggest it as a fun alternative...
I know MegaGeeza22 owns a copy of FIEX, so it would be cool to have more gamers for an online match