This is an idea I have toyed with for a quite a while, what if in the future of Wipeout a type of Artificial Intelligence was created which could interact with the pilot far more than just by telling them when weapons are about to be fired and taking over from them when an Autopilot is used. An A.I. with a personality given to them by their creator, a personality they are stuck with and show constantly. These Artificial Intelligences are still in control over the ship in general when allowed (outside races and when the Autopilot weapon is used) but have robotic avatars which sit on the dash panel that show expressions through digital screen faces (Wall-E's Eve style) and body/hand movements. These artificial intelligences are not merely computer controlled robotic personalities, and have the freedom of free thinking, meaning they can disobey commands when they want to, this means a pilot must spend time with and bond with the A.I. of their craft, making them team mates, the key to successfully winning races. In the Zone Virtual Reality, these A.I.s are capable of exiting the craft, becoming co-pilots for the pilots.

I suppose this in many ways anime-izes Wipeout, but I love the concept too much to ignore it. I have so far designed two A.I.s, Team Feisar's Cynthia (an annoying, feisty personality) and Qirex's Shyst, a shy personality