I don't think Ronibhoy's opinion is irrelevant. It was relevant enough for me to respond to, wasn't it? On the same note, you responded to mine, so by this as well as your own admission, it seems like you think my opinions are as relevant.

You seem to think that, because I don't share an opinion, I think it's irrelevant. No, I don't share Ronibhoy's opinion, or ostensibly yours, which is that, when you bought Wipeout HD, you got something less than what you paid for. Or maybe, you don't consider it opinion, but a matter of objective truth that you received something less than what you paid for. If so, and my experience contradicts that, I could see how that would vex you.

Tell me what you think. How about I pay you $20 for your copy of Wipeout? You get your money back and I pay a price closer to what I think the game is worth.