Hello everyone.
Been lurking on the boards for a while but never posted anything until now. I have a question about the ingame gallery you can unlock in Fusion.

Is it possible to somehow "rip" the gallery from your Fusion CD and save it to your hard-drive?

I've seen people do it with the soundtrack and I'm sure it's possible for images too, as the Pure gallery is here on the downloads section. But it seems no one with the know-how has really done this fully for Fusion. I've spent hours trawling through google images, through weird and wonderful French and Japanese websites and come up with bits and bobs of the gallery, but not the full thing.
So it is possible to extract the gallery yourself from your own Fusion CD?

The reason I ask is that I'm an artist/graphic design student and I can't even begin to describe how much Wipeout has influenced me. Like an adrenaline shot to the imagination . I'm working on some traditional fanart at the moment and having the Fusion gallery stuck up around my studio space would be a godsend...

(some interesting art links I found)


