Quote Originally Posted by camroncamera View Post
Thank you so much for your leads! However, I have not been able to get the image to make available any recognizable audio files. I've explored the emu technique as well as burning an iso to disc but it really boils down to I don't know what I'm doing

I'll try to be more specific as to the audio defects I can hear:

"Planet 9" - At 1:00 into the song, there is a sudden burst of noise like "static", on the left channel only. It is only momentary (1/10th second or so) and it is clearly a defect and not part of the song's composition. At 3:24, another slightly shorter and slightly quieter burst of noise occurs, again, left channel only. The music does not skip or change time at either occurrence.

"Poison" - at 3:33, there is a slight low-frequency blip (you guessed it - left channel only) and is barely even worth mentioning. I can barely hear it with headphones and I would no doubt have not even noticed were it not for the more obvious dropouts on "Planet 9" that caused me to carefully QC the exclusive PC Music tracks for which I purchased the game disc.

Sorry to be such a QC nerd here. I've been on a mission to collect as much Wipe'Out" music as I can get hold of and I've already been burned by the second release of "Wip3out: The Music" which was chock-full of digital dropouts on my two factory pressings (see discussion here: http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthr...t=3120&page=14 )

Thanks again everyone!
That's very strange, because usually when a CD is defective it doesn't make the same "messing up" noises each time you play it, usually it does somthing different every time. The ISO that's up there should work with just about any burning program, What I did was burn it with Nero, and pop it back into my computer when iTunes was running, and all the songs on the CD came up on there, but, you could just put it into your CD player and play anything besides track 1 and it should work.