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Thread: STOP PRESS: Formula Fusion - Next gen Wipeout - from ex Wipeout Devs.

  1. #121
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    I hope this game turns out to be really good

  2. #122
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    I figured that I should say something about the fact this game will probably have an XBox One version: If you are gonna make a version for the XBox One, then PLEASE don't downgrade the other versions to match like Ubisoft did with Watch Dogs and AC: Unity.

  3. #123
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    Ever since I discovered them, I've always been a fan of tDR's work, be it WipEout, Autechre, you name it.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amaroq Dricaldari View Post
    I figured that I should say something about the fact this game will probably have an XBox One version: If you are gonna make a version for the XBox One, then PLEASE don't downgrade the other versions to match like Ubisoft did with Watch Dogs and AC: Unity.
    I don't think a racing game will pose as much performance challenges as a very detailed open world game.

  5. #125
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    So awesome to hear TDR are involved. Looking forward to see what you guys can create!

    Tread lightly, for you try upon our dreams c:

  6. #126
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    I've been following this for awhile and I think it has the potential to be something quite special.

    If I could just toss in my own two cents, I'm inclined to agree with amplificated back on p10, that nailing the aesthetic of the craft is really going to be what makes or breaks it, in terms of it standing up next to the WipEout we all know and love.

    There are a whole lot of complicated ways to say it but ultimately it boils down to this, craft in WipEout read a lot more like 'spaceships' than as formula-one vehicles and, at risk of sounding superficial here, I think that has consistently been the aesthetic hook for a segment of the playerbase. I think the craft in WipEout have managed to toe that line between going too far into the future (why are we flying spaceships on the ground? that's a little silly) and sticking to current day racing design paradigms (looks like formula-one, ho-hum). From the craft to the track design to the detailing, its definitely nailed that 22nd or 23rd century aesthetic really well - helped along by TDR of course, where would WipEout be without them.

    Someone up near the front of the thread mentioned that people really identify with the design of the craft, and that's really what it is at the end of the day. When you see the lines on that front-heavy chassis you know it's a Piranha, and a Triakis on the other hand is built like a tank and it shows. I'd even go as far as to say that seeing open cockpits with visible pilots inside is a flavour foul as far as WipEout goes, it's always been more about the craft itself as an almost inanimate thing - I can see how that and the formula-one'esque lines on the craft might be a bit off-putting for some people here at least. You can nail the speed and the handling and the racing lines, but it's really the aesthetic that drives it home.

    Of course I also understand concepts are concepts, and something you show during pre-production can always evolve later in the design process. Anyway, I'm just repeating what others have said and it looks like you guys have taken that on already from the more recent snippets you guys have shown.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how this project turns out! You have the unenviable task of designing a game that also hits the buttons for long time fans
    Last edited by Stardragon88; 13th October 2014 at 09:20 AM.

  7. #127
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    First of, Thanks R8 for listening to the dedicated wipeout fans!

    A few things that I think this title need in order for me to enjoy it to the max,

    1 difficult tracks that can be raced on max speed without braking for a corner.
    2 have a option to never press the thrust button, but just press a button when you want to go less than the max. I play a whole lot of zone mode (favorite mode) and I don't have to press X all the time and i love that!
    3 plz add a Zone mode, I love the INSANE SPEEDS, not the lousy phantom speeds.
    It takes around 10 min to get to a speed I like in zone mode and during that time i'm browsing the web and watching series.
    4 I would like a system that for example saves a checkpoint for every 10 perfect zones you did in a row. because if you can do 10 you're good enough to be at that speed. (I dont care about the points i just want to get a zone higher ) the checkpoint should be at the first of the 10 perfect zones so that you still need to do some work.
    5 internal cam/front cam I would love it to have the camera on the tip of the nose so that i don't see my ship at all and am low to the ground, this gives me the best speed sensation of them all. flying out of internal/front cam is easier but feels boring compared to front cam if you have mastered it.
    6 Wipeout 2097 and wip3out had a bit more icy feel to the planes, (no direct movement like HD), but when mastered feel so very good! It would be nice to have 1 or 2 crafts that use this type of smooth piloting.
    7 barrel rolls I like what they do and give a extra fun thing to do/master even for internal views.
    8 scraping the wall should not slow you down but build up energy, energy that can be used to enable turbo’s. (this will make flying super close to the wall rewarding, but getting closer than just a scrape and you should get a speed penalty)
    9 Use up HP to get speed boost, like wip3out I really like this risk/ reward system. this allowed for last second wins if you had enough hp on the end of a track.
    10 insane looking tracks with twists and upside down stuff.
    11 keep the air brakes, they rule and make wipeout awesome. dont lose momentum when turning tight.
    12 Racebox, I never understood how wipeout 2048 could ship without it! I want to be able to pick what track I want to race on and what settings/mutators are enabled.
    13 When hitting a plane thats in front of me I want it to fly up in the air so I can race underneath him to take his place. wipeout hd did not do this so if you shot someone really close you you he would lose speed and bump into you thats really bad! Cool take over’s is what i would like to see.
    14 don’t give me the blur stuff I want to see everything full sharpness when my cam is hovering just above the ground.
    15 add long trails they just make it look so much cooler!
    16 don’t make the vehicles look like cars!
    17 add ghosts, so we can race or best versions, with the option to save a few extra ghosts, for different challenges. also allow replay to see how a ghost plane flew without having to chase it yourself.
    18 share ghosts
    19 simple readable hud that show speed, hp, energy and weapons in one flash.
    20 you have to have turbo’s and weapon pickups scattered over the map.
    21 have a option to change pickups and turbo’s every race so that even pro players need to scout and remember the spots during a new race.
    22 to make this game noob friendly without the auto steering. make the wall slow you down less the further you are behind the nr 1 player. for example till 2 sec delay same amount of friction on walls as nr 1 position player then scale that up to 10 seconds delay with almost no friction at all. this will bring the pack of pilots closer together and makes it more fun with all the guns going off in the battlefield.
    23 Did I mention it needs to go really fast with smooth cornering!

    Hope this helps and plz make my dream game!
    The Wipeout series is still my favorite racing game series since ps1, THANKS FOR YOUR HARD WORK!!

  8. #128
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    All I can think of right now is that maybe there could be something along the lines of racing divisions such as:
    All-Terrain League (pretty much traditional AG racing)
    Oceanside League (pilots would race underwater moving in X,Y and Z axis)
    Skyway League (The pilots will learn how to fly and would implement the sound barrier feature used in the Extreme-G games)

  9. #129
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    hey umm mrfisty could you also develop this game for the ps vita it might sound crazy but hear me ok. the vita has a lot of power and when i say a lot i mean it well you could go into the hand held market (i couldn't think of anything else but meh) but hey it's your call

  10. #130
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    Seriously!, never thought of that for Vita! if possibly can, that will be awesome!


  11. #131
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    Hey MrFisty

    I've been lurking on this for a while, but I wanted to offer a idea that may be of some use.
    Last I heard is that Nintendo offer a Indie Game development program for their Wii U and 3DS, I thought this may be useful for getting the game onto Consoles as well as the Xbox one and PS4.

    Granted I know that this is a fully fledged game and I'm not to sure how Nintendo works with said developers or even how the system works. Its something that would need a bit of digging into to but I couldn't find anything specific
    Just an idea, best of luck to the developers

  12. #132
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    Great thread, can't believe I only found it today.

    Formula Fusion is a great name, there hasn't been a suggestion in the preceeding 131 posts I've seen that has me more pumped for this game than this one...shame F1 is already taken, lol. Can't believe people think racing games don't sell, I love the official F1 games and have loved every incarnation of WipEout beginning in 1995 when I first played PSOne.

    My suggestions:
    * real discrete 5.1 audio tracks lossless if possible (don't PS4 games allow for dts-ma or TrueHD audio?)
    * release it tomorrow so I can play it already! (just kidding, more time spent on this = less errors on launch and better gameplay)

    Love the idea of letting the WZ forum members beta test, no doubt the best WipEout players alive have posted here at one time or another (and a few that are sadly no longer with us) and you'll get the best feedback possible.

    Rocking news, can't wait! This will be the reason I buy a PS4 (and I'd MUCH rather play this on PS4 than on a PC, much easier integration with my $20,000 home theater)

  13. #133
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    True stuff.
    I sort of thought you were 'Big UP's yourself RE $20K HT system.

    But then did the sums and found I'm likewise in expenditure at least, if not worse .

    Old farts like me have been HiFi freaks for 35+ years, love HiFi /Surround , easy to drop several 'K' on a new amp, BIG K's dropped on new speakers last month [Harbeth SHL5+ ] worth every penny.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackwiggle View Post
    True stuff.
    I sort of thought you were 'Big UP's yourself RE $20K HT system.

    But then did the sums and found I'm likewise in expenditure at least, if not worse .

    Old farts like me have been HiFi freaks for 35+ years, love HiFi /Surround , easy to drop several 'K' on a new amp, BIG K's dropped on new speakers last month [Harbeth SHL5+ ] worth every penny.
    So true, it adds up quickly even if you're not buying high-end equipment. My Paradigm Servo 15v2 along with my Panny 60VT60 plasma are probably my two biggest ticket items, they alone bring it up to around $5,000. While I've been an AV-head for a long time, drinking and drugs meant I only started getting back into equipment 10 years ago so I hope another 25 years from now my system will be upgraded. Young mouths to feed and a mortgage have slowed things down the last few years, lol.

    I'm pretty sure I'm around US$20k but I have a few friends within 100km drive that I've met on the forums that try to get together once a year for vinyl listening sessions (and some surround sound SACDs/DVD-As/BDs) and one of them has a $20k turntable from Roxsan...I would absolutely love to have $100k to blow on just speakers, turntable and amplification. Oh how I wish I had done so much more throughout school years to ensure a high paying job. $20k system over 10 years is only $2k/year, $10k/year to blow would make me much happier!!

    This is what I'm currently rocking -
    (look at how great the blacks are on the VT60 plasma in the 2nd to last pic)

    EDIT - the maths actually puts me at around $14,500 but with other equipment along the way that's been replaced/upgraded I'm pretty close to $20k all in. Money sucks.
    Last edited by dobyblue; 22nd October 2014 at 05:02 PM.

  15. #135
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    I really hope somebody like Gameloft or EA doesn't find out about Formula Fusion... otherwise AG racing will be in big trouble. EA would definitely be worse than Gameloft, all things considered.

    By downgrade, I mean reducing the graphical fidelity so that all versions are identical, and/or artificially capping the framerate at 30 (or worse yet, 24). AC Unity doesn't run at 30 because of processing limitations, it runs at 30 because that is deliberately set to be the max framerate. That way, it will be impossible for the PC version to look or run better than the other versions, resulting in more sales going to Microsoft/Sony.

    In the case of a game like WipEout 2048, it is ALSO capped at 30 FPS.
    Last edited by Amaroq Dricaldari; 23rd October 2014 at 09:01 AM.

  16. #136
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    It's an indpendent studio right? So don't let other verions suffer because some people like the Wii U.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amaroq Dricaldari View Post
    I really hope somebody like Gameloft or EA doesn't find out about Formula Fusion... otherwise AG racing will be in big trouble. EA would definitely be worse than Gameloft, all things considered.

    By downgrade, I mean reducing the graphical fidelity so that all versions are identical, and/or artificially capping the framerate at 30 (or worse yet, 24). AC Unity doesn't run at 30 because of processing limitations, it runs at 30 because that is deliberately set to be the max framerate. That way, it will be impossible for the PC version to look or run better than the other versions, resulting in more sales going to Microsoft/Sony.

    In the case of a game like WipEout 2048, it is ALSO capped at 30 FPS.
    i mean come on this wipeout for pete's sake made by a wipeout dev so obviously it will at 60fps don't know about the vita it might run at 120fps for the pc but home consoles hell yeah it could take a long time. ea and game loft i'm gonna kick their asses if they limit this game's potential ie clip it's wings now in the mean time let's sit back relax and wait untill this game comes out on our desired consoles

  18. #138
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    Not every wipeout dev was in the programming part of the game.

  19. #139
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    Sorry, I don't understand what you mean Xpand.

  20. #140
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    I was referring to prototype890 saying that because wipeout devs are working on it then it will be at 60 fps. It will most likely run at 60fps but it's not just because there are wipeout devs working on it.

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