Hello everyone
Rennfisch just texted me asking if I would like to come (thanks!) and I would love to join as well to meet some fellow pilots in personal.
Problem is I'm on holidays in August (Thailand, yay), so I can't then but September would be great. Also I don't play Wipeout anymore, haven't touched it for a good month at least, but I would be willing to join in for some sessions if someone wants to. I could also bring my ps3, a monitor and up to 4 controllers.
So I will think about this a bit and text again here.
Is it just me, or are 98% of the visitors german?
Well, the convention IS taking place in Germany, so it kind of makes sense ^^
@Janani Neeeerrrrr, was wondering where you were, come back! we miss you! Or maybe the next avalon, can't give up on wipeout thoughHave a great vacation
And see you @ Wipeoutcon perhaps!
i'm still @ a maybe, but don't take me in account with dates and stuff, i never know my schedule
Oh nice, another new face! I haven't touched HD (let alone Pure & Pulse) within the last 8 months. The conventions started as a tournament, but we already had a no-tournament 3 years ago and last year in London it was the same... so if we want to race: fine. But it's really no mandatory - we meet for the fun.
Make sure to enter your availability and check it from time to time: And yes: looks like we're almost only Germans. However, we always had the unwritten rule to talk as much English as possible, so everybody is able to listen (it's kinda rude to exclude others by talking a language foreign to them), so nobody should be afraid to still join (i.e. Belgium and Poland) - dreamerx: I promise to always speak English!
Of course, it makes things less complicated if most people already know how the country "works". On the other hand you'll surely miss a lot of great people that don't or cannot come (one has to experience i.e. Asa doing his long jump shortcuts on 2097 live).
hey guys and gals.
im just now catching up to the whole thing tonight...
kinda dont have time to read all five pages.
but is it a definate about the date in september?
as its been known.i have been working for the states mental hospital for inmates and on inmate patients and been there since october last year.
i would definetly make a date to come. and make an effort to use and make my PTO and Vacation pay kick in to make me have almost all seven days open. when it happens.
I'm actually surprised i just had on my mind to check into here today. Playing in a MTG Prerelease tournament and it hit me to check the news on the Zone. I just got amigos message. surprised i didn't get it a different way by phone, facebook or email.
Hey DJ Techno,
we are still in planning which date it would be, so it would be good if you can mark your free weekends here:
i could make my weekends and a week free. the time to be there though is important to raise money, ticket finding, and tell work many times ahead.
so definetly i will mark october weekend or september weekend
So we have 9 participants overall as it seems, and 3 dates where 5 of these 9 ppl have time. Though I might need to change my plannings a bit and would prefer the September date.
Anyone else who likes to join the EWC8?
Too sad the availability is pretty equal on each weekend. But I guess there is nothing that can be done about it.
Also we should pick a date, because reservations/prices will rise the longer we're indecisive. As I'm the organizer I have no problem with any date brought in line by me (and really can't do it on other dates).
Hm 5 ppl max is really not a big call
How many ppl have been at earlier Conventions in average?
I hoped we could at least fill the roster with 8 ppl so we have a full set when doing online races![]()
Hmph. This American surely can't go. Wish I had a real ship. Or a boat. Or a floatation device. Or a teleport.
Does anyone know if there has been a US event like this or who to contact to maybe try to start one?
Yeah. The US events get held and start at Al's place in Vermont.
But it's been a thing for him. To do one again this year. He didn't get to it last year. But it's been a talk to do one this year before the end of 2014. Should I say. Me and him had that talk.
And mann... try a flight with something called. Lum. Something I am looking up who they are. I heard they cheap.
And if the time goes right. Like October. I definitely would be glad to see my tickets be less than 700 again
Not much activity, no decision on a weekend... Guess it's best to pass it this year?
That's too bad. I haven't traveled at all this summer.
Too bad. I hope this isn't a general decrease of interest. Oh well
There seems to be enough interest, just need a little more notice than 2 months before. Longer planning would give more people a better opportunity to save, book time off and make arrangements ^_^
That was always the case. Even this thread was started on 2014-06-10 and almost 2 months have passed already. There are two mutual exclusive options: either everybody can concentrate on one date only, or everybody gets the chance to participate. Both options together never worked.![]()
2 months isnt really enough for the majority of people. Im talking at lest 6 - 8 in advance and focusing on one date and one location. It just gives more time to prepare and finalise stuff. I really really want to go to one of these meets.