Terra-wrist wrote "A special mention to Stevie or Golf champ, you're a complete champion to me mate. You kept racing even though your eyes have bags that would make prada and gucci jealous (how do you do it? and don't say "addiction to wipeout" coz I'm also an addict) seriously, you was probably the most present pilot in avalon, everytime I logged in, you was there..."
LOL!, but seriously, I don`t normally play HD, but all of a sudden after four years just decided to play my second id and then just put my head down and work at it because, I do normally play Pure or Pulse and then got second plat!, addiction? nah!, just loves the game so much and yet I`m still looking for HD press kit. And lastly, Yes I`m now addicted to HD! and looking for ways to win races!
BW!, actually, I don`t like bourbon, too strong for me or even whisky too, but you did mentioned brandy!, oh yes I do drink them but funnily enough I had not touched them for over two years now! Prices are getting expensive now but I will get it with irn bru including ice! lovely!Now you got me thinking........
More importantly, kudos to you for preparing Avalon! and it`s a pleasure to play with you or against you
That weekend were awesome and also Monday night there great too on Flash speed with Ace-Flo and others !
Next Avalon? bring it on! and,also,forgot to mention, as,bw said it you want pure or pulse? l'm there for you