21st October 2013, 11:20 PM
Fan Contribution Thread
Thought I would get in on the designing myself... Here goes: Atauni Velocity Research, an engine developer for the league that constantly tests and provides new engine technology for any team's use that is willing to pay. They could also be the developers of the progressive Zone and Platformer engines.
AVR Logo 1.png
I will continue to post different variations of the logo and maybe some slogans in the near future.
Last edited by DDD113; 16th November 2013 at 06:44 PM.
22nd October 2013, 08:07 PM
Hey DDD13: I like this logo ALOT. Very nice work there. Only the black text is a bit small, I guess it will be hard to read if it's going to appear on a billboard.
When you or some other people like to do logos/sponsors/billboards or any other art that goes into advertising direction, try to also think about what other companies could appear in the future [not only directly related to racing]. Especially on city-based tracks like Kealakekua Bay or Cassandra, you would also find cellphone ad, fast food, hotels & traveling, ag-bikes or whatnot
Ideas like those would be very much appreciated since they add a very nice detail to the game and make it much more colorful.
Also animated billboards can be done. We can't promise to use 'em all right away so maybe start off with a concept and if it receives "likes", continue from there. Animations should only last for 2-4 seconds though and should be rather small since they can consume lots of disc space easily.
22nd October 2013, 09:46 PM
Alright, thanks for the support. I'll work on some non-racing sponsors, things that are unique yet functional. I'll get back to ya when I have one done! 
Edit: What software would your recommend for animations? I'm not very advanced in the tech world, just working with what I've got, but I'd be glad to give animation a try!
22nd October 2013, 09:53 PM
use photoshop, create individual frames on different layers, then use the built in animation feature 
22nd October 2013, 11:08 PM
Thanks for the tip, Cipher. Turns out I'm back sooner than I expected, with my next sponsor idea, specially designed for advertisement at Kealakekua Bay.
Hawaii AirTran Systems.png
Hawaii Air Transit Systems is an anti-gravity transportation company based on the islands. They mainly provide tours of the islands, and also transportation, including to and from the ARC-150 races in Kealakekua Bay.
Here is an excerpt from Howie Onaki, son of the company's founder Matevoa "Mav" Onaki, speaking at the revealing ceremony of all league tracks in 2183.
"My fellow AG fans, believe me, I know that this has been a profoundly exciting day for you and me alike. With the return of AG racing pioneered by the bold Leopold von Strauss, and the construction of 8 new circuits for the ARC-150 league, the stage is set for one of the most important eras of AG racing ever known. As you know, my home state of Hawaii has been graciously chosen by the committee to host its own track, Kealakekua Bay. With the construction of this grand circuit and the inception of the new league, I am overwhelmingly proud to announce that my father's company, Hawaii Air Transit Systems, will become an official sponsor of the Kealakekua Bay track, and of the league itself. We hope to promote great turnouts and fantastic racing as we embark on this rebirth journey, and we will stand by the league and the fans until the end."
23rd October 2013, 01:57 AM
Have an animated one in mind for a construction company, but having it quite busy lately, will see if i can get around to it in my autumn break
23rd October 2013, 01:58 AM
Good luck with the time, dude. I would love to see what you can come up with!
23rd October 2013, 02:07 AM
Peer pressure!!!! *runs away screaming*
Well, it looks nice in my head, but i have that a lot with digital painting as well.. and… let's just say.. my Wacom painting skills aren't the greatest >.<
But we'll see, can you upload gifs to the attachment system here?
23rd October 2013, 02:42 AM
No idea on the gifs, but in the meantime, I have created a third logo!
Serion Logistics Logo.png
Serion Logistics is an Asian transportation management company that would fit perfectly in geography to be a sponsor of tracks such as Hubian and Alphard, as well as the city circuits. They are a major global player in shipping and general transportation, and provide supplies to thousands of businesses across the world, including some transportation of supplies to ARC-150 racetracks when the need arises. Overall, they are fairly respected and trustworthy, but with high quality comes high price, and the only unpopularity they find comes from small businesses.
PS - All of the backgrounds on these logos could be changed to different colors or designs, I just present them in white so you can see the logo well and change it if you like. Also, to others than the dev team, if you like one of my logos, but there is something you would like to change/animate, feel free to do so!
- - - Updated - - -
Here's the icon logo for Serion Logistics:
Serion Logistics Icon.png
23rd October 2013, 04:26 AM
DDD: I like your sponsors, but I have a feeling I'd love them even more if they had a bit more of a futuristic edge to them, similar to TDR's work. I think in this case it's mainly the fonts that make all the difference - see if you can find some more 'futuristic' approaches to them 
As for animation, I use fireworks to create logos, and then I split the files up and animate them with After Effects. Example: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=440389869388210
23rd October 2013, 05:22 AM
Hey DDD113, I have an idea, what about a anime and manga toy company in Japan that sponsors some for the AG racing teams on Slipsteam GX? It might be a good idea or not, just give it a try. Here some videos what is a itasha car is.
Last edited by KronicReaper; 23rd October 2013 at 07:59 AM.
23rd October 2013, 09:19 AM
No way that anime stuff is just bogus. It could have a sort of Japanese ad thing going on but not directly linked to anything anime. For instance, there are so many sponsors for the FX350 with those sorts of Japanese ad colour schemes with really bright and contrasting hues e.g. Joy Noodles. I'm still in the process of making a few sponsors, it's just that I don't have time to finish them. I also work in Flash which is a bit more tedious that AfterEffects. It's so annoying having so many ideas but not being able to do anything about it.
EDIT: HOOOLLY CRAP! Dreadofmondays that was really, really good. I have something like that cooking up.
Last edited by AGSys; 23rd October 2013 at 09:23 AM.
23rd October 2013, 10:07 AM
i tend to agree with dreadofmondays, need some futuristic fonts going, would add a lot to the logos
And no kronic.. anime is not a reference for wipeout stuff.... TDR is where it's at
Japan nightlife is however, stuff like this; http://photos.travellerspoint.com/91...u..o_night.jpg
At least that's what gets me inspired, since i don't know what those signs say, i just tend to use their shapes in some way ^^
Last edited by Cipher; 23rd October 2013 at 10:11 AM.
23rd October 2013, 10:27 AM
Last edited by dreadofmondays; 23rd October 2013 at 10:33 AM.
23rd October 2013, 01:11 PM
I really hope you aren't offended, but if I'm going to be honest I think I prefer TypeProton's sponsors. They just look more like sponsors designs you would see in real life. I believe a major part of this comes down to font choice. It seems like you're going for a futuristic feel but in some of them it just comes off as hard to read or tacky (the opposite of what a sponsor would want).
This isn't to say I don't like any of them though. For the most part they are decent and there are a couple I really like (this one for example http://puu.sh/4Xf3Y.png, nicely done)! The ones I have the biggest problems with are http://puu.sh/4Xf5p.png and http://puu.sh/4Xf6j.png. Besides the font, color scheme is also a problem at times and either make the text not stand out enough or in the worst case, blend in. To put it more concretely, for Labranth I kind of like this color scheme showcased here: http://s6.photobucket.com/user/pchal...ranth.jpg.html
Also I'm a little worried that you took Rising Up which TypeProton made but none of the others. Does that mean his other sponsors like Levicore and Terrafirma won't make it into the game? =( And I'm not sure the gradient effect is an improvement over the original that TypeProton uploaded before. But that part isn't a big deal.
I also really hope to see rdmx's sponsor from a few pages back as well as Sausehuhn's sponsors.
It's impressive what you all have come up with =)
And again, I wouldn't have posted if not for the fact that I really admire the work you all are doing and want to see this succeed to the greatest extent possible.
Last edited by Richochet; 23rd October 2013 at 01:23 PM.
23rd October 2013, 01:47 PM
TypeProton did RS, Typeproton also did a number of others like Levicore and Terrafirma. They are great and they will be in, but I didn't include them here because they weren't 'mine' so to speak (RS strictly isn't mine either, but I did vectors of it and wanted to include it as an example).
RDMX's and Sausehuhn's sponsors are going to be in as well, once we've got them down to the standard sizes 
Thanks for the feedback on those two; good considerations, I'll see if I can make them better. (Although I like Labranth in it's current form). As for the other sponsors, hopefully I can get better with time and experience.
Thanks for the support
Last edited by dreadofmondays; 23rd October 2013 at 01:52 PM.
23rd October 2013, 01:54 PM
I umderstand what you saying, but there is a Super GT team called Goodsmile Racing have been doing it around in 2008 as a sponsor before becoming Goodsmile Racing in 2010 and the company was formed in 2001. They been using Hatsune Miku for the team mascot when Goodsmile Racing team was formed. Here the Goodsmile Racing team website for the Super GT team that I was getting my ideas from. If you don't like the idea what I'm coming from, just PM me on my WZ page or message me on my PSN. Thanks
Last edited by KronicReaper; 23rd October 2013 at 07:22 PM.
23rd October 2013, 03:19 PM
I think the secret behind TDR is to keep it minimalistic, in my art classes we were told never to use more than 3 colors for logos as they become a total mess, same goes for fonts, but the constraint is 2 there (preferably 1), a good trick to see if your logo works is to have a billboard sized one and then scale it down til an stamp logo and see if it still reads nicely 
@kronic wipeout isn't your everyday/ real life racing game 
23rd October 2013, 05:00 PM
I know Cipher I'm just thinking outside the box to the Slipstream GX team, but it didn't work well as I expected. Thanks for your input.
23rd October 2013, 05:30 PM
FYI we've had anime in our ships since like a year ago: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.n...94501830_n.jpg
Last edited by Xpand; 23rd October 2013 at 05:52 PM.
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