While there's no shortage of shots for a number of the ships as they are the 'mid' level or so I understand, I guess what I'm specifically looking for, are more or less the starting, and fully upgraded versions of every ship in Fusion.
Why is...well like I had asked for the cockpit views and what I'll ask for with the 2048 Ships, references for fan-art.
If I had to pick only a few, the fully upgraded Van-Uber, FEISAR, Auricom, Xios, and Tigron craft in particular. I'd do it myself but I lack a copy of Fusion ATM.
Same reason for why I'll be asking for pictures of the ships from 2048, and why not HD Fury?
Well apart from the Demo of HD on the PS3 I was able to use, someone else on another forum was kind enough to release all the reference shots he took for just about every HD/Fury FX-350 ship save the Asseagi Fury model.
and what about the Wipeout 3 ships given I asked for cockpit views from them?...they're coming, just been trying to get better at art other than machinery, and real life in general.
Hope I'm not asking too much, thanks in any event.