Hope no.. W2048 is almost the only game witch I play.
Hope no.. W2048 is almost the only game witch I play.
Gaming is dead.
Lovely picture on the Facebook page
You know. For 2048 i have preordered vita right away, for hd have bought ps3 and for pure - psp. Have no words.
Hope wipoeut don't die.
damn.. i have even just yesterday maked my own Pirhana.h and w2048 tshirts.
Well half an hour later and I already regret asking about online as my first concern. Obviously my thoughts are with Studio Liverpool employees, I hope they are all okay, this must be terrible for them.
Thanks for everything guys. This is a sad day indeed.
I'm torn between sadness and outrage... oh and some amount of despair at how the gaming market these days more and more seems to avoid games that have challenge and innovation... blah!
These reports that SL were working on a Wipeout for PS4 launch make my heart sink, that would have been so damn cool![]()
This is a very sad day for all of us, especially the crew over at studio liverpoolthoughts go out to them and the fantastic skills they showed us over the last 30 years. Sad to see them cancel a new wipeout too :/
I dont actually have words. This is a sad day for gaming. The industry is dying.
I haven't been around in a while, and the last time I was here I remember being just pretty negative towards 2048, but I figured I'd say a few words in light of the news:
Thanks for the memories. I'll always remember the PS1 era that to me felt inspired by the original WipEout games, and HD particularly for the raw amount of time and effort I put in to it, rather fondly. Some of the memories may well be the almost-hair-pulling-outta-frustration memories, but when you nailed that sub-XX time on a track you've been working on for ages... 'twas good.
I just saw the news at eurogamer and I immediately felt depressed.
I remember Sony doing some redundancies (I hope I said the word correctly) back in 2010 in order to support Motorstorm over WO.
Then they hired some talents to make WO 2048 & now instead of focusing the resources in order to make a PS4 WO launch game, Sony closes the studio! wtf!
I'm really disappointed with Sony. Surely, with all know that racing games (except GT) don't sell well these days compared to the PSone and PS2 era, but at least Sony could have shown some respect to the company & game that contributed so much and became synonymous with the PlayStation brand.
Shutting down flagship & legendary games like WO BUT still support Motorstorm, Killzone etc. is completely unacceptable to me.
I hope for the best for the guys at Studio Liverpool and I want to thank them for the great & fun games they provided us through the years.
Let's hope one day we'll see another WO fellow pilots.
This is a huge, huge shame, and represents a huge loss to sony's first party portfolio. I can't think of many games other than wipeout HD that delivered on the 60fps/1080p promises we were made at the start of the current console gen, or many portable racers that offered up the feature sets of pulse and pure. And Wipeout 3 SE is still my favourite console game of all time... RIP studio liverpool, you were truly one of the greats.
(Man, there really aren't many studios around now with roots going back to the 80s - ID software is the only one I can think of, off the top of my head.)
Best of luck to the team in their future endeavors.
I know many people will hate me for writing that, but technically the last original WipEout creation was Wip3out back in 1999 (and WipEout 3 SE to some extent). Apart from Fusion which tried to make something new but wasn't a great game for many reasons, all WipEout sequels were more or less made from nostalgia and not really from a forward-looking racing era like the first WipEout games used to be. WipEout Pure was basically "hey I can play WO on my handheld console", and WipEout HD was basically "hey I can play WO in 1080p". Mind me, all the WipEout games were great (even if I didn't had the chance to play all of them as much as I wanted to) but very few of them punch you in the face like "wow, I've never played such racing game before". Yeah I know I sound like a douche but let's face it, the game series already died more than ten years ago.
I'm surprised Studio Liverpool survived that long and to everyone yelling at Sony for closing the studio for economical purposes I'd like to point that Sony did believe in this studio for many years even when the studio wasn't in a good mood so I'd rather say thanks to Sony.
Again, my 2c.
What a pity, especially considering the mentioning of a new PS4 Wipeout game. Hope something from it will at least leak somewhere.
I didn't know a new Wipeout could have been developed for the PS4, that's really sad
Well, I started with Wipeout HD, so I might still have to discover the classic Wipeout games, but it's a weird feeling enjoying the past when there is no future.
On the other hand, even Wipeout might die out now, I hope to see you guys on the forum and that we keep ourselfes alive here. I really love this community and it's fun to organize races so I really hope we all will still enjoy what we have now and keep this place alive at least!
Technically?! Well thanks for letting us know.
But in reality the last Wipeout game was 2048, which was an excellent game and a stunning technical feat made by an incredibly talented team. My hat is duly doffed to them and I wish them all the best for the future. It ain't easy being made redundant and I hope everyone lands on their feet.
I don't know what to say.
I was about to hope that maybe with the activity on this forum we'd be our own real-world Antigravity Purity Coalition, flying the flag in the absence of the people gone, but nobody really wants to be put in that position, and me saying anything is pointless since I don't have the skills necessary to contribute anything to these projects except maybe planning and writing...
I feel helpless is what I'm saying. And that feeling is awful.