To be honest; games on the PC can be easily hacked, and it'd be modded too much. Maybe for the 720, the PS4 or..maybe with the New wii or whatever they come out with..infact I could make a thread of new ideas incase that does happen. >.>
To be honest; games on the PC can be easily hacked, and it'd be modded too much. Maybe for the 720, the PS4 or..maybe with the New wii or whatever they come out with..infact I could make a thread of new ideas incase that does happen. >.>
Last edited by Hellfire_WZ; 28th August 2012 at 03:56 PM. Reason: Quote removed
Oh woe is the modding community and the blight it brings upon all games.
Meanwhile excuse me while I go play WipEout Pulse in native 1080p, Skyrim with ENB overhauls, custom Unreal maps, Fallout with revamped combat and gameplay, and plenty of other stuff console users can't even dream of.
You have a piracy problem? Don't use ****ing stupid DRM. Put up your game at the actual price it's worth on easy to use services like Steam or GoG (Though the latter I believe don't publish new games). That means no 70$ price tag for Military Shooter Simulator Five Billion That We've Already Seen Before.
You want to keep your users and the buzz they generate around after the game's been played to death? Release worthy DLC and allow modding. Example: Skyrim, Starcraft II.
Seriously, locking down stuff because "Stop liking what I don't like" has got to be the worst excuse ever to justify releasing pieces of crap some producer somewhere calls a game.
You want to know one reason why I like WipEout? It's because it's always been priced very attractively, has a boatload of content and extra options (hence some modding capability thus re-playability) and it's a great game with unique gameplay. One of the ways to expand this is to increase mod-ability, not reduce it (Look at 2048 for an example of what that does, especially to online play). A great way to do that is release it on PC and ship an editor with it. People will never be bored!
Now I understand that with Sony owning the IP WipEout on PC will never happen in the rest of the history of this universe, but man, if you go into game design with that mentality let me tell you you'll have PC users screaming for your blood on some forums. PC users need some basic respect too, that means not releasing stuff like Dark Souls and Darksiders 2 with basically zero configuration options for a start. And if you want to please PC users, you don't use DRM like UPlay or SecuROM (Final Fantasy 7 on PC has got to be the shittiest most recent example) or whatever else that's similar, and can also allow modding.
They should have closed Guerilla Games instead.
Sony Liverpool was the WRONG studio to close.
Sony, freaking idiots. Completely screwed up SACD, now completely screwing up the best studio of the last 20 years.
Sorry to the folks at Studio Liverpool/Psygnosis, you've been my faves since 1995.
Sorry but you must admit that SL hasn't done anything outstanding other than WipEout.
Studio Liverpool isn't Psygnosis, it was their main internal studio but they have "only" done :
- WipEout series (every one except Wip3out which was developed by Psygnosis Leeds)
- Formula One series (from 2001 to 2006)
- Colony Wars (only the first 2 games not the 3rd)
- Krazy Ivan (??)
- Lifeforce Tenka (??)
Lots of famous games published by Psygnosis were made by other studios, some of them were internal, other were just under contract (Bizarre Creations with the first 2 Formula One games, Reflections with Destruction Derby, etc).
Moreover, I remember Colin Berry (Former WipEout staff until Fury) saying in 2010 on this very same forum, after Sony announced the dissolution of the WipEout team, that most of the original WipEout staff were not here anymore.
Either way, it is sad to see another studio closing.
Last edited by Hellfire_WZ; 28th August 2012 at 03:55 PM. Reason: Quote removed
That right there represents probably 75% of my playing time on PSOne through PS3 with the rest made up with Madden and NHL by EA.
From what I gather most of the core team is still under the SCEE umbrella even if it's not as SL, so it doesn't sound like WipEout fans have much to worry about.
Well I can't say that (I only played wipeout(s) and the 1st 2 F1 games ... so not SL), and there was tons of great games during that era (MGS, Resident Evil(s), Tomb Raider(s), GT1/2, Legacy of Kain(s), Crash Bandicoot(s), Tekken(s) and so on ...) but the original WipEout was THE reason I bought a PS1 instead of a Saturn although I was a Sega fanboy for their arcade games.
Pure was also THE reason I bought a PSP earlier than expected (I wanted to wait for Sony to fix issues with hardware and software before but couldn't resist such a temptation ... still my best WipEout so far with 2097 and its link feature).
I wonder how long BigBig studios will be around?
I can't imagine them being very popular with Sony bigwigs.
It was their game "Motorstorm - Arctic Edge" that allowed a exploit that has given people the ability to hack the VITA.
It's since been removed from the PStore
Last edited by blackwiggle; 29th August 2012 at 10:41 AM.
You mean THE BigBig Studios that was closed in january by Sony ??
Yes, THAT studio.
I forgot Sony had already closed then down, my bad.
Mick Hocking is the kiss of death gaming studio wise isn't he! LOL
Like the captain of the Titanic, except he isn't going down with the ship[s]...well not yet anyway.
First BigBig then SL ...... If you were a Evolution employee you certainly wouldn't want to be in a lottery syndicate with the guy.
Michael Denny & Mick Hocking
Last edited by blackwiggle; 29th August 2012 at 12:12 PM.
Yeah,this is really sad news,Psygnosis was one of my favourite developers back in the day,not just because Wipeout,and even though they only did the Wipeout series in the past few years I still liked them very much,now the prospect of not having another Wipeout game is really sad,though maybe in the future sony will release another one,I guess.
It was one of the very few playstation exclusives that I still cared about,without Wipeout there´s really not much else on the PS3 for me sadly.
Indeed. Evolution Studio has only done Motorstorm for the last 6-7 years, with each new title being sold less (could say "half") than the previous one ... Apocalypse has only reach around 310 000 units (I only loved the 1st one).
but like at SL, those guys are talented, and I hope they will keep working for Sony a long time.
Sony Santa Monica hasn't done anything outstanding other than God of War.
Guerilla hasn't done anything outstanding other than Killzone.
Criterion haven't done anything outstanding other than Burnout and NFS (same thing, different name, essentially).
DICE haven't done anything outstanding other than Battlefield.
Tiburon haven't done anything outstanding other than Madden.
Zipper haven't done anything outstanding other than SOCOM.
Bungee haven't done anything outstanding other than Halo.
Rockstar North haven't done anything outstanding other than GTA.
Naughty Dog haven't done anything outstanding other than Jak & Daxter and Uncharted.
Sony London haven't done anything outstanding... *ahem*... erm... since... erm... The Getaway... actually, no, wait, that was rubbish... since... erm... TIF... no, wait, that was also rubbish... since Home... no, wait... since Singstar!
Aside from all of those being sweeping, inaccurate generalisations (just like your own statement), I'm getting an overwhelming impression that producing quality is better than churning out lots of games. Otherwise the whole industry would resemble Zynga and that would be horrible for everyone who appreciates an original, well crafted game.
So yeah, maybe Studio Liverpool only had the two IP's on the go for the last decade. But those of us in Studio Liverpool were quite proud of the million selling WipEout Pure and the million selling F1 titles (name me another racing game on console that would dare to render 22 cars with the calibre of environments that our F1 games had?).
Of course, and if I remember correctly, SL were the first one to implement safety car in a F1 console game (nice feature even today).
The "outstanding" part may have been misunderstood. I didn't really talked about game quality, but more about selling rate and return over investment.
The last F1 game was over 6 years ago. In the meantime, they only did WipEout games (or should have said "Sony only made them do WipEout games"), and except for Pure, the other one didn't sell very well (taking the number from vgchartz).
Pulse seems to have barely reach 300k units, and 2048 didn't reach 200k (but like HD some might have been bought on the PSN).
I didn't say that the studio deserves what happened, or those guys weren't talented (how could I when I'm not even able to do the same). I was "just" saying that having made only one kind of game over the last few years, which didn't sell very well, could be a determining factor in the decision made by Sony (even if that would be probably their fault for not letting them do anything else).
The difference with all the studios you quoted is that their games sell well.
God of War 3 = 4 430k
Killzone 3 = 2 310k
and the same apply for Burnout, NFS, BattleField, GTA, COD, and so on ... whatever the game quality really is.
On a side note, I'm still waiting to see what Santa Monica Studio could do except from God of War. Naughty Dogs has already proven with different franchises and gamestyle (one successful franchise on each Playstation with Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter & Uncharted, and probably The Last of Us too) they are "bankable".
Last edited by Sch@dows; 29th August 2012 at 02:57 PM.
I'm not sure we can compare the number of successful titles with the quality of games. There is no rule that states that there should be 1 title per 1 company at a given time. A company may have, say, 200 devs and still produce 2 big hits at the same time, or may have 1000 devs and still produce nothing good.
Also, one may not mistake quality of games and quantity of boxes on the shelves. In an ideal world the number of boxes sold (or paid online) would be proportional to the overall quality of a title, but I think we all know it's not always true.
In the end, whether or not a game company deserves its fate (being successful or not) comes down to very subjective opinion.
With that said SL did not deserve to be closed. True story. And objective.
Last edited by vincoof; 30th August 2012 at 09:49 AM.
WHAT THE!!!...
I hope there will be another wipeout game...![]()
Yes there will be another Wipeout game.
It's debatable who will actually make it.
The way Video Game Making studios are tumbling like dominoes atm, it's anybody's guess who that might be.
From watching what is happening ATM, I'd say Evolution would probabley get closed next, it's looking like Sony doesn't want the liability/cost of owning ANY gaming studio.
Then SCEE will start a new studio to do whatever it wants, when it deems it is financially viable for it to do so.
This is bean counters trying to run a industry relying on people with Artistic talents.
Pretty obvious what the outcome will be.
Not sure what leads to this conclusion. If only the ones who made previous WipEout's can make the next WipEout's, then probably you should know that very few devs (if any) of the former WipEout were still working at Studio Liverpool.
I just don't know what could come from another studio. Sure I fear the worst because I would hate if the series was picked up for commercial purposes only, but the truth is I have no idea if whoever ressurects the project could make better than SL or not.
This is a real shame. I agree that Sony's reason for closing them down was a ridiculous remark. I'd have preferred if they'd been more direct - "we don't think the company is making enough money to justify its existence, hence we're closing them down."
Honestly, I'd also prefer if the Wipeout franchise ends here. It's clearly not a hit seller, and there's not much more you can do with the franchise. They were apparently looking to make the next installment very different from the others, and that worries me. Remember what happened last time (Fusion).
2048 and HD was a pretty good high note to end on, not on some deformed abomination. But, yes, Evolution taking Wipeout duties was the first thing I thought.
I remember reading that Wip3out was done by Psygnosis Leeds and not the Liverpool Studio, and that one was pretty good too.
Is there any possibility that whoever takes them will finish up the work?, perhaps with some of the staff they absorb? Surely, the people working on additional comment mentioned the game was not done, heres what we are working on for additional content. I would contact X, but who has the game? Also 2048 is not a high note as we cannot actually play eachother, and is worse than never having the game, since its fun, BUT %####.