A+ speed laps will open either with the first A+ challenge, or earlier.
I don't remember. But I am 100% sure you don't have to beat these A+ challenges to unlock A+ speed laps.
So, you will get a chance to practice before cracking these challenges.
Congrats man!
Regarding speed, you'll probably be suprised with the gap between A and A+.
I think at level 25 you unlock the first A+ challenge.
Then you unlock one challenge every level.
I just leveled to rank 15. It opened up the 10 A+ speed laps. That gives me some levels to practice once I reach 25.
This was one day with many achievements for me![]()
Thanks to you guys who supported by explaining things and holding my hand.
May I ask a general question about online competion? I see lots of racers using the Pir-Hana Speed (and one positively blazing pilot who uses a chrome Pir-Hana Prototype...showoff =P) on races and really doing well, but on the other hand I've been doing speed laps of really tight courses like Rockway and the Subway and found the Qirex Speed a better fit, its width notwithstanding.
So the question is, should I practice with the Pir-Hana until I get to the point where I can get more out of that extra tic of speed, or do I stick with what felt like the better fit initially?
IMO, below A+, pir-hana speed, pir-hana prototype and feisar prototype are the best ships (in matter of speed).
For A+, ag-systems speed and feisar speed are the best.
Ok... Then i'll unlock my A+ Speed laps as soon as i finish the offline campaign(im at level 16 currently, soon i will get my Pir-Hana Agility. cant wait til i finish the campaign though, once i was 2nd at the third lap, and i was shot by one of the bots having the machinegun just far enough to miss the last skill-cut.
What does ag-systems prototype exactly do?
Double barrel-roll means double turbo when you land?
Extended sideshifts means more handling?
Is it better than ag-systems agility regarding zone mode?
also, is analog or d-pad better for this game?
Last edited by Ryuk; 1st January 2013 at 04:12 PM.
AG-Systems proto have double BR ability, that means his turbo gain is twice powerfull, but in counterpart single BR gives nothing. Extended sideshifts makes the ship faster when you use them in turns, it's not really a handling enhancement IMO. For zone mode maybe this ability can help at some point, but i'm not a zone specialist. On handhelds, wipeout pilots usually prefer d-pad, but use the method you're comfortable with (since vita's analog is way better than psp's), some players (soa-booney i think) have good results with analog stick
- - - Updated - - -
AG-Systems proto have double BR ability, that means his turbo gain is twice powerfull, but in counterpart single BR gives nothing. Extended sideshifts makes the ship faster when you use them in turns, it's not really a handling enhancement IMO. For zone mode maybe this ability can help at some point, but i'm not a zone specialist. On handhelds, wipeout pilots usually prefer d-pad, but use the method you're comfortable with (since vita's analog is way better than psp's), some players (soa-booney i think) have good results with analog stick![]()
Any tips on sol A+ as to where to use turbos, routes, ect. I seemed a bit lost last night when looking at the top times. I know my line isn't perfect, but the turbo/ autopilot placements seem to be way off for me
Me, i use turbos on the various jumps on this track, nothing very original. At the big jump, the route to the right of the big red ideogram is faster.
Thanks! Do you take the right or left route in the beginning? You turbo off and go to the right of that big vertical letter sign?
Left at the beginning and to the right of the big vertical letter sign (but for a ten lap race it's also more risky) !![]()
Thanks! I'm guessing 29 second laps are happening occasionally with this?
The only problem I'm getting into now is the A+ challanges. Advice? I'm now on Empire climb and use Pir-Hana Speed then use most of the shortcuts..but I still lose.
I've managed to get first on 5 of them but they are damn hard I tell ya! Pir-hana Speed might be good on some tracks but I've been most successful with AG-SYS Speed. It's fast AND agile. Stick to one route and just try to get almost clean laps. Remember, rubber-banding is really extreme in both ways when it comes to the opponents. One mistake and you're in the middle of the pack. It all comes down to that last lap. Lap 1-9 are just not that important. If you get a turbo in lap 7, 8 or 9 try saving it to the last lap. That's when you'll make your move! On the final lap just boost and barrel roll and try to keep that first position over the finish line. Always barrel roll when you can and absorb pick ups like crazy!
Okay, I'm trying to get a trophy called 'The Unlucky 7'. Does the trophy literally want me to eliminate every competitor in one race? Tried doing it in Combat events but I'm not earning the trophy. Also, if I must do it in a race, is there a way to do it?
Ok first of all yes, you literally have to eliminate every AI ship in a Campaign Race, not a Combat. The way to do it is get in the Qirex Prototype (the one that doesn't pick up weapons but has unlimited machine guns). Then go to the very first race of the campaign, weapons off at Empire Climb.
You have a full grid of weaponless ships, and a big bloody machine gun. Stay at the back and tear them to pieces one by one. Enjoy!
I'm a bit lost with regards to that jump to the right of the sign. Where do you end up landing? Also, the physics go bonkers with pitch control