View Poll Results: Remove ALL FEISAR Prototype Scores from the Speed Lap Leaderboards?

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    28 87.50%
  • No

    4 12.50%
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Thread: Removal of FEISAR Prototype (Speed Lap) scores

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Liverpool, UK

    Default Removal of FEISAR Prototype (Speed Lap) scores

    Afternoon everyone

    I have received multiple messages concerning scores on the Speed Lap Leaderboards from those who have gained top scores using the FEISAR Prototype ship exploit.

    Though the guys here at the studio have fixed the exploit itself, many scores remain in the Top 8 for almost every track and speed class. This is something that many people feel to be unfair as they are unable to beat those times and gain a place in the top 8 - a view shared by us all at studio.

    Instead of removing the scores, we felt it should be put forward to a poll here and set this post as the first of many possible in the future. Depending on it's outcome all FEISAR Prototype scores would be removed or remain on the boards.

    It's a simple yes or no vote but I'd love to get a conversation going and hear why you have chosen to vote in favor or against the removal

    - Nak

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    leungbok - BADTEST


    Cool to see some concern on this issue from the devs
    I personnaly have some top eight scores on various speed laps or time trials using legitly the feisar prototype but i'm for the removal of all the top eight times with that ship (except maybe if possible, the times on A+ class and for slower classes on empire climb and sol where the exploit is useless ). It's annoying but top pilots should be able to equalise their previous records !
    Last edited by leungbok; 28th June 2012 at 03:28 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Liverpool, UK


    Pilots who are good enough to be up there but cannot gain those places (due to unbeatable scores) deserve to be given the opportunity to make it. We didn't want to simply remove all FEISAR Prototype scores from the boards without asking or letting you know, that's why I posted here. It's important to get both sides of the argument before we do anything.
    If this ends in a vote to keep the scores, we'll keep the scores.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Wow I'll lose my time on Metro Park Speed Lap Class B, not sure I will be able to improve it
    All my times are legit, but if we have to choose the same rule for all players, let's go, delete all the record with FEISAR prototype, on all class, in Speed Lap and Time Trial too, on 8 tracks except Sol and Empire Climb of course, because the glitch was useless on this track (with a jump before the finishline, you could't go back).

    I wonder how after the removal, you will be able to reject an old glitched time. Will you delete all our Feisar prototypes times on our memory card with a future update ?
    Because if a player have a glitched time he is not able to improve legitimately, can he appear in the leaderboards with a slower time or he must to improve ? It doesn't concern me but I know there are some good players who try the glitch on a few tracks. They shouldn't update their times but you can understand they did it for some reasons.

    Lastly, I imagine there will be a few people able to delete the updates, start the game with 1.00 version, do some glitched records, and try to update them later. Have you think about that ?

    Whatever happens, thanks for sharing your reflections.
    Last edited by kaori; 28th June 2012 at 04:15 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I'm in, delete them!

    A big thank for asking the community about this topic!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Liverpool, UK


    Leaderboard records are server based so it'd be a case of taking the servers down for a while to remove the scores and putting them back up minus every FEISAR Prototype Lap Time.
    If you have a glitched time or legitimate FEISAR Prototype score we won't need to delete anything from your card. Saved scores won't be re-uploaded by the game, you will have to create new records

    Quote Originally Posted by Temet View Post
    I'm in, delete them!

    A big thank for asking the community about this topic!
    No worries Temet. May this be the first of many
    Last edited by Hellfire_WZ; 28th June 2012 at 05:21 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I`m all for it, just delete them and I will start again.


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