I've send you my times for WipEout 2D, I'll try to improve my 2048 and HD races
I've send you my times for WipEout 2D, I'll try to improve my 2048 and HD races
awww, almost end of the month... Gotta make those times already xd
2048 is done,
half of HD too, wipeout 2D tomorrow !
HD done (and filmed ), only remains W2D.
rusty races on HD... here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nbt2lCARCCc
Last edited by leungbok; 29th January 2013 at 07:03 PM.
Just making sure everyone playing HD is using 2.51 patch, so we all can go really slow . Man it really affects the speed on some tracks more than others
One more day! Get those times in. I still need a few different games from people who have entered some times on only one or two of the games.
Really sorry about this Al but I am going to have to withdraw. I know you've put a lot of hard work in, and I hate pulling out if things, especially at the last minute, but I really don't have a choice. Last night I was accused of putting Wipeout before planning my wedding, which wasn't a nice feeling. So I'll do the Omnium finals, but then I'll be taking a fairly lengthy break from Wipeout. Probably until May.
Sorry again Al. I hope the tournament goes well anyway, I'll be following it with interest.
I wish I ad played more of HD in the past. It appears I don't have a clue on ubermall. I don't get the middle jump the correct way I think, AND I get no BR off the last uphill. Thanks for the times, looking forward to putting everyone's times up.
Times from A+ challenges send. 2048 is really awesome at that speed !
Amphesium Reverse - forfeit
Chenghou Reverse - L1: 23.66 L2: 22.98 L3: 22.95 L4: 23.62 L5: 23.78 Total: 1.56.99 Icaras
Metropia - forfeit
Ubermall - forfeit
WO 2048:
Capital Reach - forfeit
Downtown - forfeit
Rockway Stadium - forfeit
Sol - forfeit
WO 2D:
Last edited by AG-wolf; 1st February 2013 at 12:41 AM.
Thanks to everyone who has entered their times.
Last edited by JABBERJAW; 1st February 2013 at 10:05 PM.
Times and rankings hopefully getting done within 2-3 hours
Ok, the results are up on another thread. Feel free to post on hat thread regarding your results. We are now on the the following games.
Wipeout 1
Wipeout pure
Wipeout 64
These times are due in 6 weeks, but be proactive since the time will go by fast. Lets see even more pilots in this section.
Don't forget to read the rules regarding each of the three games before playing
I would like to get a list of who is participating in each game, just to know who to expect. I will keep this updated as we get people to check in, so maybe something like this.
JABBERJAW: Wipeout 1
Wipeout pure
Wipeout 64
Also, rules for next game:
Wipeout pure. NO VITA, MAX SETTING 266
Wipeout 1. Psn download ok, pal, NTSC, Cfw on psp is acceptable as well
Wipeout 64. NTSC, pal. NO EMULATION
i'll participate for pure.
i'll try also wipeout 1, but i still have to unlock almost everything.
i don't have w64.
I'm aiming to do Pure, 1, and 64. Aiming high
In case I happen to set any more PBs with Puma 1, I want to be double sure that the DLC ships are ok to use (and does that apply for Pulse too? ie. Icaras?)
All ships are acceptable
If cheatcode works on WipEout PSN, in order to unlock all tracks and Rapier, I'll play WipEout 1. WipEout Pure of course I'll be present. I've not WipEout 64.
Do you have wipeout pure on a psp?
i will play wipeout 1 and pure (psp)...