Moderator hi-jack
Apologies for the hijack but we have so many new members coming along (a good thing) that don't yet have access to the Pilot's Lounge that I figured I'd put them all in one place.
If you are a new WipEout HD pilot and want tro introduce yourself then you can:
a) Do so in this thread
b) wait until you have 5 posts under your belt which will then unlock the Pilot's Lounge for you to use for your own personal introduction.
Before even posting, please read and remember the rules, listed over here:
Pleas read Hellfire's FAQ for starting out tips, and watch his new Basics Tutorial video. Use search to find answers to questions. If you don't find them then try the Random Question thread first before making a new post.
Thanks for reading, now back to the intros.
Hey guys I'm Raffaele and I'm a new pilot in Wipeout. I currently use Harimau and used to use Goteki 45 when I first started. I've beaten many elite races and currently just practicing on getting perfect laps. I'm good on all venom tracks and currently playing on flash and sometimes rapier. I got it during the welcome back pacakage and had no idea how great this game is! I literly can not stop playing it! I liked it so much I also picked up pulse to play when I'm not home
Right now my current problems is on some tracks no matter how hard I turn I usually hit a wall. I'm having this problem on some of the more complicated tracks on Rapier.
I love the community here, great friendly people
See you guys on the track my psn is the same as my sn here watchhead11