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Thread: N64 NEGCON can it be done?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Default N64 NEGCON can it be done?

    very close now. The turning was great in my test with that n64 pot in my negcon, and the gas always on., and all buttons are active, just need the right hookup now, meaning the grounds need to go to the right places. On a side note, someone took my memory card at last years wipeout tournament, so I could not test Piranha 2

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Torrington, CT USA
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    If I get a chance, I'll go through my N64 stuff this weekend and see if it came back with me by accident. Does your memory card have any specific mark or label on it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    upstate New York, USA
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    I would love to see this!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    not alot of time on the weekend, but I did get the xccelerator wheel board into a box, with all points soldered and parts glue-gunned down, got wires coming out of the box, so now I just need to finish the important side, then connect. This was difficult, but the second time through I don't think would be so bad, since I would not have to test all of those connections.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    95% success!

    got it wired last night, and it runs great, put in a code to use piranha 2, and that was excellent as well. The controller has a max turn of 45 degrees, so if you have a high sensitivity in XL, this would be just right for you.

    the 5%

    A and B are hitting both functions with a single press of either button.

    fix tonight: separate the button A from the board, and have it hit a microswitch. This is not too difficult

    left brake: which I set as the II button is not working. There must be a loose connection somewhere so I need to figure out that one thing. If I cannot figure it out, I will just add the Z button and use that as left brake.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    Last post here, it is done, it works very well, and feels like xl . I am going to try and use the ultraracer 64 as a base on my next attempt. The ultraracer will allow me to put an analog stick in for pitch control.

    darnit, the button I put to the analog pot is going wacky, not really working (thrust) or half working. I did figure out though that it was not working exactly right before, and if I just turn the pot, it works great (and fast), so I need to make a touch of a modification, maybe put the pot right on the negcon with a turn knob. Anyway, it turns even better than I thought now that the gas is working correctly (sees arnaud and ben drooling)
    Last edited by JABBERJAW; 12th May 2010 at 03:42 AM.

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