Hello friends in speed.
WipEout Pure comes back alive.
Here, you can give rendezvous to play WipEout Pure with other fans.
Please, tell me which game you own (european, american or japan version), and your PSN ID. (posting here or sending me a message)
When you give a rendezvous, please specify on which game and on which adhoc Party you will play, because people who are in japanese adhoc Party aren't the same that are in american adhoc Party. And don't forget to give a time, with your timezone.
When you play, add players in your friendlist or open a chatroom.
Here is the list of Pure players !
AG-wolf AG-Wolf EU NA
alterego alteregorr EU NA
Asayyeah Asayyeah EU NA
Chill VHX1138 EU NA JP
cnmth cnmth EU
gnesta_93 sl0k3_ EU
HunterGreg8 G-Superpilot EU
kanar kanar EU
kaori kaori714 EU NA
Kappeskopp Kappeskopp EU
Luxoflux Luxoflux EU
Mad-Ice Mad-Ice EU NA
Medusa kiTTun EU
MrSmadSmartAlex MrSmadSmartAlex EU
multibodydynamics MrOrbital EU
NightArh NightArh NA
omracer omracer EU
Temet Temet79 EU
Triple Lei triple_lei EU
stin stin_wz EU NA JP
xEik xEik EU
Have fun !