Yes! I finally got Zone Zeus! Now the only two trophies I have left to get are AG Assassin and.... Bling Brigade! I'll be playing like crazy online trying to get these two trophies today. Yes! That WipEout HD Platinum Trophy is as good as mine!
Yes! I finally got Zone Zeus! Now the only two trophies I have left to get are AG Assassin and.... Bling Brigade! I'll be playing like crazy online trying to get these two trophies today. Yes! That WipEout HD Platinum Trophy is as good as mine!
Let me know if you need help with the Bling Brigade trophy. I'll be there, shining!
Gotta work now, but will be online from 7.30 PM to midnight, Swedish time.
Hi Guys, I keep trying to start single race games online as I really want this trophy, but I only ever seem to get uncooperative people online!!
I'm normally on around 8 - 10PM Central time USA.
Add me if you like!
Last edited by BornToBeMild; 16th October 2008 at 06:01 AM.
Still need it, add me when you guys are doing it.
I must give you guys the link to this most excellent thread maintained by SpoolnBad, who is also registered here (Ex7r3m3r), located at the PlayStation Underground Forums.
It is the best chance to obtain the Bling Brigade Trophy
Thx I will give it a try
i still haven't gotten it either.
if we really want to have a good shot at this, we should organize a date and a time and knock it out. is anyone up to do it sometime this weekend? we could decide on a 3/4-hour time window based on the timezones of those involved.
Im in!
When should we do it?
I'm setting up a time on Friday is enough people are around at 6PM EST.
Here's a link to the post that contains the latest info: Bling Brigade
Seems like a lot of people are floating from here to there. I've helped a lot of people get it. If you guys are setting up a time, thats fine, just wanted to give you guys more options. Either post in the thread linked, or send me friend request over PSN and put Bling Brigade in the message, PSN ID is in my profile
And that would be 1am Central Europe Time.
Thanks. I will add you before that if im not drunk tonight. ^_^
Wow, well if you can't make it, I'll be doing an afternoon session like 2-3PM EST so that way it won't be too late for you
Last edited by Lance; 17th October 2008 at 02:55 PM. Reason: Redundant quotation removed. Read the guidelines, please.
Do you talk about today?
I would think so yes
got it, ready, adding up, still fighting for the elite trophy "#"#(€%/"#% AI =)
psn: allstyles
online almost every night, from 2000 til 2400
(My timezone; Holland)
Hello there. I am also desperately struggling to get Bling Brigade as soon as possible. Through other forums I arranged an event yesterday, but got a peak of 7 people.
Today, at around 0:00 GMT+1 time I will be hosting a race (PSN ID> Abry1979).
It will be friends-only, and all my buddy list is comprised of people WITH the skin. Once we get 8 people, we'll be rolling.
If you want to tag along, do add me, please. I stay next to the TV, I don't leave the event unattended, and I check and answer messages and invites constantly. I need Bling Brigade before it becomes impossible to get.
It will be a vector Anulpha pass race, no weapons, friends only.
Thanks in advance!
Last edited by Lance; 21st October 2008 at 08:38 AM. Reason: Redundant quotation eliminated. Read the guidelines, please.
No it won't.
(No Vector anymore.)
Was about to say I'm up for it but then realised you posted this yesterday. You get it done? If not I'm up for it tonight...